Wedding Bells

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Steve inhaled deeply as he studied his reflection in the mirror. Not bad, he thought to himself.

His hair was neatly combed to the side, and he wore a dark blue suit with a red tie. Natasha and had teased him for looking too patriotic, but he thought that Bucky would like it.

He paced the small room as he waited for his future husband to arrive so they could see each other before the ceremony started.

"Don't you wanna wait til I walk down the aisle, Buck? " Steve had asked when they were planning their wedding.

Buck had grinned and shook his head. "Nah, I don't think I can wait that long. I want to see you before the wedding. "

A knock on the door shook Steve from his thoughts. He hurriedly went and opened it.

There stood Bucky in his suit.

His was a black tuxedo that fit him well, with a skinny silver tie. His hair was swept back into a small pony tail at the nape of his neck.

Bucky grinned as he entered the room, closing the door behind him with a small click. "You look beautiful, Stevie." he said quietly.

The blonde blushed as he wrapped his arms around Bucky's waist and embraced him, nestling his head into the other man's neck.

"I'm nervous, Buck. " Steve sighed.

Bucky wrapped his flesh arm around Steve's waist as he ran the fingers of his metal one through Steve's hair softly. "Don't be, baby. You'll be wonderful. " He let go of Steve's waist and placed both of his hands on Steve's shoulders, and leaned in to kiss him.

Their lips met softly as Bucky caressed Steve's face.

"You look good too, Buck. " Steve said as he again inspected his fiance in awe.

Bucky grinned. "I hope you know that you're the only man I will ever get this fixed up for. " He chuckled. "Natasha must have messed with my hair for an hour. "

Steve laughed as he pictured an unwilling Bucky sitting on a stool while Natasha picked at his long, dark hair.

A knock sounded so the door. Tony Stark's head peaked through.
"Sorry to step on the moment, love birds, but Mister Barnes is needed at the alter. Like now. Chop chop, you'll see your bride when he walks down the aisle. "

Steve blushed deeply. "I'm not a bride! "

Tony scoffed. "My apologies. Now Barnes, get up there. Now. "

Bucky laughed. "Well Stevie, I guess that's my cue. " He leaned into one last kiss before they became Mr. And Mr. Rogers.

Steve placed his hands around the other man's neck as the two leaned together, their lips meeting for the last time before they became a married couple.

Bucky winked at him quickly as he stepped out the door. "Oh,  one more thing,  Stevie. " he said,  peaking his head back through the door.

"What? "

Bucky smiled devilishly as he said,  " You're the prettiest bride a man could ever wish for. "

Steve blushed deep red as Bucky chuckled and walked away from his future spouse.

Steve shook his head but smiled as he prepared to walk down the aisle. He had wanted this day since he was sixteen.

He took a deep breath as he prepared to be wed to the one and only Bucky Barnes.

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