Chapter 37

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Author's Notes: I asked, you voted, you decided! It's official! You guys decided on sequel, you'll get a sequel! Just, as I warned you before, Rachel and Adam's Road to a Happily Ever After will be excruciatingly long and painful. Well, not that bad, I'm exaggerating. But it won't be all lovey-dovey any time soon; I know, it hurts me, too! I want Rachel and Adam to be together already just as much as you do. I created them, after all! But, in the long run, it'll all turn out okay! ~~Alex

First Place: "WTF? I practically NAME the CHILD and then you kill him?!?!?!?! But he's my little Pattie, he can't be dead. :( Oh yay, Ricky died! But still... WTF? Patrick can't be deeeeeeeeeeead. If he really is dead, I will eternally hate you. Well... Not really. But you get what I'm saying. RESSURECT (is that how you spell it?) PATRICK!!!" -surahh

Second Place: "Oh... not as gruesome a death as I planned for Ricky *insert pouty face here* I actually planned for him to get shot in the head 5 times, 7 times in the torso, once in the leg, another time in the head, stabbed in the chest about 4 1/2 times, kicked, punched, run over by a car twice, put in a garbage bag secured with duct tape, left in the ocean for 5 weeks, taken out, and stuck through a woodchipper and fed to my mutated tiger named Killer. Oh, and I don't believe Patrick actually died. I personally believe he was kidnapped by Ricky and left in an orphanage, and the doctors were either friend's of Ricky's and agreed to announce him stillborn, or they were paid to. One day Patrick will find his mom and they will live Happily Ever After after Adam comes and sweeps her off her feet and it'll be just like those movies my boyfriend hates so much.... You know the ones where I always cry." -longtime321

Third Place: "*stares at screen blankly*  

*one eye starts twitching*  

well................that was...........ummmmmm................................  

U KILLED THE BBY..... WTF IS WRONG WIT U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND THATS HOW U HAVE BEEN PLANING TO KILL RICKY??????!!!!!!................................. LOL" -brittni27


I slept through my birthday. Again. I know what you're going to say. But the truth is, I'm not sure how I managed to do that twice. Oh, that's right. All of my past birthdays I've had either Adam or Kia there, and they made sure I was up and at it by eight a.m. on my birthdays.

It's February 14 today. Couldn't I have slept through Valentines Day? I mean, is this meant to torture me or what? I can't face Adam now. I mean, how could I? Not only did I get pregnant and didn't inform him, but the baby died and he doesn't have a clue there ever was a baby in the first place. He can never know of Patrick. After all, ignorance is bliss. What he doesn't know can't hurt him.

I want to tell him, I really do. It's just... I couldn't bear to see his heartbroken face when I told him that he was a father, and... just as soon he wasn't.

How could I face him after all that's happened?

I couldn't. I wouldn't even be able to talk, much less look him in the eyes and talk... his beautiful, light blue eyes...

So, that's it. That sucks. I find true love, and life jerks him away from me.

Why has my life been so damned? What did I ever do that was so horrific I would deserve this?

Yes, I'll admit it, I stole that cookie from Lizzie in first grade and I lied about it, but that wasn't so bad, was it?

I mean, she didn't need that cookie! She wouldn't have enjoyed it as much as I did! That couldn't be it! I know I'm not perfect; I'm not even close to it, actually. But I don't think I ever did anything so bad as to deserve all of this that's happened to me.

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