Danger over Serenity

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   Their feet pounded against the pink polka dot floor, as multiple traps attacked them. Bursts of fire would go off if you stepped on the white space of the ground in certain areas. Further down the hallway if you stepped on the dots then spikes would shoot up from ground and ceiling, stabbing whatever was on the dot. Fade and the brothers had no choice, but to progress down the hallway slowly due to the traps. However, time was not on their side. For the clock had gone from fifteen minutes to eight.

Upon reaching the eight minute mark, the pink dots on the ground started to move. Faceless creatures emerged from the ground, walls and ceiling. They had the appearance of person covered in a pink body suit. However, they crawled on all fours and their bodies contorted in ways not possible. Moreover, an acidic substance leaked from their bodies. Seeing the creatures, the brothers unsheathed the sabers, ready for attack.

"This is ridiculous, they're blocking our path. Child, do you know some way to get around them?" Heart asked.

"No, we just have to plow our way through them and run for the end of the hallway. Surely you noticed that we don't have time to fight all of them".

"Of course I noticed that" the blue-haired male responded.

"Then let's move".

"Please tell me you have some way of fighting too" Diamond added.

Fade nodded in response. Not a second later, she conjured up a blade coated in fire. With weapons in their hands, the three cut and sliced through the creatures. In doing so, blood painted the white walls while acid ate through parts of the hall. However, there was no end to the creatures. They kept coming out of the walls, ceiling and floor. Though, the end of the hallway was in sight.

They had almost reached it when one of the creatures jumped Heart. The two of them collided to the floor, as other creatures slowly made their way up to them. Diamond halted his movement only to run over to his brother to aid him. Stabbing the creature in the heart, Diamond pulled the creature's body off his brother. Acid ate at Heart's jacket, making him quickly pull it off. Fade had run ahead in order to reach the end of the hallway in time.

She had managed to make it and was currently waiting anxiously for the brothers. There was one minute left on the clock. As the seconds ticked by, the brothers approached the door at the end of the hallway. Before they could reach the door, one of the creatures had pinned Fade against the wall. Acid ate away at her dress sleeves and was about to reach her skin. With the fiery blade still in her hand, she managed to stab it into the creature's stomach. With the creature off of her, she tore her sleeves off her dress.

Ten seconds were left on the clock and the brothers had just made it to the door. The three of them hurriedly opened the door and shut it behind them. A huge explosion sounded in the hallway, which they had just exited. Up ahead of them laid a glowing orange door. Hesitantly, they neared the door. Fade rested her hand on the door knob, turning it slowly. When the door opened, they gazed down upon the amusement park. However, a glass path stretched out before them. It led across the amusement park, heading directly for the sunhat girl's castle.

"There's no need to be afraid. I promised I'd let you see your plaything and you won my little game. Thus please proceed ahead on the path I have given you" called the sunhat girl from the other end of the walkway.

The sunhat girl smiled her wicked smile before turning on her heel and disappearing. Fade was the first one to step out onto the path, for if it was a trap, she could always hover in the air, preventing a fatal fall. However, when her feet hit the glass walkway, nothing happened; it remained quite solid. When she found the path safe, she once again returned to hovering. The brothers walked onto the path after her, deciding that the path was indeed safe to walk upon. Thus they made their way across the glass walkway, as white and pink lights sparkled below them. A blue crescent moon shined above them, which further illuminated the amusement park.

Heels clicked against the glass, as the brothers followed Fade down the path. The air grew cold and a dark atmosphere took over the park. Heart's white shirt and red tie barely kept him warm against the chill air. Diamond tapped his long painted nails against the sheath of the saber, as concern washed over him. Fade wrapped her cloak around her, as her bare feet hovered over the glass surface.

Soon a blue door came into view. Reaching the door, Heart turned the knob, revealing a well polished throne room. Golden tiled floor sparkled under the bright light of an orange crystal chandelier. There were no windows in the room, yet orange velvet drapes hung all around the circular room. Golden stairs led up to an elaborate gold throne chair, which had orange velvet cushions on it. Upon the chair sat the sunhat girl. Her golden hair shined brightly under her sunhat. Brown eyes shined in delight, as a wicked grin lay on her face. An orange dress graced her form. She giggled in joy when she saw the brothers angered expressions, for the brothers currently had their gaze on two other people in the room.

A man with long bleached blonde hair and yellow eyes held your sleeping form in his arms. Your head rested against his shoulder, as your chest fell and rose peacefully. The cloak that was wrapped around your shoulders was used as a blanket. You slept serenely while the man stroked your (h/c) hair. This sight sent the brothers into a rage of fury.

"Release her immediately, or do I have to cut off your arms" Heart stated, as an insane smile played at his lips.

"I suggest you comply with my brother's demand. I show no mercy to those who touch what's mine" Diamond said, as his gaze darkened, filled with the intent to kill.

The man holding you merely disregarded the brothers and turned to his mistress. She smiled at him and nodded her head. A grin became painted on the man's face, as he set your body against the sunhat girl's chair. He lifted your chin up with his left fingers, bringing his face closer to yours. Without a moment's hesitation, the brothers charged at him. Dodging their attack, the man jumped to the other side of the room, landing on his two feet perfectly. However, the brothers were now standing next to your sleeping form. Though, when Heart reached out to you, his hand was repelled by an invisible wall. The sunhat girl let out an insane giggle.

"Do you think I would let you obtain your plaything so easily? She's mine now. Besides you two shouldn't ignore my servant Skull. You should worry about him at the moment".

Both brothers soon saw the man darting towards them. They almost didn't dodge the attack, as a scythe swept across the air where they were previously standing. As the brothers fought with Skull, insanity shined in their eyes. They only wanted to get you back and they wouldn't let the sunhat girl's servant stand in their way. He would die, as his blood painted the walls of golden room.

While the brothers fought, Fade stared at her sister. Her cold eyes met her sister's insane ones.

"I never thought you would visit me Fade. Have you finally decided to kill me? I spared you the first time you attempted such a thing. I was gracious enough to keep you alive and only take away half of your magic capabilities. Now you come to face me in state less than half of what you were originally".

"I refuse to let you escape to ____'s world where you can ruin the lives of more people. They're not yours to control Chroma. There will be no sacrifice today!".

The sunhat girl's eyes narrowed and all humor left her face. She hadn't heard her real name said in ages and it disturbed her greatly. A sickening grin plastered itself to her face, as she got out of her chair. Fade prepared herself for battle, as her sister descended the steps from her throne. When the second battle in the room took place, you still lay in slumber.

Back to you:

You watched the clouds roll by, as a yellow butterfly flew around your face before landing on your nose. Your (e/c) eyes examined it curiously while the bear laid out a picnic blanket for the two of you. Soon the blanket was laid out while tea and cookies rested on top of it. Sitting up, you went over to the blanket and sat down next to the bear. However, before you could put one of the jelly filled cookies in your mouth, you saw two figures playing on the other side of the stream. Two kids your age were playing with wooden swords. One had blue hair with green highlights and the other had red hair with pink and yellow highlights. Both wore no shoes and had simple clothes on. Tan peasant shirts rested on their shoulders while brown baggy shorts covered their legs.

"Who are they?" you asked the bear sitting next to you.

"It does not matter. They do not concern you. Let's just enjoy this picnic".

"But they seem so familiar. I want to share some food with them" you said, standing up.

Your small hands reached for the plate of jelly filled cookies, but the bear stopped you.

"They're dangerous young miss, please stay here. Remember what I told you about the rose".

"I don't care. I want to talk to them. Mr. Bear do not stop me" you stated in your childish voice.

Pulling away from the bear, you took up the plate of cookies and went towards the stream, intending to cross it. However, the bear stopped you and knocked the plate of cookies from your hands.

"I can't let you go near them. You will stay here young miss" he stated, as the flowers on his face began to fall.

"Mr. Bear I told you not to stop me and now you ruined the cookies. You're being rather mean right now. You can always cross the stream with me and greet them to".

"No, they're dangerous and I will not let them win".

More flowers fell from his face; only a few remained.

"What do you mean by 'win'? Are you in some contest with them? Tell me Mr. Bear".

"I told you they do not matter. I will not let you escape".

The last flowers fell, revealing a face of rot. In parts of the bear's face bone showed while rotten flesh clung to the bone. There was no eye in the socket, only the remnants of dead flesh. You backed away from the bear. Fear took over you small body and you darted into the stream's water. The bear chased after you, and grabbed onto your legs. This made you fall and land in the water. Water soaked you, as you fought against the bear. You somehow managed to throw the bear off you. With the bear off of you, you darted for the two boys playing. Taking a quick glance behind you, you saw the bear crumble into a pile of bones and rot.

As the bear crumbled, you threw the crown from your head, leaving the tainted object to rot with the bear.  

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