Bucky's Gay (Slightly) Part 2

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"Okay, " Steve said, sitting down on the sofa. "Let's talk. "
He tried to keep his expression neutral, but his heart was beating rapidly and butterflies were erupting within his stomach.

Bucky bit his lip as he said down next to Steve. Taking a deep breath, he asked, "So, you're. . ." he didn't finish.

"Yes. " Steve said, trying to sound as tough as possible.

Bucky just stared at him with his grey eyes, studying him. Steve couldn't read his expression and had no idea what was going on inside his friend's mind.

"How long? " Bucky finally asked, his voice low, his face remaining expressionless .

Steve turned his eyes to the floor, pretending to find the old, worn out carpeting of their apartment suddenly intriguing.
"Since I was seventeen. " he finally answered.

Seventeen. One year after his mother had died, he had found himself hopelessly dependant in Bucky. Steve had never wanted it to be that way, but he just kept getting sick and couldn't maintain a job, so Bucky finally convinced the smaller boy to move in with him.

Steve had admired him for taking him in like that.
He truly was a good friend. Steve found himself mentally praising Bucky, whenever he looked good or got promoted at work, he would mentally think, "That's him. That's my Bucky. "

Until it hit him that he was in love with Bucky.

And Bucky was nowhere close to being his.

Not only was it impossible just because the love was unreturned, but also because it could cost him his head.


He remembered growing up, he and his Ma had a neighbor that would bring men into his house at night.

Then the police started watching him, until one day, the man went missing.

No one ever saw him again, or spoke of him.

The memory brought tears to Steve's baby blue eyes. He put his head down and sniffled. "I'm sorry, Bucky. I tried not to be, honest, I just couldn't get myself to-"

"Don't you dare apologize. " Bucky interrupted suddenly, his voice Now deeper and with a hint of anger. He leaned closer to Steve. "All those years I took care of you, didn't try to make you pay rent or anything, Steve. You're the skinniest, most sickly boy there is, and I took you under my wing. " He stood up and began pacing. "And you think I went through all of it because I thought of you as my friend? "

Steve's heart broke in that moment. This was it. Bucky would never speak to him again after this. He stood up and began to the tug his coat up around his shoulders. "I'll leave now, Buck. " he said in a small voice, tears still running down his face.

He began to walk towards the door when Bucky grabbed the skinnier boy by the arm and jerked lightly on it.

Steve let out a yelp and Bucky pulled him back into the living room. "No, you're not going anywhere. " he growled. "If you honestly think that I thought of you as my friend for all those years, you're an idiot. " he said.

Steve looked down once again, now full on sobbing. "I said I'm sorry, Buck. I'll leave and never bother you again, I promise. "

Bucky placed his hand underneath Steve's chin and tilted his head up so their eyes met.

It took Steve by surprise, and he tried to jerk his head away. However, Bucky's grip was stronger.

"Knock it off, Stevie. " he said, his voice now soft. He wiped the other man's tears gently with his thumb. "You think I don't love you? "

The other man's jaw went slack as he tried to register what his friend had just said. "W-what? You just said that I'm. . . That I'm not your friend. That y-you never thought of me as a friend. "

Bucky smiled shyly as he shook his head. 'I don't. I've always thought of you as more. " He leaned in and lightly placed his lips on the blonde's. He placed a soft, sweet kiss on the other man's lips, then pulled away and looked back into his eyes. "Dammit, I love you, Stevie. "

Steve continued to stand there, dumbfounded by everything that was going on. "You do? " he whispered.

Bucky just smiled. "Course I do. "

"S-so you're. .. You're like me? "

He laughed. "You mean gay? "

Steve nodded slightly.

"Not completely gay. Just slightly. " He chuckled and placed a kiss on Steve's cheek and whispered in his ear, "Only for you. "

Steve stood up on his tip toes and wrapped his arms around Bucky's neck and leaned up to kiss him. "Only for you, too, Buck. " He kissed him again.

"Only for you. "

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