Chapter 4

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          After passing out on the floor, due to a drug induced seizure, I had the feeling that something wasnt quite right. I felt extreme hot and cold, pain and pleasure, and fear and happiness. I had muscule cramps,and burning in all exteremities. My skin felt stretched tight, as if I had grown several inches. What was happening to me?

          I began to surface back to reality, and felt several needle pricks in my lower back. I awoke to find l was strapped on my stomach to a table in a room that was very similar to the one Meda ambushed us in.  To my left, Sage was sitting up, but with a short chain around his ankle. "What happened to us Cassi? What are we now, cause l feel different." 

     I stuttered out, "Wh-wh-where are we Sage? Is this the same room?" Sage got a dark look on his face and said " No, they moved us while you were still out cold. Apparently, we were out for 3 days, and there not done with us yet."

          Just then, who walked through the door? Thats right, Meda. She giggles and purrs, "Good,your awake. I warned you, didn't I, that you would hate the Board at some point, hmmm?  Just wait, love, This is Stage 1, your 1/3 of the way finishes Acclimating! Now don't you feel privleged...."

           I tried to stand, but my wrist restraints kept me pinned. " Let me up Meda. I want an explaination." She grinns.

      " As you wish Cass." She presses a panel on the wall, and I lunge up to a sitting position. I look at my calves, to see needle marks, everywhere. My arms appear the same, and Sage is covered to. "What are you doing to us?" Sage demands.

          Meda smiles, and says," Come to the orientation room, and all will be clear."  She calls out the door, and two men pushing wheelchairs walk in.

    "It's dangerous for you to have any strain on your body during Stage 1. Sit down, and we will escort you to the Orientation.", the burlier guy grunts out at us. He always reminded me of a rhino, it must of been his giant nose.

      Sage and I glance at each other, but out of our sheer desire to know what was going on, we complied. After a good 15 minutes of walking, well,wheeling, we came upon a large door. Mr Rhino entered a passcode, and a thumbscan, and we entered a room with a portscreen and, to my suprise, Elle.

         "Suprised, little sis?I'm your Transcriptor, and you gotta listen to me now." she practically screams at me.

    She looks changed as well. A formal attire and perfect shoes can't hide the shimmer of instability in her eyes, and her once sleek hair is now disheveled and messy. She looks rough.

     The port screen lights up, with a single word, Order. Elle pipes up with" Acclimation is all about order. We keep peace, both internal, and external. Few have been selected for Acclimation, but those who have should feel honored. Out of our City, only 3 have begun Acclimation."

      Hold the phone, 3? I thought me and Sage were the only others.... Who else is there? It could be anyone, because nobody pays attention to who gets what job, and nobody tells anyone what job the were Assigned, because they are too excited.

         Elle carries on, "Acclimation is a recently new idea, of transforming the human form into the ideal weapon. As l speak, you bodies are already undergoing a series of changes. Your bones hardening, your skin becoming more durable, your physical features perfecting, and your minds are being honed to capibilities never before experienced. You will become the Society's prized possesion, travel to other Cities, and deal with other security issues."

        Wait, what! Ok, I'm panicing now. We're becoming something else? Ideal weapons? What in the name of the Society does that mean? Sage and I are now the Society's guard dogs, mutant guard dogs, to do what ever they say?

     Sage stands up,shouting, "What are you talking about? What are all these shots for, What is Stage 1, and who is the 3rd canidate? And Elle, whats wrong with you? Your not the girl l loved, your differentl now!"

         Elle hisses, " Sage, you and l are different now, and the Pairing has been called off. Sorry, hon, but you have more important things going on right now. Plus, you had no appeal for me any way." She laughs, and continues,

     " The shots are enzymes, hormones, and cellular adaptors made to begin the acclimation. Stage 1 is just the shots, the emotional seesaws, and the seizures. That is your old body dying to accomodate the new Acclimated form. By the end of the week, you will be an ideal weapon. You will be stronger, faster, taller, and have the most amazing mental abilities. The mental part manifests differently in each canidate, so good luck with whatever talent you may possess. That is all for now. May the Society prosper under you watch, Acclimates."

         We are wheeled out of the room and into our lab room agian. Meda waits for us with a smile,      " Do you understand now, darlings? I am the first sucessful Acclimate, and l must say, the benefits are worth the Stages. Stage 2 will commence in 6 hours, and be warned, it is the most painful. But, your abilites begin manifesting soon after, and the physical chang will occur in Stage 3. Did you think l was always this beautiful? It comes with the Acclimation, along with a long life, insane abilities, strength, speed, and limitless intellegence. The warfare part isnt to horrible either, as long as you pay attention in Training. Enjoy your time before Stage 2, because after then you wont feel so nice and happy. Until later my sweets."

         I notice for the first time, how beautiful Meda is. long black hair, shimmering unnatural silver eyes, voluptious body, thin yet muscled. She is the ideal woman, graceful, yet powerful. She looks at me, as if reading my thoughts, and laughs.

            Meda flips off the table, landing perfecty on her feet and dances out of the room. Sage and l sit down and consider out futures. Sage says," Well we do look taller already, and what did you feel during your drug induced nap?'' I tell him about the sensations, the burning, the cramps, and the emotions. He experienced the same.

        We sit in near silence, for most of our 6 hours, until the doors snap open, and Meda chirps           " Are you ready for Stage 2? Sage and I look at each other, fear and our eyes, and we prepare to face the worst.

     As we exit the room, we are strapped on gurneys,"for our own safety", as if we believe that. Another syring full of sedative, and i welcome the retreat of floating in a cloud of silence, until Stage 2 wakes me, screaming, back to the surface.

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