The Hunters and The Hunted

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Mitch's POV

I was crouched in a tree surrounded by a team of four in full iron armor. 'Is that even legal?' I wondered as I examined their weapons. Two diamond swords, one iron and one bow. I'm so fucked.

"No, Please! I'll do anything! Stop!" Some poor guy was being chased by the team, that's what the idiot gets for standing out in the open like that. I shrugged and was about to jump out of my tree when I heard a cannon.

HEARTFELZ28 WAS SLAIN BY PAINAGING5327 WITH A DIAMOND SWORD. Shit. I am SO screwed over! There are only six people left and I only have a lingerie helmet and pants with my boobplate being leather and my boots being iron. Wouldn't be terrible except I never got a chance to grab a weapon or food, I've been trapped here for nearly the entire game. Talk about sucking.

TEN MINUTES UNTIL FINAL DEATHMATCH! Fuuuuuuckk. I quickly searched through my inventory to try and find something useful. Rotten meat, a fishing pole, sticks, a boat, a wooden sword and two arrows. I'm as good as dead. My stomach growled a little bit. 'SHUT UP! YOU'LL GIVE US AWAY!' It protested a little more loudly. I distastefully chewed on the rotten meat until I felt sick. I can NOT give up my position now! Laughing drifted up to me. I looked down. The team was beginning to walk away! YEAHHH BUDDY! Underdog comeback time! I jumped down, still a little stiff from crouching in the tree. I quickly tucked and rolled as I hit the ground. Skilllz. Without thinking I started sprinting towards a house I saw in the distance. Almost instantly all energy faded away. IDIOT! But those loots...I trudged up a hill to the house. After walking in I collapsed on a chair and examined the room I was in. Are. You. Fuckin. Kidding. Me. There were no chests to be found. When I felt like I had regained my breath (I need to exercise more...) I climbed the stairs and lo and behold a chest! YESS! I cautiously opened it and gaped at all the loot: An iron sword, iron chest plate, a bow and food for days! I quickly strapped myself into the armor and put the bow on my back and the food in my pocket. Almost lovingly I picked up the sword and did a few practice slashes. 'Lookin good.' I thought as I left the house munching on a couple carrots. I walked through the woods almost carelessly, breaking almost every single twig my feet could find. Suddenly, I reached a steep drop. Huh screw that noise. It was a clear 35 block cliff at least. I was about to just turn around and move on when I heard multiple footsteps heading my direction accompanied by shouts of success. SHITSHITSHITSHIT they found me! Where the hell am I going to go?!

Jerome's POV

What the hell am I supposed to do? Let that team get that dude and run the risk of being discovered? Huh, no way. Not after last time at least. I guess that I almost feel bad for him, I mean look at his face! Sigh...forever alone...

"Pst!" I whispered down to him. No reaction. "PST!" I said a little louder. Nothing. Dammit he's deaf. "PST RETARD PST!" His head shot up to look at me, well my tree. Hehheh I'm like a ninja in the trees. Expertly I swung on my branch to get his attention. When I mean expertly I mean expertly. I got all them skills.

"WHERE THE HELL IS HE?! I SAW HIM A SECOND AGO!" Crap. The team was rushing towards the cliff where the guy was standing, paralyzed. That guy is such a jag...he looked up at me where I was still swinging leisurely. 'Help me.' His face read. I rolled my eyes and silently climbed down the tree. Branches were snapping in the distance, getting closer with each passing second. I gave the guy a mischievous grin and threw him over my shoulder, it would be easier and faster if we did it this way. Unfortunately it caused him to let out a yelp of surprise, attracting the attention of the group. Desperately I scrambled up the tree until we were near the top. The guy had his eyes tightly shut as was clinging to the trunk. Must not be a fan of heights.

"WHERE DID HE GO?! FIND HIM! SEARCH THE TREES!" Must be the leader... he did have a diamond sword and was the only one with a diamond piece of armor. Then it hit me...they were checking the trees. I inspected my new tree buddy. He was wearing all iron armor except for his leggings. Great. Gonna take a while to take off the armor and he seems to be new around tree climbing. Also there were those assholes on the ground below us who would definitely hear the clinking of the metal armor. Quickly I wrapped my arms around his and pressed up against his body, checking to make sure that I was completely blocking the view of the armor from the ground. This was freaking awkward. His breath was sharp and fast, at this rate he was going to pass out. I quietly whispered into his ear,

"Don't worry dude I'm not trying to rape ya. It's called camouflage." He gave a breathy sigh of relief.

ONE MINUTE UNTIL FINAL DEATHMATCH! I heard the guy curse under his breath and tense up. Almost instinctively I stroked his hand. Totally not awkward at all. Whatever, it calmed him down a bit. I felt myself get torn from the tree and the guy as I was teleported to the Deathmatch arena. I couldn't help but smirk. It's go time.

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