Chapter 1

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I’ve gotten many requests asking to continue the Emma Potter series. Unfortunately that series will not go into the future any longer. But I never said it wouldn’t go into the past :)

I love all of you for supporting this series this far. Your comments have made me laugh, made me cry, and made me smile. I try to imagine what would happen if I never wrote this series, sometimes I even regret writing them and I think about taking them down. Then I realize that one bad comment shouldn’t ruin the book for everyone else. I now wish that I would have wrote on Wattpad sooner.

Enough with this mushy boring stuff, on to the story :D

AS ALWAYS THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING ;D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<33333333333


“No Emma,” Draco says sternly.

I roll my eyes and I push myself out of bed. “You’re being a dick right now,”

I hear Draco sigh as I walk up to my desk and flip open my potions book.

“Emma, don’t be stubborn-”

“I’m not stubborn,” I snap sharply.

All of the sudden I hear Brooklyn’s cry from her and Scorpius’ room. I look at Draco, he has his eyes squeezed shut and his fists clenched. I grit my teeth, before I stand up from my desk.

I walk out of our room and across the hallway to the nursery room. Grabbing Brook out of her crib and kissing her forehead. Her sobs cease.

“It’s alright. Nothings going to hurt you,” I coo. I’m so relieved I can now say that with confidence.

“We promise,” Draco’s voice comes from behind me.

I turn around and he is leaning against the door frame, I’m sorry Em.”

A smile spreads across my lips, “I’m glad you agree that we should wait to get married until after I’m done with school. Thank you.”

Draco grins and walks up to me. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses Brooklyn’s forehead.

She smiles in response.

“I love you,” Draco says to me.

“I know,” I respond.

Draco rolls his eyes as I smirk.


“What was our homework from last night?”

I look up from my book to see one of my new friends, Trisha Mclean, standing in front of me.

“Uh...” I say.

“You didn’t do it either?” Trisha asks hopefully.

“No. I got into a fight with Draco last night, and after that I didn’t feel much like doing it.”

“Oh thank God,” Trisha says in her full out American accent.

Yes, she’s from the American wizarding school, Salem Witches' Institute.

“You’re so funny,” I say shaking my head and laughing.

“Ugh it’s so different over here it’s not my fault!”

“Are you still coming over for dinner tonight?” I ask her.

“Meeting the family? Wouldn’t miss it for the world!” Trisha exclaims as she takes her seat next to mine.

The Missing Piece... What About Us? (Emma Potter SpinOff)Where stories live. Discover now