Poisoned River

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   Diamond had just finished reading every detail on the chain trap, as his brother Heart walked back into the room.

"Did you find anything? Has our plaything finally stopped her strange behavior?" the blue-headed male asked.

Gazing up at his brother, Diamond saw bandages wrapped around his brother's head. The bandages covered his wound completely, but hid his right eye as well. Heart's blue bangs with green highlights draped over the bandages. Moreover, Heart no longer had his blue coat on, leaving just his short sleeve white dress shirt and red tie on his torso. In its place were bandages, which covered his left arm. Diamond thought it odd to see his brother without his elaborate coat on. The simplicity of his brother's shirt and tie just didn't suit him. However, Diamond pushed this thought out of his head and began to answer Heart's questions.

"First off, there has been no change in our plaything's behavior. She still seems to be on hunt for things to cut down. As for your other question, I did find something. It would seem that if the chain trap comes into contact with a piece it deems worthy something unusual will occur. The book doesn't say what, but only that the effects differ on the piece. In our plaything's case it would seem that it causes an extremely violent urge to kill. Also upon closer inspection, I noticed that our plaything's eyes are a different color, which is probably the poison at work. Furthermore, I have the feeling that our plaything has no idea of what her body is currently doing".

"Interesting, well is there a way to remove the poison from her?".

"Not that I know of. It would seem that we will have to watch and wait. Furthermore, I suggest that we do not summon her out of the game board until her eye color returns to normal".

"Yes, I agree. Personally I do not want to kill our plaything, or have her trying to kill us. Though, I must say that this problem is a nuisance".

"It is indeed, but it is our faults for not reading the game manual before throwing our plaything into the game board. However, this rule was never in the manual before, which means that the rules of our own game have changed once again".

"We should have expected something like this to happen, since the rules of this world do change often".

"Indeed, but for now let's hope that the poison soon leaves our plaything's body".

Both brothers knowing that they could only watch, sat in their chairs, waiting for the poison to leave your body.

Going back to you:

When the light vanished, you gazed upon no castle maze. Instead, you stood on a grassy hill that led down to a sapphire blue river. On the other side of the river was an assortment of different trees, which swayed in the peaceful wind. You had to admit that the scenery was beautiful and serene, but you couldn't help but wonder at where you were. You had gained your freedom; you solved the puzzle, so where were you?.

Taking in your strange surroundings, you heard footsteps in the grass next to you. Looking over to your right side, you saw the alligator standing next you. He rested the palms of his alligator hands on the skull head of his cane, staring down at the river.

"Where am I?" you questioned, narrowing your eyes at the creature.

"Do you not like it here? I thought you would".

"You didn't answer my question!".

"I suppose it can't be helped. You're still trapped in your mind. However, wouldn't you agree that this place is much more agreeable than being back with the brothers?".

"I don't care if its more agreeable, I want my body back. I solved the puzzle correctly, so why am I not back in the maze? Furthermore, who are you really? You stated that you were my guide, but obviously that is not the case".

"Well, I suppose there is no further need in hiding my true identity. I am the poison that has infected you. I'm able to assume this form because the strength of body permits me to. As for solving the puzzle that no longer applies. Surely one of the brothers told you that the rules of this world constantly change".

"That shouldn't apply while I'm in my own mind!".

"Quite right, but I'm currently in your mind, which changes things. Anyway even if the rules didn't change, did you honestly think that I would let you obtain your body back so easily? I finally have a chance to escape the confines of the board game; to live in the world outside. However, I was hoping you wouldn't want to fight and instead live in peace in your mind. Here you can be free of the brothers, be free to enjoy life".

You turned away from the alligator, the poison and looked down at the river. The water flowed peacefully down its destined path while the wind continued to the blow through the distant trees. In truth the alligator was partially right. Here the brothers could never torment you. You could have endless joy filled days. Clouds rolled by, blocking the sun every now and then.

The poison watched you observing the scenery. It knew you were almost in its grasp. Tapping its cane against the grassy field, a beautiful mansion now appeared on your left side. Paned windows outlined the mansion's outside walls while columns stood in front of the golden double doors. The smell of fresh baked cherry tarts came from an open window while a fountain sprayed fresh water into the air.

"It truly is magnificent here" you stated, letting the wind blow your hair back and forth.

"Of course it is. You will have a mansion to live in, any food you desire, anything you want will come to you".

Rocking back and forth on your feet, you let a genuine smile grace your lips. Still smiling, you looked over at the poison. It smiled back until it heard your words.

"Thank you for offering me such a wonderful option, but you said anything I wanted would come to me. However, that is not true. My body would not come. In a certain respect I would indeed be free, but at the same time I would be prisoner; a prisoner of my own mind. Can one really call that freedom? Sure the brothers would no longer bother me, but at what cost. I'll tell you. In exchange for this false sense of freedom, I would lose my body, I would give up my existence in the world. Thus I cannot accept your offer. I guess we will have to fight one another".

"I guess there is no persuading you" the poison stated regretfully.

The poison looked down at his cane before twisting the top of the cane. Soon you heard a pop sound and saw the poison withdrawing a blade from inside of the cane. It glinted in the bright sunlight, as the poison stared at you.

A harsh breeze swept over the grassy field while the poison charged at you. Before the blade could reach your skin, the sound of metal against metal resonated throughout the field. In your hands rested a sword of your own. The blade shined in the sunlight while the golden handle had silver vines wrapped around it. Purple crystals embedded in the blade of the sword sparkled, as you blocked the poison's attack. Seeing the blade, the poison wore a expression of pure shock.

"How is that possible? How could you summon a sword?".

"Didn't you say I could summon anything I wanted. This is my mind after all. Don't underestimate me!" you yelled, as determination burned in your eyes.

The poison now looking annoyed, yet slightly impressed, held back no longer. Each blade clashed against the other, sending sparks in the air. Both of you wanted your body and neither of you was willing to give up the fight. It was live or die, no other option existed.

You had no conception of time, you only knew that your body was becoming tired. This battle would have to end soon, or you would surely die. Thus the next blow would have to be last, your winning move. The poison stood quite a good distance from you, recovering its breath. Holding the blade in both hands, you closed your eyes.

This was your mind and you would summon everything you had. Concentrating, you thought of your blade, your strength becoming stronger. You channeled your energy into the blade, as you heard the poison charging at you. Just one more moment you thought. Hearing the poison running at you, you could tell that it was now only a few feet from you. Knowing it was the time, you raised your blade above your head before bringing it down hard. It impacted the ground so hard that it cracked the earth, sending both the poison and you flying.

You felt the grass rub against your back hard, as your arms scraped the ground. Raising yourself up a little, you saw blood running down your arms while your back ached in pain. However, your injuries were nothing in comparison to the poison's wounds. Across from you, you saw the poison's alligator body scattered on the grassy field. Blood painted the grass, as limbs rested on the green surface, an arm here, a leg there. The poison was no longer in existence, you had won. As a bright light shot through the area, you collapsed on the grassy field below.  

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