Blown Up Chapter 4

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 Dedicated to this person because you guys should check her out. She just started writing on this website. Check her out and make her popular. Her story is a similar genre to mine. Except, mine has more humor.

Slide show of covers by PoePunk!

I know these  guys to the right aren't most people's cup of tea, but I love them. I just had to share. Yes, their music isn't very.... upbeat.

So, check out the Handicapped Girl, my other story. I hope to upload more of it this week.



Jason hurled me into the uncomfortable cell. Yes, they have prisons, for all you morons that haven’t realized I was dealing with the US government. I guess though, uncomfortable cell would refer to almost all prisons. It was small, with solid, rock hard wall, and no windows. The walls were gray and bare, making it seem deadly. There was a toilet with a small sink, no soap what so ever. There was a bed hanging from the wall. It of course was rock solid, as everything was in here,  with two white sheets.

I took all this in before turning to Jason, with a sweet smile on my face. I really wanted either a more accommodating room, if not soap. I wanted to stay was sanitary as possible after my extended stay in the woods. Being clean again made me want to stay clean. Unfortunately, Jason looked really annoyed, so I had a feeling even me puppy dog face would get me no where, even if I was irresistible.

Not that Jason would ever fall for any of my faces anyways.

“So, Jason,” I began.

“Nope,” He replied without hearing my request. Meanie-butt.


“I can already tell what you want,” I was interrupted again.

“Why not?” I questioned.

He gave me the you-know-that look. To tell you the truth, I almost interpreted as frustrated-out-of- my-mind expression. I have a feeling it was the mixture of the both. I decided it would be best to shut up, because I would prefer to keep the rest of my body parts in tact. In case you haven’t caught on, Jason Harrison is a very violent guy, very violent indeed. When I thought about what he could do to me, a person he hates, if I didn’t do what he wanted, shivers went through my body.

“Fine-fine,” I gave in to him, choosing a smart decision for once.

Huffing, I crossed my arms over my chest. Jason left the cell, obviously too lazy to watch over me. So, I think I forgot to mention I won one of the many battles I fought here! They finally took the rope of my hands, and didn’t replace them with handcuffs. See, I am not a high-class prisoner that has to be chained to the ground. Though, I do think that only happens in movies. I have never seen a place to chain someone to the ground. It sounds horrific.

I slumped to floor, my back to the barred-door. The bars dug into my back, but I didn’t move to make myself more comfortable. It was hard to feel at home here. To be honest, I was filled with fear and worry, but, not for myself. I could take it, because I probably deserved it in some way or another. But, rather for the Harrison family and their future, especially Derek.

One, Rick and Jason had just found me in the Harrison house. I had a feeling someone would be waiting for them when they come home. I also believed that Rick and his boss thought that the whole Harrison family knew that I was alive. So, to ensure they wouldn’t tell anyone that I was still alive, they would kill them, or throw them in here, a jail cell. I hoped it was the latter. Secondly, Jason was the oldest, so he had the most respect from Mrs. Harrison. That meant he could convince his whole family if he had too. You never know what he has up his sleeve. And, he was on the side that would be shortly be torturing me to a slow, painful death.

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