Blown Up Chapter 5

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Dedicated to ^ because she is the best fan ever:)

Slideshow so far are the characters that I picture. If you have suggestions, I would love to hear them? I don't know who to use for Mr. Evil- he is introduced in this chapt)

Video to the right>>> I don't know. I love this song and it was stuck in my head.

Enjoy! as always:)


He didn’t know where he was going for about two miles, but soon he recognized the surrounding scenery. His family had passed it on a family trip. He specifically remembered Jason pointing out to the building that was farther down the road as the one where he worked.

It clicked in Derek’s mind then. Jason was part of this. There were far too many coincidences for it not to be. First, there was no sign of forced entry back at the house. Someone had to have a key. Then, Jason was the only one that had not called or had not answered his phone today out of his very large family. Finally, there was Jason’s work building in the background.

Jason also had a motive that few would actually know about. Before Danny had gone out with Alia, Jason and Alia had a sort of fling. They weren’t considered a couple, but they did what couples did. Derek frowned at that thought. He hadn’t approved of that relationship since it began. Of course though, it ended in the end. Jason and Alia got in a fight and resolved to stop talking.

Derek suspected that something more had gone on during that, but any major detail had not been explained by either Jason or Alia. Derek and Danny just guessed what had happened between the two. It had just been plain awkward to be in the same room with them.

Sweating from the humidity and the time he had been walking, Derek pushed away that awful memory. He didn’t want to dwell on past happenings when Alia was possibly in trouble. He slapped himself internally. Sounding like a love-struck fool, which he was, needed to get lost too. If he confessed his obsession for Alia, he might scare her off.

His thoughts lingering on what could have been drifted throughout his mind, as he trudged towards the building, where his most adventurous event of his life so far would take place in a few short moments. There were controversies flying through that air as he pushed open the door. Warmness blasted into his face, hesitating before taking his first steps in the top secret building.


I honestly did not like cells, prisons, are anything of the sort. For example, I was still in the same old chair with handcuffs trapping my clamped hands, flexed torso, and skinny ankles. And I was not too happy about that. They hadn’t even moved me back to my cell. Darn lazy bad ass guys, that weren’t that bad ass. More like bad and extreme asses.

As I was about to open my mouth to complain once again on my current state to no one in particular, the door behind me swung open. I gulped nervously. There was only one person that ever had so much rage on a constant stream.

“Well, who do we have back here? It can’t be our little darling,” The scratchy voice engulfed me in shivers.

“Oh, yeah its me,” I stammered, failing to come off in my normal cool attitude. “Long time no see.”

“So, what brings you back to our darling little place?”

“Darling? Huh,” I scoffed, refusing to answer the question. It was a necessity to stray away from that subject as much as possible.

His face finally came to my view.  Being older than the rest of the employees here, his aurora was full of authority that no one wanted to defy. Not even me.  His nose was bent at an awkward angle, with dark piercing eyes to complete the frightening look. As always, his lips were in a thin line above a 5 o’clock shadow.

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