Chapter 21

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I slide on my boots, my favorite possession here, and make my way towards the armory. The door looks like a smaller version of the door to the city, and i have to scan my palm on a screen to enter. Everyone is waiting for me, arranged around the table in clusters. The twins perch on the edge of the table closest to me, dressed in tight fitting black shirts and black running pants. They catch sight of me, and nod approval.

"I told you she'd find them." Torro says as he smiles. "We picked all of that out just for you."

Tarru snorts. " Yeah, and you spent forever trying to find that light armor. She'll never need it."

"Yeah, why do I need armor? Do you all have it too?" I ask the room. 

From his chair adjacent to the twins, Sage pipes in. "No, but I think Torro was just being protective. Cilla particularly hates you, Cassi, so I can understand why he'd think of it."

Great, I'm being coddled. "I'm fine guys, really. You didn't have to give me some fancy armor."

Ava appears from nowhere. "Oh hush. Just be grateful you have it. That's the newest armor the Cities have invented. Good tool to have." Maybe she was under the table, now I think about it..

Orion and Ivan sit together on the far side of the room, engaged with a map on the port. I walk around to them, and notice they are looking at the maze of tunnels leading to the surface. Orion notices me first.

"Well, hello there." He says as he kisses my hand tenderly. I shiver slightly as his lips brush one of the fast-fading scars. "Everything all clear?"

I blink rapidly for a second. "Um, yeah. I'm fine." I turn to Ivan in a slight daze.

He smiles at me and my head clears up. "I'd hope you were better than fine. First mission, Acclimated fully, and, oh, you know what else." The last part of that was murmered in my ear, and his lips graze the lobe.

I smile and move so I can lean back against him and feel his arms around my waist.  I'm ok with this, but one thought hazes my mind. "By the way, am I ever going to get an explanation of my newest Acclimation?"

At the exact moment I say this, Jan slides open the door to the armory and takes his place at the head of the table. "Good to see you up and about Cass. Are you all in order?"

I roll my eyes a little. "I'm fine, just curious. Can I know my Accclimatory results now?"

Jan smiles. "Yah, I was getting to that. Sage, Ava, Cass, your results, as expected, are all varied. You went through simulations that only you know exactly about, and somwhere in your brain a response was triggered, producing a skill that is unique. Sage, your result came up to be an Illusionary skill. Do you know specifics?"

Sage nodds, and Jan inquires, "Will you demonstrate?"

Sage stands and moves towards a wall that appears to be hewn from the natural wall of the caves Terrasae is entombed in. He turns to face us, smiles, and then fades from sight. We all gasp, and laugh. He isn't totally invisible, but he blends so well you'd have to know where he was to even detect his outline. He peels the comoflage back from his mouth, and we see his toothy grin floating mid air.

He reappears, and Jan nodds approval. "That could be very practical, and usefull in scouting missions. Ava, would you care to go next? I'm reading that your skill is a Psychiactric in nature."

She looks down, hiding her massive grin. "I need a volunteer."

Jan calls in a man in a military uniform from the hall, and he snaps to a smart salute. Jan directs him to stand need Ava, and she looks in his eyes, placing a hand on his wrist.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2013 ⏰

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