Purple Resting

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   Heart walked into the room, the one side of his face still covered in bandages, but his wound was no longer bleeding. No mask was on his face, just the bandages. There was no hat on his head either and his blue hair with green highlights fell smoothly, framing his face.

"So has all our plaything's wounds been tended to?" the blue-headed twin asked.

"No, the salve for her mid-section is still left" Diamond replied.

Glancing over at you, Heart noticed you're still embarrassed face. Your (e/c) eyes caught his blue ones, as you tried to make the color in your cheeks go away. Walking up to you, Heart eyed the salve, picking the jar up in his hands. Not a second later he reached for your shirt, but you grabbed his right wrist with your left hand.

"What do you think you're doing?" you questioned, stopping him before he did something that would make you even more embarrassed.

"You're torso needs to be tended to, my dear lady" he said with a smirk plastered on his face.

Snatching the jar out of Heart's hand, you went to get off the bed, but only found yourself in Heart's arms. Cursing, you once again forgot about your twisted ankles. Heart set you down in the chair that Diamond had abandoned and began pushing you towards the bathroom. Opening the bathroom door, Heart put the chair and you in the tiled room. He smirked at you before closing the door. Sitting in the bathroom, you were greeted by a red tiled bathroom while the shower had black shower curtains. The towels had the usual red and black checkered pattern while a golden mirror hung over the black granite sink.

Unscrewing the lid on the jar, you lifted up the blouse and vest, which you had, and began rubbing the salve on your skin. You could hear the brothers chatting outside the door. However, they were whispering to each other, so you could not hear their conversation. They were most likely discussing what to do after you got out of the bathroom, which probably meant another game. Sighing, you set the salve down on the sink and reluctantly opened the door back into Diamond's room. Right as you rested the palm of your left hand on the doorknob, you could already feel the salve soothing your torso. Opening the door, you saw Heart leaning against the bedpost while Diamond sat at the chess table.

"So what now?" you asked, still sitting in the chair.

"We've decided on what to do for the next few days, Miss ____".

You waited for Diamond to continue, looking at your feet, since you couldn't meet his gaze at the moment.

"We're going to remain at this castle for the next two days and rest" he finished.

At first you thought your ears had deceived you. Did he just say rest for two whole days? That couldn't be possible, the brothers always had some weird game up their sleeves. Your mouth just hung open in shock.

"Something's up" you stated, glancing between the two of them.

"My dear lady even we need rest. Normally not two days worth, but we need our own injuries to recover. If you haven't noticed, I have quite a large slash mark on my face no thanks to you. My brother on the other hand has multiple cuts across his arms and sustained some heavy hits back at the carnival. Besides shouldn't you be happy about this. These two days give you the ability to relax and recover yourself".

Relaxing did sound nice, but you couldn't help but think that they had other plans in store for you. However, at the moment you dropped your suspicions, as you realized how tired you were.

"I guess you're right. Can I just be shown where I'll be sleeping then?".

"I can help you with that one" said a pixie that now flew excitedly in front of your face.

Woodlily hovered in front of you, her wings beating fast at her back. Her green eyes gleamed while her mouth turned up in a grin, showcasing her sharp teeth.

"Well come on, come on. There's food to be had after I bring you to your room".

Of course there was food involved. All Woodlily ever seemed to think about was food. Woodlily flew behind your chair and picked both the chair and you up. Thus Woodlily took you out of the room, leaving the two brothers behind.

Brother's Perspective:

The door shut and Heart joined his brother at the chess table, summoning another chair. He picked up one of the kings and began idly knocking over the other chess pieces on the board. Diamond grabbed his brother's hand before he could knock over anymore pieces.

"How's your wound doing Heart? I know its worse than your letting on".

"Yeah, our plaything got me pretty good. I managed to stop the bleeding, but it will take more than a few days to heal. You know how one of those spade daggers works. It leaves a nauseating pain in its victim. Luckily I was able to stop the nauseating effect, but the pain is still present. The pain won't stop until the wound is fully healed, but I can keep the pain in check, so that it's not too overwhelming. What about you, I know that one of the carnival monsters hit you in the chest pretty hard".

"Indeed, I can feel the bruise forming. However, that's not the worst of it. The one that attacked me happened to be one of the acidic ones. It managed to get acid under my coat and now I have several burns across my chest, which as you know will not heal for a month".

Diamond lifted up his bow, which was tied around his neck, revealing a ruined coat, shirt and multiple burn marks on his skin. He dropped the bow back down and sighed. Both brothers smiled at each other, each one knowing the others pain.

"Still we have to congratulate our plaything. She's endured multiple injuries and has been playing our games with her whole body cut and bruised. Now she can't even walk" Heart mentioned.

"Indeed, she has brought us some wonderful entertainment and conquered some tough trials. However, her obsession with that sunhat girl worries me. We have never paid much attention to that child, but I think the time has come where that must change. I have the feeling that the sunhat girl has plans involving our plaything that does not suit us" Diamond responded.

"Agreed. I won't let some child ruin our plans. She should know that our plaything is ours and ours alone. I wasn't too pleased to discover that she was the announcer of the circus" Heart finished.

The two twins stared at the knocked over chess pieces. However, four pieces remained standing up; the two queens and the two kings.

Back to you:

The entire time Woodlily went on and on about food, mainly about different types of meat. However, you mostly tuned her out, examining the castle. After the two of you had descended down the stairs leading to Diamond's room, you entered through a door on the left side of the entrance hall. Upon going past the door, the hall immediately turned right, leading to a staircase going up.

Once the two of you reached the top of the staircase, Woodlily set down your chair and opened the first door that the two of you saw. Creaking, the door unveiled a beautiful bedroom that simply took your breath away. The wooden floors were freshly polished, which made the room feel brighter. A combination of purplish-blue and gold paint decorated the walls while black trim faded into the painted black ceiling. A golden chandelier hung above, illuminating the purplish-blue and gold curtains as well as the black four post king size bed, which had soft looking dark purple sheets and cozy pillows on top. There was a golden mirror that hung over a marble fireplace, which had a chair that matched the walls on each side of it. Flowers sat on a side table next to the left side of the bed. The door to the bathroom was next to the chair closest to you.

Woodlily picked up your chair once more and brought you into the room before leaving you alone, as she flew off probably to get her treat. Sitting in the chair, you realized how helpless you were. If you wanted to get to anywhere in the room, you would either have to walk on your knees, or crawl.

"Just great" you mumbled.

You didn't really want to sleep in the chair, so you pushed yourself off the chair, landing on the wooden floor below. Hoisting yourself up on your knees, you made your way over to the bed. Reaching the bed, you took notice that it was too bright in the room, since the strange sun-moonlight shone through the windows. If you wanted to get any sleep, you would have to close the curtains. Wanting to bang your head against something in frustration, you painfully went over to the curtains and closed them. Once all the curtains were closed, you made your way back to the bed. Pulling yourself up onto the soft surface, you snuggled into the soft pillows. Throwing the feather filled blanket over you, you remembered that you had left your socks and boots in Diamond's room. However, at the current moment you let the thought of retrieving them slip out of your mind, as you welcomed sleep.

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