Chapter 13

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It's been a quiet week since Rose came back to me and I had to admit, I was very content. Just being able to watch her sleep and relax in my company gave me a huge sense of satisfaction.

Luckily for Jack, he hadn't tried to come near her. In fact, it seems as though he dropped from the face of the earth. Two days after he attacked Rose, Carlos and his team, minus Scott of course, lost track of him. This didn't put me at ease like it did for Rose, who thought it was a good thing. No, it only heightened my awareness of him. Obviously he was planning something, something big and until that plan came into fruition, there was nothing we could do but wait.

It was Monday morning and Rose had prepared us a Full English for breakfast.

"Are you going to be okay?" I asked her, after wolfing down a large forkful. After lifting her gaze towards me, she gave me a cute little glare.

"I've told you this four times already. Yes, I'll be fine." Nodding, a small smile tugged my lips despite my worry. Today would be my first full day back at the office as I'd decided that, when Rose came back to me, I wouldn't leave her. I wasn't necessarily afraid that her psychotic ex would harm her, because I believed in Carlos impeccably to keep her safe, but I was afraid that she would decide to run out on me again.

"Are you going to be okay?" Her silky voice wafted to my eardrums shaking me from my reprieve.

"Yes." Even to my own ears it sounded like a lie.


Being back at my desk, I felt a wave of comfort take over my body. At work everything seemed so much more simple; knowing exactly what had to be done, when to do it and how. Unlike my life outside, that's always been tainted with problems. Whether it be family, friends (not that I had many) or general security issues.

Now, more so than ever, did I feel the need to bring back the control that I so desperately craved for. I cared for Rose so much, too much. No matter how much trouble she has inadvertently brought my way, I would never regret meeting her and the time I'd spent with her. Especially the time we've had together this past week.

The first few days after the attack, she was quiet and reserved, only speaking when spoken to. Gradually, she began opening up more. Starting conversations with me. Out of all the women I've had the pleasure of knowing, never have I felt so connected to them as I do with Rose. Our conversations always flow freely with no awkward or uncomfortable silences. The feeling of complete contentment around her was both exhilarating and terrifying, because it feels as though we could have a relationship. Maybe even fall in love.

I frowned down at the paperwork strewn out in front of me at the thought of this. I'd never been in love and certainly wasn't the type of man to fall in love easily. But I couldn't help shake the feeling that maybe I was doing just that. Falling in love with a woman I barely know, a woman who has been through hell and back. Shit.

Pushing all thoughts of love aside, I decided to dial my home number to see how Rose was, hoping she would pick up. Fortunately, her velvety, yet hesitant voice answered on the fourth ring.


I exhaled a breath I didn't even realise I was holding.

"Hello, it's me." A soft sigh travelled through the line.

"Deep down I knew it would be." Rose answered, sounding tired and sorrowful. Her statement sent my spine up. Surely Carlos would have notified me if something had happened, wouldn't he?

"Who else would it be?" I asked as calmly as possible.

"I-well. Urgh, I don't know. I'm just a bit jumpy. I've just woke up from a nap so I'm not with it. Sorry." There's my answer to how she is.

"Don't apologise, I understand. Do you want me to come home?"

There was a long pause, so long in fact that I almost called out to her.

"No, it's okay. You do what you need to. Don't want your empire to fall, do we?" Hearing her smile calmed my nerves and brought a smile to my own face.

"No, we don't. Who else will command my minions?" I joked, causing the sweetest sound to escape Rose, her laugh. I was definitely in trouble with this one.

"Exactly. Why did you call? Everything all right?" She asked me, sounding a touch nervous again.

"Just wanted to see how you are, but you've already answered my question. I'm still not sure if I should stay or come home." Every time I said 'home', it no longer felt like just my home. It felt like ours.

"Harry, I'm okay. Honestly. You should stay. I'll even make you dinner for when you get back." Well, aren't I a lucky man.

"I can't say no to that, can I? Okay, you have a deal. I'll phone you when I'm on my way home."

There's that word again. That word with its new meaning. Home with Rose.

"Okay. Actually no. Phone me an hour before and when you're on your way. So I know when to put dinner on and when to set the table." I could hear that perfect smile again, bringing my grin back full force.

"An hour before and when I'm on my way. You got it darling."


I was in high spirits as I parked my Audi into my building's car park. Not only had I managed to succeed in sealing a very profitable deal before leaving work, I was also about to have dinner with a very beautiful blonde.

My spirits increased tenfold when I stepped into the kitchen. Rose stood shyly beside the entrance to the dining room, wearing an elegant knee length red dress, the bodice tight and the skirt flaring. Her hair was piled high atop her head, golden tendrils framing her blushing face.

"Hi." She greeted, but I couldn't reciprocate. For once in my life I was speechless, unable to keep my eyes from roaming every inch of her curvaceous body.

"You're not going to say anything to the woman that's just slaved over the stove for you?" My eyes followed every humour filled syllable that left her cherry stained lips, which reminded me of Marylin Monroe.

Mouth dry and palms sweating, I did the only thing that came to mind. I kissed her.

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