Childhood of Flowers

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  Fade and the brothers continued down the blue stone tunnel, further frustration kicking in with every second. So far the tunnel remained the same until at last they reached a turn in the path. Making the turn, they came across a flight of stairs heading downwards. The white lights became nonexistent down the stairs, as they were replaced by flickering orange ones. All in all, the entire path ahead was ill lit. Heart was about to travel down the cement steps, but Fade stopped him.

"Let's throw something down first. Knowing my sister, these stairs are holding a trap".

"And what do you intend to throw down there? I don't know about you, but I want to retrieve my plaything before something happens to her" Heart voiced.

"You'll do no good if your dead, so I'm asking you to listen to me once more. I want to reach ____ just as bad as you".

"Heart, I'm sorry to say, but I agree with her. If we want to reach our plaything in time, we must trust her" Diamond mentioned.

Heart cursed silently to himself before turning away from Fade. She took that as an agreement. Reaching into her cloak, she pulled out a small peppermint candy. Throwing it down the stairs, she waited to see what would happen. Upon hitting one of the steps halfway down the stairwell, spikes shot out from the walls with one of them piercing the tiny candy. With the candy stabbed, the spikes retracted back into the walls.

"So it appears as long as we don't touch any of the steps, we'll make it past the stairs alive" Fade stated.

"How exactly are we supposed to do that? We can't float like you" Heart replied.

"Actually you can. You just have to grab onto me and you'll float. However, this requires some of my energy, which I was hoping to save for my sister in case I needed to fight her. Though, now it seems like I don't have a choice in the matter. I should have expected something like this to happen".

"So we could have went across that sea of water without ever touching its surface?" Heart questioned, slightly annoyed by this.

"It wouldn't have made a difference. The mermaids would have still noticed us before we reached the gates. Now should we proceed forward, or continue talking at the top of these stairs".

Casting a rude glance at Fade, Heart reluctantly grabbed Fade's shoulder while Diamond grabbed the other one. Displeasure was written all over the brother's faces, as the three of them hovered down the stairs. No spikes came out of the walls and they safely landed at the feet of the stairs. Beyond lay another tunnel, except this one was all cement while the orange lights flickered on and off. Going down the tunnel, the three of them reached a turn in the passage.

However, the tunnel changed completely when they made the turn. The floor, ceiling and walls were covered in white paint while huge pink polka dots decorated the paint. Crystal light fixtures lined the walls. Despite the brightness of the area, it was anything but pleasant. The silence in the tunnel ended, as a voice overhead echoed down the bright hallway.

"I'm so glad the three of you could join me in my domain. It's a shame your dear doll couldn't join you, but she is currently preoccupied".

"Where is she, child?" Heart asked darkly.

"Why, she is resting in the arms of one of my faithful servants".

Both brothers narrowed their eyes. Metal soon glinted in the light of the hallway.

"I suggest you to tell your servant to keep his hands off her" they said in unison.

"You two are so fun to mess with. However, I'm afraid I cannot take your suggestion. Though, how about we play a game? Reach the end of this hallway before the timer runs out and you'll see your precious plaything again. You two always enjoy games; I hope you like this one" stated the sunhat girl, as she giggled continuously until her voice could be heard no more.

Once her voice became scarce, a huge cuckoo clock appeared behind Fade and the brothers. However, the clock itself was a digital timer. It was set for fifteen minutes. A small pink bird came out of the clock, making a high pitched screaming sound. It retreated back into the clock, as the timer started. At that moment the brothers and Fade set off down the pink polka dot hallway.

Back to you:

Darkness surrounded you and you felt yourself falling through an endless void. There was no distinction between warm and cold, you couldn't feel anything except your limbs floating like a feather. Your (h/c) hair swayed side to side, as an unknown force created a resistance to your descent. This strange state continued on for some time before a faint light hit your (e/c) eyes.

Your eyes opened slowly, as grey clouds surrounded you. The air was neither hot nor cold, it was just perfect. You knew that the ground was approaching, yet you weren't afraid. Grass, blowing lightly in the wind, greeted you from below.

At last you reached the ground, as you fell softly onto the awaiting grassy floor. Resting on the ground, you found that your body proportions were quite different. You had the body of a five year old while a simple grey dress graced your form. Your feet were bare, but dirt could not stick to them; they remained perfectly clean. However, none of this bothered you. You only wanted to lay on the grass undisturbed for centuries to come; nothing else mattered to you at the moment.

Though, soon you heard the sound of wheels turning. The sound was coming from somewhere in the grasslands. Childlike curiosity caused you to get on your feet. Your grey dress swayed in the wind, as you surveyed your surroundings. In the distance, you could see something small pushing a huge wheelbarrow. Its rusty wheels creaked as it moved across the floor of the plain. However, you noticed that something bright and colorful was coming out of the wheelbarrow.

Nearing it, you saw flowers of various kinds in the wheeled device. You ran up to it, as the wheelbarrow stopped. Resting your hands on the edge of the wheelbarrow, you stepped on your tippy toes. Your (e/c) eyes widened in happiness, as you were met with the radiant flowers. A grin found its way to your face, as your hand reached out to grab a purple rose that was nestled in the center of the wheelbarrow. Blue, red and yellow butterflies circled your hand. Though, when you went to grab the rose, a thorn pricked your right index finger.

"You should be more careful young miss. Roses may be pretty, but their dangerous too. Let's find a different flower for you" said a voice from the other side of the wagon.

A small brown bear made its self apparent. Various flowers covered one side of its face while a black bow tie was wrapped around its neck.

"Who are you?".

"I'm whoever you want me to be young miss".

"Okay, be my friend and play with me" you stated simply.

The bear nodded while reaching into the wheelbarrow for a flower. He pulled out an orange akita daffodil. When he handed it to you, you accepted it gratefully.

"Can I ever have the rose?".

"No young miss, remember the danger it poses. Now shall we play?".

"Yeah, do you know where we can play?".

"Yes, take my hand young miss. We shall go to a place where only happiness exists".

"That sounds nice" you said, as your innocent (e/c) eyes stared at the flower.

Something about the flower seemed wrong, but a land filled with the promise of eternal happiness seemed too wonderful to pass up. A land where you could always play filled you with excitement. Thus you took the bear's paw. With your hand in his, he dove into the flowers, taking you with him. Colorful petals flew around you, as the light around you increased.

No longer was the area painted in hues of grey. Bright green grass grew on the ground while pink and yellow flowers covered the fields as well. Streams of crisp clean water ran through the fields of flowers and grass. Orange and yellow butterflies dominated the air right above the flowers. Your bare feet landed on the soft grass while your small hand held the bear's soft paw.

Scanning the area, your grin widened, as delight filled your being. Your hand disconnected from the bear's paw, as you ran over to the stream. You jumped happily into the water, letting the cool liquid run over your feet. The bear stood on the edge of the stream and you splashed him playfully. Butterflies flew around your head, taking in the droplets of water that flew out of the stream.

Eventually you got out of the water and lay on the grass, playing with the flowers around you. The bear handed you flowers while you twisted them into a crown. Once finished with your headpiece, you smiled in utter delight at the final product. Taking it from your small hands, the bear placed the crown on your head.

"It suits you young miss".

"Thank you, but something is missing".

Your mind kept traveling back to the purple rose. It may have been dangerous, but maybe that's why it intrigued you. You wanted to take the risk of pulling it from the wheelbarrow. It called to you like it was yours and only yours; yours to claim. Curiosity tugged at you from every side and angle, but a voice pulled you back to the field of flowers and grass.

"What's missing young miss? Let me, your friend assist you".

Staring at the bear, your thoughts of the purple rose evaporated from your mind.

"Nothing, this crown works perfectly".

The bear smiled at statement, as the two of you continued to play. A crown lay upon your head, but it did not shine; it only tainted.  

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