A Twisted World

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  Ever since you were a child you danced alone in your room to the sound of your music box, which played the song 'Fairytale'. Some days you would pretend you were a nymph dancing in the forests, letting the summer breeze glide through your soft (h/c) hair, as it guided your movements. The rich green grass under your feet and the sound of a waterfall nearby; the peaceful sound of the water falling giving rhythm to your secretive dance. Other days you would pretend to be the girl in the music box, dancing in her flower garden, dress twirling with every motion, as starlight and moonlight shone brightly above.

You loved your music box dearly, you loved examining every intricate detail inside. From the small blue roofed house to the to the robot that stood on the cobblestone path to the cat that stood guarding the cog-works of the box. The music box always seemed to be in your life, you don't remember a day when you didn't have it. It was your treasured possession, it transported you to another world; a world without worries, or the constant yelling between your aunt and uncle, who adopted you at the age of five after your parents died in a plane crash when you were young. You remember them promising to bring you back souvenirs from England. One of those souvenirs being a porcelain tea set, but you never received that tea set instead you were brought into a house that never became quiet; there was always yelling. It was better than living in an orphanage though. You could daydream in your small room with your music box.

As you grew older, your imagination could no longer drown out the fighting that occurred on the other side of your door. Winding up the music box time after time would help dull the fighting, but never block it entirely, especially since your aunt and uncle brought you into their fights, which had nothing to do with you. Bruises piled on your body while you piled on the layers, wanting to hide the purplish- black marks on your (s/c) skin. However, the music drowned out your tears, allowing no one but yourself to hear them. How you craved to live in that peaceful world within the music box.

Another day passed, bringing with it more yells and attacks, but your music box could no longer save you. For that day when you winded up the cherished possession, your aunt came bursting into your room with a look of disgust on her face. Her eyes were the definition of madness, as she stared at the intricate music box. Noticing her gaze, you reached for the box on your dresser, but your aunt got to it first. Grabbing it in her hands, she stared at your form, smiling as she gazed upon your worried eyes that begged her to set the box down. A grin spread across her face. "Do you know how long I've had to listen to this stupid thing play. Day after day this tune invaded my mind, but I allowed you to play it, hoping that one day you would grow out of it, grow out of your childish ways, but that never happened, it never happened. How I wanted it to end, how I wanted the tune to stop playing as my husband yelled at me. Its sickening tune never stopped. However, today that will end!". Raising the box above her head, she slammed it against the floor.

Cogs flew out of the bottom piece of the music box , as the cat's head broke off from its body and rolled across the carpet floor. The robot's tiny arms separated from its body while the blue roofed house tilted over with its roof now detached. As the box broke, the tune slowed down, morphing into a dreadful combination of notes until even that sound became nonexistent. Your aunt began to dance crazily around the room, shouting "I'm free, I'm free from that awful sound. No more music will ever come from this room". She began laughing quietly until her laugh transformed into an onslaught of crazed chuckling. Your escape vanished completely and now you were left with the sounds of a mad woman, a mad woman, who abused you on a daily basis.

Finally her laughing died down, as she gave you one last crazed grin. By now you were collapsed on the floor, trying to piece the music box back together. Walking up to you, your aunt kicked the broken box from your hand and rested her hands on your shoulders. Smiling she took one of her hands and ruffled your hair. "Aww, don't worry _____, you'll get over it soon enough". Leaving the room, your aunt slammed the door behind her, making it seem as though the wall would break from the harsh closing of the door.

There was no chance that you would ever get over your music box; it was one of the presents your parents gave you, but now it was broken. However, that didn't stop you from trying to fix it. Grabbing a glue bottle, you collected all the pieces that were scattered about your room and began your repairs. You managed to glue everything back to the way it was except for the cogs. No matter how hard you tried you couldn't get the cogs to go back into their proper places, rendering the tune of the music box forever lost. It was evening by the time you stopped working on the box. You refused to leave your room, not wanting to see your aunt or uncle, seeing your aunt's crazed face every time you thought of her and that sickening grin of hers.

Thus you crawled over to your bed and lay the box on your stomach, peering into its small world. Sighing, you placed it on your nightstand and turned off the light, casting your room in the calming light of the moon. Resting your left arm over your eyes, you closed your eyes and wished to be rid of this world and to go into the world of the music box.

Once your wish left your lips, you heard the sound of a key winding up. In a moments notice a familiar tune resonated throughout your room. Turning your head slowly, you looked over to the music on your nightstand. There was no mistaking it, it really was playing, but how? You knew you didn't turn the key and some of the cogs were missing. Sitting upright, you grabbed the box and inspected it . Upon making contact with the box, you felt a force tugging on you, pulling you into the music box. A final tug was made and you felt the world around you change, as if you were sucked into a wormhole and came out on the other side. Closing your eyes, you waited till the tug on you stopped.

Opening your eyes, you gazed around at your surroundings. They were identical to the ones in your music box. You were standing in the flower garden. Gazing beyond the music box, you looked upon your room, which seemed massive and like a giant lived in your in room instead of you. Pinching yourself, you found that you were not dreaming, but this was in fact your reality. The sound of water penetrated your ears, as you looked behind you, you saw the robot watering the flower garden, as he stood on the cobblestone walkway. Noticing you staring at him, he waved one of his arms, but there was no glue present, it was returned to its old state. In fact the entire music box looked as it did before your aunt smashed it. "How can this be?" you muttered to yourself. "Because you wished it" a sweet voice said from the other side of the garden.

Gazing upwards, your eyes met with the girl in the sunhat and orange dress. "I'm afraid I don't understand" you stated, still staring at her. Her short golden blonde hair bounced as she giggled lightly to herself. "You don't need to understand ____. Like I said you made this wish did you not, so it came true. Everyone here is quite thankful that you have taken such great care of us over the years. It is an honor to finally be able to speak with you". You realized that she was not going to clarify anymore on the situation, so you sighed and decided to be content, knowing that this world was better than your old one.

However, soon your brief peace was interrupted by thunderous footsteps. Covering your ears, you watched as your aunt opened your door so roughly that it almost tore off the hinges. She stared angrily at the music box, which you were now in, not even noticing that you weren't present in the room. The sun hat girl grabbed your hand and began to shove you towards the blue roofed house. "Hurry you must get inside ____ before she reaches us". "Wait, how is that going to help, the house is still apart of this world?" you questioned as she continued to shove you forwards. The footsteps increased in volume, making your head ache in pain. "Stop asking questions ____, just get inside before its too late". Before you could make any more protest , the sun hat girl opened the door and pushed you inside the house. However, before she shut the door you saw for just a second her smile twist into a more sinister one. The door's latch clicked, locking you inside, yet you still heard the booming footsteps of your aunt.

Running over to the window, you gazed outside and saw that your aunt finally reached the music box. As she did so, it felt as if you were suddenly thrown into a moving elevator. You rolled across the blue and black tiled floor, knocking over a round table and chairs. Dragging yourself back to the window, you peered out, seeing your aunt raising the box above her head. She threw the box, making you crash into the wall opposite of you. You heard the box smash against the floor, as a chair slid into you, knocking you unconcsious. The last thing you saw was the sun hat girl smiling at you in a wicked way.

When you awoke, you found yourself laying against black and white tiles. Glancing around you saw that it looked like the inside of the blue roofed house, but slightly changed. Besides the color of the tiles changing, there was no furniture present withing the room. Only crimson walls surrounded you, as paintings decorated the walls. Though each painting only portrayed an endless void, seeming to suck the viewer inside if they stared for too long. Moreover, two doors lay in front of you; one blue, the other red. Walking up to them, you examined each, wondering which door to go through. It was better than staying in this strange room. While you were inspecting the doors, you didn't notice the four eyes watching you from above.
"Well Diamond, it looks like we have a new plaything".
"Yes, it does look that way Heart. I am looking quite forward to the entertainment ahead".
Both brothers stared at you, waiting for your next move and what door you would choose.    

A Dimensional Tune (Yandere Twins x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora