Monster's Wheel

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   You wanted to walk on your own, but your legs wouldn't move. There was nothing broken in your legs. However, when you were thrown against the ball cage, you had twisted both your ankles. This left you unable to move. Though, your current position wasn't too comfortable either. Diamond's shoulder kept pressing into your sore torso, making you have to bite the inside of your cheek, so you would not cry out in pain.

Soon though, you realized that was the least of your problems. You noticed that the carnival had taken on a whole new life. The bright lights and colors were now nonexistent. At the moment the sky had no welcoming colors, but consisted of a combination of blues, blacks and greens, which highlighted the carnival in an ominous light. Furthermore, the cobblestone path was now a jagged stone path while all the game and food stands looked abandoned. All the rides were missing parts. There were no more neon colored balloons; only fragments of torn balloons remained.

The brothers' shoes clicked against the stone walkway. You knew they were taking you to a house, but how were you going to get there? However, you dared not speak, fearing that Diamond might just get even more angry at you. Moreover, you wanted to know what had happened to the carnival, since it changed from a colorful park to a lifeless one.

At that moment you saw something moving in one of the stands, which you later found out was the popcorn stand. You had to say something. Then something else moved in the shooting game stand. That's it, you were going to tell them.

"There is something moving in the stands" you uttered.

There was no answer at first, but you saw Heart rest his hand on top of his saber.

"We know, Miss ____" Diamond said his voice still void of any kindness.

Sighing, you decided that you would just have to trust the two of them. They had kept you alive for this long, so hopefully they wouldn't let you die yet. The noises in the stands increased, as the three of you went further into the carnival. You couldn't really see where you were going due to your position, but this time the figure in one of the stands stopped moving. Shadows covered the body, but you could see a hand that looked human. However, you knew better than to assume that the creature was human.

As the hand twitched, you noted that the brothers had increased their pace. Their heeled shoes making more clicks against the stone ground.

"Diamond it would seem that they are about to charge. Should I take care of a few. I'm itching to cut off some heads" Heart muttered.

"Not yet, they've grown in number and are hungrier than ever. I doubt you could take even a few at the moment, since once you attack they'll probably all charge".

"I understand, but maybe we should increase our pace to a run then, Diamond".

"I quite agree".

Both brothers broke into a run, as you saw more than hands become visible. What you saw was horrendous. The monsters did indeed appear human, but were deformed beyond repair. You almost thought of zombies when you saw them, but these things still had color in their flesh; there was nothing dead about them. Some had only half a head while others were missing limbs, causing some of them to move along like a worm. Others had their skin melting, as blood oozed from multiple parts of their body. All the creatures had no lips, revealing their disgusting yellow rotted teeth.

One of them made eye contact with you and in doing so brought its right hand up to its face, licking it in the process. You were thoroughly grossed out and averted your eyes from the being.

"What are those things" you managed to ask.

"They haven't been called anything. Why did you want to keep one as a pet and name it, my dear lady?" Heart stated, his usual smirk gracing his face.

"Jerk" you mumbled, which left Heart only laughing.

As if controlled by an external force, all the creatures halted their movement until they began moving once again. However, this time a clicking sound resonated throughout the carnival. Each time one of the creatures moved any of their limbs, a sickening clicking sound came from them. When the creatures ran, the clicking increased, making you cover your ears with your hands. You couldn't stand the horrible sound. Closing your eyes, you wished that the sound would stop, but it only grew louder.

When you reopened your eyes, you were inches from the face of one of the creatures. It opened its jaws wide before snapping them shut. The rotted teeth just missed your nose, as the creature's head went flying with its body falling to the floor soon after. To your surprise no blood splattered across your face, but oozed out of the monster's neck when its body hit the stone pavement. Heart placed the saber back in its scabbard before turning his attention back to the path ahead.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw another one of the creatures coming out of another stand. The monster came charging at Diamond, just as you were about to warn him. Before Diamond could act, the two of you were tackled to the ground. Hitting one of the stands, you saw Diamond dodge another one of the monster's attacks. However, your view was soon blocked by a monster that was towering over you. It reached its hands out, its clicking sound hurting your ears.

Your legs wouldn't move, leaving you to stare into the monster's melting face, as blood ran down its outstretched arms. Its foul blood dripped onto you, but soon its movements were stopped. Metal was inches from your face before it soon vanished, as the creature was thrown away from you. Heart pulled you up before picking you up bridal style.

"We're almost there, my dear lady. Can you last that long?" Heart stated while continuing to run forward.

"Tch, of course I can".

You could see Heart grin at your response while Diamond caught up to the two of you. Due to your new position, you could see where the brothers were taking you. Ahead of the three of you was a Ferris wheel. Seeing this, you were quite confused, as you stared at the circular ride. Within moments the three of you had reached one of the baskets, which reminded you of an umbrella. Diamond opened the door, allowing Heart and you to enter. He followed in after the two of you, closing the gate behind him. Instantly, he snapped his fingers, as the ride turned on.

Surprisingly, the ride was still in pretty good condition, but its speed was rather slow. It creaked, as it moved your basket up higher into the air. The creatures tried to jump to reach you, but at the moment you were out of their reach. However, that did not stop them, as they started to climb into the baskets below you.

"So what now?" you asked, clearly worried about the monsters climbing onto the ride.

One of them had now reached you, but its head fell off the moment it appeared. Both brothers had their sabers drawn.

"We will wait for the ride to increase in speed. Just stay seated in the middle of the basket, Miss ____; it will be less trouble for us that way".

"Sorry to be such a burden" you mumbled, annoyed by his statement.

Diamond ignored your comment, but you could tell that your comment angered him just a little bit. Thus you remained in the center of the basket, as the two brothers killed the approaching monsters. However, as the monsters fell, you could feel the speed of the Ferris wheel increasing. Soon the speed change was quite noticeable. Peeking over the edge of the basket, you saw the carnival below only become a whirl of blue, green and black. You couldn't make out any details, all you saw was colors flashing by. Monsters flew off the ride. When you were about to reach the top once more, Heart placed the blade in its scabbard before walking over to you. Picking you up, he sat down on one of the basket's seats with you on his lap. You tried to get of his lap, but his grip was too strong.

"I suggest you stop moving, my dear lady. I am holding you like this for two reasons. One, so you do not fly out of the ride. Two, because I feel like it".

What did he mean by flying out of the ride, so far that had not happened. What were they planning? Diamond turned around before nodding at his brother. He walked to the edge of the basket. Grabbing the roof of the basket, he pulled himself onto the top of the basket. Not a second later you had reached the top of the ride and heard a loud scraping sound. Immediately, Diamond reenetered the basket, as the basket went flying off the Ferris wheel.

Bewildered, you watched as the basket and the three of you flew out of the carnival. The night sky zoomed past you, as something strange happened. Once over the wall of the carnival, metal legs sprung out of the bottom of the basket, extending to the stretch of dark green grass below. The moment the legs touched the grass, you felt as though you were being thrown forward. However, Heart kept you in place. Diamond's nails clicked against the railing before he pulled out his pocket watch.

"It would seem that my watch is broken. However, I can see the house in the distance" Diamond mentioned.

"Good, it would seem one of my wounds has reopened" Heart added.

At that moment you could feel something warm fall onto your face. Crimson liquid traveled down your face, making you look up at Heart. The wound across his face was bleeding once again.

"Sorry about that, my dear lady. Would you like me to lick it off your face?".

"No!" you exclaimed not being able to control your embarrassment at his statement.

"As you wish, what a pity" he muttered.

With your cheeks slightly tinted pink, you could see a house in the distance.  

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