Hidden within the Hat

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  Heart's expression changed instantly upon seeing the letter in your hand.

"So you found the letters" he stated, sighing before he called out to his brother.

Sitting in the chair on your left, Heart waited for his brother to arrive. Within moments Diamond came into the room, obviously wondering what had happened. You simply held up the letter and he nodded, understanding the situation. Taking the chair on your right, he sat down, glancing at his brother, who gazed back. Seeing both brothers seated, you made there were no remnants of your tears from before. You were determined to get answers from them both.

"Just to be clear, both of you have known about me, since I was a five year old".

Both Diamond and Heart nodded and waited for you continue.

"Why didn't you tell me?" you asked.

"My dear lady, do you honestly think you would have taken the information well?".

"Yes, please imagine what you would do if you arrived in a strange world and suddenly two men, who you have never met before, came up to you and exclaimed that they have known about you since you were five" Diamond added.

"I probably would have run in the opposite direction. However, the main issue I have with this, is that you two expect me to follow your demands, yet you keep vital information from me. Either of you could've explained the situation to me before I started playing any of your games. Besides even if I did run off, I doubt either of you would've let me escape. Frankly, I just want to understand my situation better. I don't care if the rules constantly change; it still holds that I am the prisoner of you two and I'm pretty sure neither of you is going to let that fact change".

"There really isn't much more to understand, Miss _____. You've discovered the letters, which indicate that both of us know almost everything about you. If you look at the last letter, you will see that it merely told us where to find you on your day of arrival".

"Moreover, if we didn't have that letter my dear lady, I'm afraid you would be dead right now. Despite you being our plaything, we have kept you alive as well".

"How is throwing me into life threatening games saved me?".

"Simple, if you had gone through the doors of this world without our knowledge, you would have thrown yourself to the monsters of this world as an easy dinner".

"I almost got killed on several occasions. I ran into that thing in the woods, I dealt with spirits, a strange statue, etc. None of that would've happened if it weren't for you two".

"Miss _____, you would have never encountered the Crier or the spirits if you had gone through one of our doors back then. You were the one who chose the hard path. Furthermore, you would be dead if it weren't for my brother rescuing you from the spirits in the underground. Likewise, if you somehow made it past the village and reached the carnival the manager would have killed you. Do remember that we saved you back then too. We have been guiding you through this world, making sure that you don't die in the process".

"Then why play the games if you don't want me to die? Surely both of you could've just guided me through the dangerous areas to the safe ones without playing any of those games".

"Yes, we could've, but there is no fun in that. My brother and me desire entertainment my dear lady and you're that entertainment. However, just know that we would never let you die, you're too precious to us".

"You two are unbelievable" you said, sighing in frustration.

Resting your arms on top of the desk, you nestled your head into your folded arms. What were you supposed to do when you couldn't do anything. You had two maniac brothers, who supposedly didn't want you dead, and you had agreed to their frustrating terms back in the circus.

"I guess I just want to know why you had received the letters. Why you two are so obsessed with me being your entertainment?".

"Miss _____, we chose you to be our plaything because of those letters. We had been receiving them for quite some time and well the two of us found ourselves intrigued by you. We were eager for your arrival. To finally have entertainment that would never leave us, that had the will to play our games with their head held high. As for why we received the letters in the first place I do not know, we do not even know who sent them".

"I see, well I happen to know who sent you these letters".

The two twins looked up at you utterly amazed by your statement. You were taken aback by their reaction. 'So they really didn't know who sent the letters' you thought to yourself.

"It's simple, it's the sunhat girl. Before I wanted to know why she was watching me, but now I want to know why she sent the two of you these letters".

Each brother glanced at the other, worry evident in their eyes.

"Are you sure it is her, my dear lady?" Heart asked, his facial expression still one of concern, yet something darker lay behind his eyes.

You nodded in response, knowing that she was the only one, who could've given the brothers such detailed information on you. You recalled the first conversation that you had with the sunhat girl. She mentioned that everyone in the music box was extremely grateful for you taking care of them, which proved that she had been watching you all those years, how she attained that information on you. Everyday you would tell your music box all the troubles you went through. For example you recounted every detail of your tenth birthday to your music box and the sunhat girl had written all those accounts down, sending them to the brothers. She used you for some plan of hers that you couldn't decipher.

"Diamond it seems our concern was right. That child has something in store for us. She would never communicate with us unless she had something to gain from it" Heart stated.

"Yes, this is a matter of great concern. Miss _____, as of now one of us will be with you at all times until we can figure out what the sunhat girl has planned. Please understand that she is someone of severe danger. If she wants something from you, she will not stop till she has it".

"What, I'll be fine on my own in this castle. I don't need a guard, I need time away from you two".

"Listen to me, space is the last thing you need. We are not going to let the sunhat girl take you away from us. Do you not understand the danger you are in?".

"I've been in danger the whole time I've been here!" you said yelling.

Diamond got out of his chair and swiftly walked up to you. Grabbing your chin, he made you stare at him.

"Don't make us restrain you, Miss _____".

"Alright" you said, swatting his hand off of you.

His eyes softened, as you accepted his new term. Withdrawing his hand from you, Diamond nodded at his brother and left the study, closing the doors behind him.

"So I guess you're taking first watch" you said looking over at Heart.

For once Heart didn't smirk or grin at you, his expression had darkened and he looked deep in thought. Without any warning, he got up and took the letters from you. With the letters in hand he went over to the sofa and started to read through them.

"I doubt you'll find any information on the sunhat girl's plans in those letters".

"You do not not know that, my dear lady".

Leaning back into the chair, you glanced around the room and began to examine the bookshelves, looking for something to pass the time. You also wanted to know what the sunhat girl was up to, but at the moment you just wanted something to distract you from the tormenting thoughts. Your eyes landed on a book, which seemed to discuss the monsters in this twisted world. Thinking it would be helpful, you got out of the armchair and slowly made your way over to the bookshelf. Of course the book was on one of the topmost shelves. Resting your hands on your hips, you glared at the bookshelf, annoyed at its height.

Though, soon you saw an arm reach up to the book and grab it for you. Looking up at Heart, you watched as he set it in your hands.

"My dear lady, you're ours and I will not let that child lay a finger on you" Heart uttered as he lifted up your chin.

Turning the other way, you went back to the chair and began to read your book. Heart made his way back over to the sofa, going back over the letters.

"Thanks for getting the book" you muttered, as you turned the first page.

"You're welcome".

Immersing yourself in the book, you made sure to remember the weaknesses of the monsters in case you ever encountered them later. If the sunhat girl was planning something and it involved the monsters of this world you would be ready.  

A Dimensional Tune (Yandere Twins x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now