Chapter 9

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I've never felt lonely before, but the minute Rose left I felt it slowly creeping from within me. It frustrated me. Why did I have feelings towards this imperfect but brilliant woman who I've only just met? Never in my life have I felt like this. Even when I got into a relationship lasting six months I didn't feel this attached.

Carlos has been informing me of her whereabouts all day, telling me she's staying at a run down B&B on the outskirts of the city. I'd nearly left on several occasions to go to her, but stopped myself. I was being pathetic. Why should I run to her when she ran from me? If she wanted me she would have stayed.

Throwing my half eaten food into the waste bin, I prepared to take a shower. Once I stripped and entered the shower I couldn't take my mind off Rose. I wondered what she was doing, how she was feeling and wished that she was here with me now. Knowing she's alone and at risk from her psychotic ex-dominant chilled my bones, making the scorching water that ran down my body feel freezing. I had a huge amount of faith in Carlos and those that worked for him, but something in the back of my head told me it wasn't enough.

Leaving the bathroom only in a towel wrapped around my middle, I startled when I saw Carlos sitting on my couch, shuffling through papers on my coffee table. He raised his head to look at me, a solid scowl imprinted on his brow.

"Go put some clothes on, I have something important to show you." I knew it really was important as his voice was clipped. Nodding my head, I quickly walked to my room and got dressed, entering the living room almost as swiftly as I'd left it. Sitting beside him I asked what it was that he needed to show me.

"Police reports and photographs from a murder that took place one month ago." Arching one eyebrow, I looked at the documents laid out on the table, specifically the one that Carlos was gesturing towards. It consisted of details about the victim, the name unknown to me. Frowning, I handed the piece of paper to Carlos.

"What does this have to do with me?" I asked, irritated for no reason. His eyes rolled, a gesture I wasn't used to seeing him use as he knows how much it annoys me.

"If you had continued to read it you would know, wouldn't you?" I snatched the paper back from him and did as he instructed. Half way down the page it became clear why he showed me.

"He was Managing Director of Jack's law firm?" I asked, even though I knew.

"Yes. Also..." He picked up another document and handed it to me before he continued.

"These are emails that we managed to find in the deepest darkest section of the internet, which the police can't even access and took us a hell of a while to find ourselves. They are threatening and abusive messages between Jack Taylor and the deceased, Richard Newman."

"I can see that." I murmured, focusing my attention on the emails at hand, showcasing Jacks intent on keeping this Richard bloke's mouth shut, but not showing about what exactly.

"Is this all you have?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, yes. We couldn't find any other contact between them, besides what you have."

"So you think he got rid of him?" I looked over the graphic photos taken by the forensics. Mr Newman was found in a lake, his insides pulled out from his body just like Rose's cat.

"Yes. All reasoning points to it."

"Fuck." Rubbing my forehead, I sighed and stood, feeling far too fidgety to remain sitting.

"It gets worse. We found the man that Jack attacked." He pulled another document from the table and handed it to me. It was a report from the hospital stating that a Connor Black suffered from internal bleeding, a fractured skull, a broken jaw, two broken legs and a broken back. All of which was caused by a brutal beating.

"The police reports state that Mr Black was unaware of who attacked him and that there was insufficient evidence to prosecute a potential culprit."

"Are you sure this is the right man?"

"Positive. The dates add up and Mr Black was working for Jack at the time. I also dug up some emails and text messages from him showing interactions with Mr Taylor." He began to hand me another piece of paper, but I shook my head. I wasn't interested in their conversations.

"Do you have his address?" I queried then Carlos nodded, a glint in his frosty eyes indicating he knew where I was going with this.

"First thing tomorrow morning I want you to take me there."


I phoned my assistant the minute the clock struck 7am the following morning, telling him to reschedule my morning appointments as I wouldn't be arriving till midday. This was the first time in so many years that I couldn't even count that I would be missing hours of work, but the matter at hand was far more important than that.

Carlos picked me up an hour later, commenting on how tired I look as I sat beside him in the Range Rover. I told him to mind his own business and drive. Being tired wasn't an issue, I was used to it as I never have been able to sleep particularly well. However, last night I couldn't sleep at all. My mind running at lightning speed.

Pulling up outside of Mr Black's house forty-five minutes later, I took in the appearance. His home was a bungalow, which I was informed was only bought one month ago, small but well kept.

"Do you know what you're going to say?" Carlos asked me, as I sat staring.

"I have an idea." Was my answer, which was only half the truth. I thought about it all night, inbetween my large bursts of thoughts about Rose. He nodded then we stepped out of the car wordlessly. We walked up the small path and then I took a deep breath before ringing the door bell. I waited patiently for a few minutes, giving Connor time to get to the door, because I knew he would still be injured even after all this time. What I wasn't expecting was a small blonde haired boy of around seven or eight to answer the door.

"Hello." The boy greeted. Myself and Carlos looked at each other as I shrugged. It wasn't that I was bad with children, in fact I actually baby sat my nephew on several occasions, but they made me uncomfortable with their focus always solely on you, unlike adults.

"Um, hello." Was my ridiculous attempt at conversing. I didn't want to ask him if Connor was home. What if he had moved already due to being threatened again. A low pitched voice interrupted this charade. It was quiet so I couldn't really hear what was being said, but the boy had heard it.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"We are looking for Connor Black." I told him, wincing slightly as I spoke. The little boy turned his head and called out,

"Daddy, two really big boys are asking for you." My head snapped to look at Carlos, who was frowning along with me. Clearly neither of us knew that Mr Black was a parent, and now I wanted to know why.

A man with sandy coloured hair and dark circles under his hazel eyes appeared in the door way, telling the little boy to go to his room and lock the door behind him. Who did he think we were?

"I'm Connor Black. What do you want?" He sneered, looking up at us menacingly from his wheelchair.

"I'm Harry Jones and this is my guard Carlos Rodriguez. We need to talk to you about Jack Taylor." As soon as I let Jack's name fall from my lips, every ounce of colour drained from Connor's face.

"I-I don't know who you're talking about." He stammered, reaching for the door and beginning to close it, until I stopped him with the palm of my hand.

"We're already aware that you know him." Carlos piped in.

"And what he did to you." I added, releasing my hand from the door as to make him feel a little more comfortable around us. Connor looked to the floor.

"Are you the police?" He asked.

"No, not the police. We are just two people who want answers." I told him.

"About Jack?" The venom was back in his voice when he mentioned his attackers name.

"Yes." Rolling back a little in his wheelchair, he opened the door wide.

"You best come in then."

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