A Little Secret

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  Feeling light shine on your face, you opened your eyes to see the blinds in your cabin wide open. Squinting, you looked for the person, who disturbed your sleep. You saw a figure, looking down on you. Upon seeing the familiar smirk, you instantly knew who it was.

"My dear lady, it would seem that you have grown quite fond of the gift I gave you last night" stated Heart, who now had a bandage wrapped around his face.

Looking down, you saw that you were currently holding the teddy bear to your chest, as though it was a life support.

"Whatever" you said, setting the object on the other side of the bed while a small blush graced your cheeks.

"Ah Miss ____, I'm sorry for falling asleep in your room last night. I didn't realize how tired I was".

"It's fine. Anyway how long till we reach the Land of Amusement?".

"We'll reach the sunhat girl's domain around sunset, so we still have an eight hour wait".

You nodded in response, assuming that it must be around ten in the morning. Getting out of the bed, you walked past the two brothers with your backpack in hand and into the bathroom. Shutting the door behind you, you waited for the brothers to leave. You could hear your cabin door open and close, as the sound of heeled shoes on the train floor faded. With the two brothers gone, you began your morning routine.

Once finished, you walked out of the bathroom in a comfortable purple tank top and a pair of black skinny jeans. Back in your bedroom, you put your daggers in their sheaths while you wrapped the cloak from Fade around you. Furthermore, you tied your tennis shoes on and left the cabin, heading to the dining car.

However, when you passed Fade's cabin, you saw her still fast asleep. You knew that the brothers would not wait for Fade to have breakfast. Thus you entered her cabin, which had wooden walls just like your cabin. However, in her cabin there were no windows; there were just the flower shaped light fixtures on the wall as well as a single painting, depicting an ocean scene. Like your room there was a single striped chair, though the chair in her room followed a silver and gold pattern.

Tapping her lightly, you caused Fade to stir, but she remained fast asleep. Sighing, you called out her name a few times, which seemed to do the trick. Stretching in her bed, she caught sight of you. Her short white and turquoise hair was all tangled.

"Good morning, ____".

"Good morning, Fade. I just came to get you for breakfast".

"That was unnecessary, but thank you. I was going to order food into my room. Would you care to join me?".

"Yeah, that sounds nice".

Fade smiled and walked over to a golden telephone that was next to the cabin door. Picking it up, she merely pressed the number five button before putting the phone back down. She jumped onto the bed and motioned you to sit on the chair. Right as you sat down, a wooden table appeared in front of you two. A green and gold plaid tablecloth lay over the surface of the table. On top of the tablecloth were two cups of coffee along with two plates. Cheese omelets with salsa over them and a bowl of cut fruit sat on the plates.

"There is another reason why the brothers aren't particularly fond of me. Would you care to hear it?".

Slightly caught off guard by her question, you motioned for her to go on.

"Well you see the encounter I had with them in my woods was not the first time I had met them. I happened to meet them when they were children. At the time they looked quite different. They were in possession of no elaborate clothes, but were dressed like peasants. Furthermore, they had no markings on their faces. When I had met them, I was wondering through the carnival. This was when there were more people wondering the carnival. I was just about to ride on the Ferris wheel when the brothers ran into me. The three of us accidentally fell into one of baskets. However, this turned out well for the brothers, since they were running away from the manager. Apparently they had burned one of his favorite umbrellas. This action held the punishment of death".

"Isn't that a little harsh?".

"Indeed, it was a harsh punishment, but the manager despised children. He would make any excuse to kill one. Anyway at the time the brothers still did not have a good grasp over the magic they possessed. Likewise, they did not have any weapons on them. While I was stuck in the basket with them, they explained the situation to me and I agreed to help them. After I had helped them in escaping from the carnival, I offered to help them with their magic. Thus I became their teacher, but once the two of them reached adulthood they became rather obsessed with sickening ways to amuse themselves. Their first victim was the manager, who had terrorized them as kids. They turned him into the monster that you faced, _____. I found out about this and tried to dissuade them from the path they were headed on, but as you can see they didn't listen".

"Wait, you were their teacher. Aren't you younger than them?".

"No, in this world people stop aging at different times. The brothers stopped aging in their early twenties while I stopped in childhood. Anyway they attempted to kill me, but failed. They didn't want me to interfere with their games later on, so they tried to get rid of me. This obviously created the tension between us".

"Why did you save their second plaything then, or rather why didn't you stop them?".

"First off, I saved their second plaything because I had no ill will against her, so I didn't see any reason not to save her. However, I did not stop them because well I was their teacher. Still I do not wish them dead; I just wished that I would never see them again. Moreover, their actions seemed minuscule to the ones my sister committed. However, the brothers think that I'm going to kill them at one point, or torture them in some horrible way. For example, me taking you away from them, though I do not intend to do this. As you know that is not my intent for traveling with you".

"I would imagine that they also know that they owe their lives to you".

"Yes, I suppose that's another reason why they hate me. As you know, both brothers like to be in control of the situation; they don't like owing anything to anyone".

Taking a bite out of your omelet, you tried to picture Heart and Diamond in tattered clothes and without markings on their faces. It was a strange image indeed, especially picturing them as kids, or being students to Fade.

"So Fade, you must know some interesting stories then about their childhood".

"I do. Why are you interested?".

"Well frankly I'm kind of stuck with them, so knowing a little more about them might be useful".

"That's a fair point. I suppose I could tell you that one story. I'm sure you don't know what the brothers fear, ____. Well, ever since they were little they have had a great fear of owls. I believe the fear started after several of the owls in my forest attacked them. Of course the animals had good reason. The two brothers were trying to steal the eggs from the nest. This led to several owls attacking them. The owls kept up their attack for several days. You see in my forest the owls are quite fond of holding grudges should they have one. Thus if you ever want to get back at the brothers ...".

"Miss ____, so this is where you have been. We were waiting for you in the dining car" Diamond said, noticing that you had already eaten, since your plate was now empty.

"I forgot to mention that I decided to have breakfast with Fade. I must say that I never expected her to be your teacher".

Diamond's eyes narrowed at Fade while she merely ignored his gaze, but you could see the traces of a smile on her face.

"What else did you tell her?".

"I just told her how I met you two and became your teacher. That's all unless you want me to tell her more".

You could see that Diamond was clearly angered. He walked over to you, picking you up in the process.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?".

"Miss ____, you'll be spending the rest of the time on the train with us".

Sighing, you waved goodbye at Fade, who returned the wave. Diamond closed Fade's cabin door behind him and carried you until you two reached one of the first cars on the train. He set you down in one of the gold and silver checkered armchairs. As he did so, you saw Heart entering the room from the engineer's car. The blue-haired male seemed to notice the dark look on Diamond's face.

"Is something the matter brother?".

"The child told our plaything of our previous dealings with her".

Heart's smile faded and he approached you quickly. Gripping your shoulders, he seemed to scan your eyes.

"Did she tell you anything else besides the fact that she was our teacher".

"No" you lied, taking his hands off of you.

"Miss ___, could you please not lie to us".

"I honestly don't understand why you two are so worked up over this. It's not like I'm going to judge you two for having a teacher, who has the appearance of a child. Honestly, I don't think you should've tried to kill her though, especially after she saved your lives".

"If you think we owe her our lives, then you're wrong. We owe her nothing; don't think we're weak merely because a child decided to teach us a few things".

"So that's the reason. You don't want me to think either of you weak. If that's what you're worried about then you're wasting your time. Like I said, I'm not judging either of you, nor do I think either of you weak. Frankly, the most shocking part was picturing you two as children with no markings on your faces".

"Well, I suppose that's good to hear. However, should you ever relay that information to anyone else, we will not hesitate to punish you severely" Diamond stated while a dark look remained in his eyes.

Rolling your eyes, you turned away from them and glanced out the window. The rest of the time the two brothers merely talked among themselves, trying to engage you in the conversation. You occasionally talked to them, though this was only when they forced you to.

As the time passed, you had a late lunch with the brothers, who attempted to feed you your meal. However, this only resulted in them spilling the chicken soup all over themselves, which you found quite amusing. Though, your quiet laughing only caused the two to smile. Heart's smirking face and Diamond's smiling one only meant something bad. However, they never had the opportunity to perform their plan, since the train had now reached your destination.

The train stopped abruptly, sending you flying towards the two brothers. However, both held you up, preventing you from hitting the floor.

"Miss _____, please wait in the engineer's car while we go change our coats quickly".

Both brothers walked off, as Fade came into view. She nodded at you and you responded in the same way. You could see the sunhat girl's domain in the distance and you knew she was waiting for you.  

A Dimensional Tune (Yandere Twins x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now