The Killer and The Trap

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 When at last your vision was restored to you, all you could see was green. Rubbing your eyes, you saw that in fact you were behind a tinted green window. Standing up, you saw three white and black checkered walls that mirrored the pattern on the floor while the sheet of green glass replaced the fourth wall. Walking over to the glass wall, you rested the palms of your hand on the wall, as you peered through the window.

What you saw confused you greatly. On the other side of the window was darkness except for two holes that gave you a view to the maze that you were supposed to be in. In fact the scenery in the maze changed, but how was that possible if you were stuck in this room? Backing away from the glass wall, you began to rub your forehead with your right hand.

"What's going on? Have I finally lost it?".

"No, you are quite alright. You're just trapped inside your own mind" stated a voice behind you.

Turning on your heel, you saw a two feet tall alligator in a black suit with a green tie wrapped around the collar of his white dress shirt. A top hat rested on his head, which was adorned with a green bow that had two decorative skulls on it. Its eyes looked drawn on due to them being in the shape of swirls. In its hands was a cane that had a skull on top.

"Who are you and what do you mean I'm trapped within my own mind?".

"Why I am currently just a guide; someone to explain the situation to you. I have no name. As for your second question, I meant exactly what I said. You're currently in your mind. This room and the one beyond are merely creations of your mind. My presence is aiding you in upholding these rooms".

"That makes some sense, but why can I still see the maze outside? The scenery is changing. Is my body still moving on its own?".

"Yes, your body is moving on its own. The poison that the chains injected you with is currently controlling you".

"Well can I get my body back?".

"Certaintly, follow me".

The alligator turned around while a doorway appeared, leading into a hallway filled with darkness. His cane struck the floor in harmony with his movements, as he trailed on ahead of you. Seeing no other choice, you went down the hallway as well, following the tiny creature.

Going Back to the Brothers:

"It would seem that our dear lady is about to encounter the horseman".

"Yes, but look she just took the side path. However, I fear something worse lies in store for her".

"Hmm, I suppose you're right Diamond, she's about to run into the chain trap. She'll be stunned for quite awhile".

"Indeed, it looks like I'll have the advantage then, as I'm nearing her. In a couple more turns I shall reach her".

"Oh, really. Your path is filled with more traps than mine brother. I doubt it will only take you a couple of turns".

The two brothers grinned at each other, each one thinking that they would reach you first. Their confidence soon evaporated though. You did indeed run into the chain trap, but your next move surprised the brothers. At first you were chained to the wall, but when the chains released you something unexpected happened. A few moments passed when you were stunned, though those seconds went by quickly. Instead of remaining stunned, you got back up and began walking. Your once (e/c) eyes now had a green haze over them, making you have a hollow look in your eyes. An expressionless look covered your face, as you pressed onward through the maze.

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