The Sound Of Your Voice

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Steve smiled as the picture of Bucky popped up in his phone screen, along with the sound of his ringtone (which was NOT the National Anthem, no matter what Sam said).

He had been wondering how long it would take his friend to learn how to make phone calls.

He eagerly swiped the green icon, answering his friend's call. "Hey, Buck! So you're figuring the phone out all right? "

Bucky had only had the phone for about a week. He had previously told Steve about a few weeks ago that he didn't like being alone while Steve was at work.

Knowing that the other Avengers weren't exactly comfortable working around his friend just yet, Steve compromised.

He got him an iPhone.

Bucky still was wary about using the device, and had only used it a few times to send Steve a few awkward texts when he needed help with something, like why the microwave was burning his lasagna or why people wanted to watch reality television shows about ridiculous people (*cough cough* Kardashians *cough cough), or to play Angry Birds.

Seeing that Bucky had figured out how to make a phone call pleased Steve.

"Steve? " Bucky asked, his voice skeptical. "Is that. . . You? "

Steve repressed a chuckle at his friend's incredulous voice. "Yeah, Buck. It's weird, right? "

"So all I have to do is click on the button? "

"Yep. "

"And then click on your name? "

"Yeah, Buck. "

"And this is real? It's not a recording or anything? "

"I'm real, Buck. "

He could basically hear his friend's grin on the other line. "Wow! So I can just. . . Call you? And we can like, talk? Like you're in the same room as me? "

"We sure can. Bucky. "

"Can I call you again sometime? Like tomorrow when you're at work? " Bucky's voice was becoming giddy Now.

Now Steve laughed out loud. "Sure, Bucky. "

Bucky hummed, clearly pleased. "Well, good. I like to. . . I mean, it's nice to. . . Gah, I like to hear you're voice, Stevie. " He said, now flustered.

Steve blushed, glad that Bucky couldn't see him. "I like to hear yours, too, Buck. "

The two were currently working on re-establishing their relationship, and had just recently decided to take it One step further from friendship.

It was a simple relationship.

No going further than the other wanted to, no rushing into anything.

Just simple, sweet love.

Steve smiled as he said, "How bout I call you on my way back from work? "

"Sounds good, " Bucky said softly.

"Great. I'll call you then. And Buck? "

"Yeah? "

"I've missed ya all day. " Steve said, his voice gentle.

Bucky grinned on the other end of the phone. "I've missed you too, Stevie. "

Steve smiled once again. "I'll talk to you later, Bucky. "

Bucky hummed. "Okay. "

"Okay? I'm gonna hang up Now, do you know how to end the call from your phone?"

"Yes. "

"Ya sure? "

"Yep. Don't worry about me, Captain America. " He said playfully.

Steve chuckled. "Alright, I won't. "

"Steve? "

"Yeah? "

"How do I hang up? "

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