Chapter 7

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I was so relieved when Rose had told me the reason as to why she cried after our shower rendezvous, but that relief very quickly turned into a cold fear when Carlos showed me the photographs that Scott took of her flat. I wasn't expecting him to take any photos, but Carlos explained to me that if we ever needed to get the authorities involved, the photos would act as evidence.

Unfortunately, I wished Scott hadn't taken them. I always thought that I had a strong stomach, seeing and experiencing things in my past that had proven my theory right. However, I had an urge to vomit at the sight presented to me. Rose's flat had been completely ransacked, but the image of her now deceased cat will stay with me for a long time. It looked to have been hung drawn and quartered; it's inners strewn haphazardly and it's blood decorating the walls with threats such as, 'I am coming for you.' and the worst that made my stomach clench 'No one can protect you.'

I watched Rose slowly take a seat on one of the stools next to the kitchen island, looking so pale that she looked translucent.

"Are you OK?" Stupid question, I know.

"Take me there." She replied and it took me aback. I'd be damned if I let her go and see the things that I had.

"Absolutely not." Was my only reply as I took a seat beside her. The colour rushed back to her cheeks as she stared at me.

"I've had enough. Take me home."

"No. Not until it's been cleaned." Abruptly, she stood and took a step towards me, hovering above me with a glint in her eye I hadn't seen yet.

"It wasn't a request. You either take me there, or I'm going back alone." It was obvious she was angry and was using that anger against me. I was confused and beginning to get pissed off myself. She asked for my help and now she was practically throwing it back in my face. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Nodding, Rose strode past me and left the kitchen.

Frowning, I stood and followed her to the bedroom. I entered just as she began to strip off the clothes I had given her.

"Rose, what are you doing?"

"I'm leaving." Her voice was void of any emotion as she answered with her back facing me. I ran my hands through my hair, exasperated beyond the point of control, watching as she slipped that damn red dress over her curves.

"No you're not." I told her when she finally turned to look at me.

"Don't you dare try and tell me what I can and can't do! You're trying to control me and I hate it."

"Last thing I knew, you loved it." The words flew out of my mouth before I realised how much they might have hurt her, which judging by the look on her face, we pretty fucking bad.

"I'm sor-" She interrupted me when she raised her palm up to signal me to stop, he eyes narrowing to the point of slits.

"You men are all the same. Always wanting to control and manipulate women into doing what you want. You have no idea how much I appreciate what you have done for me these few days, but now I'm rethinking what your motive was." She stormed past me with her purse in hand, leaving me gaping at her remark. Questioning my motive? Was she out of her mind! I quickly met her near the front door as she was slipping on her shoes.

"I didn't have to help you." I shouted once I reached her, which startled her. Good. It's my turn to overreact now.

"Whatever you're 'rethinking' is bullshit. I helped you because I saw that you truly needed it. If you don't want my help anymore, the quite frankly you are fucked. Fucked, Rose." I was panting now, anger and sadness boiling over and fighting against each other in my chest. The fact that she doubted my true intentions ripping me apart from the inside.

Biting her lip, she looked any where but at me, which was pissing me off even more. One minute she's thanking me profusely and the next she flies of the handle just because I wouldn't allow her to witness her mangled cat. It was for her own good, I was protecting her. She walked towards me, placing both hands on my cheeks and looked into my eyes. Her lower lip quivered slightly before she regained her composure.

"I'm sorry, I should have realised before. This is my fight, not yours." I went to speak, but she stopped me by placing her finger against my lips.

"I am not dragging you into this any further." The determination in her voice sent shivers down my spine. I knew at this moment that nothing I would say now would change her mind. Whether she had a plan, I didn't know. I looked down, closed my eyes then sighed, bringing my heart rate down as much as I could when she was touching me.

"Rose. I can't let you go." I wanted to say more, but nothing else would leave me.

"Yes you can. And you will. What ever happens, it's not your fault. I am grateful for everything, but this isn't happening any more. Forget about me and get on with your life." With that lingering in the air, she turned on her heals and left and I'm not going to lie, it hurt. There was no way I was going to listen to her. She may not want me involved any more, but I sure as hell was going to continue protecting her. She just wouldn't know it.

My phone began buzzing in my back pocket.

"I've just seen Miss Harris leave." Carlos' voice came through the speaker. He was the eyes and ears of everything, more so now than he has been.

"I know. I want you to tail her. Tell Scott and John to do the same. Keep a very close eye on her. Anything happens to her and I'm holding you all personally responsible, understood." I know it was harsh, but I wanted him to understand how important her safety was to me. Too important.

"Of course. Her flat has been cleaned."

"That quick?" I frowned. It had only been forty minutes since the pictures had been taken.

"Yes. I ordered a four man team to put things in order. I thought that Rose might have wanted to go home today to pick up some of her belongings. What's left of them." Of course he would think that. He thinks of everything. I sighed and replied OK, not knowing what else to say.

"Can I ask you something?" Queried Carlos.

"Make it quick."

"What happened? She looked upset. I was expecting to take both of you to her flat."

Three simple words and he would understand.

"I fucked up."

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