Chapter 10

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Harry's hands were roaming over my body hungrily as his mouth devoured mine, licking and sucking until we became breathless.

"I love how these lips taste." He seductively whispered in my ear before travelling southwards, nibbling on every inch of my flushed skin. Reaching my pubis he paused to lick his lips and wink.

"Now let's see how these lips taste." With that he lowered his head between my legs and began lapping up my obvious arousal, greedily eating me out and causing me to writhe uncontrollabley beneath his skill.

I peered down when the feeling started to distort and bring me discomfort. Suddenly, it was no longer Harry pleasuring me, it was Jack. He pulled away from me and sneered whilst wiping my juices viciously from his face.

"You enjoyed that didn't you? Slut!" Laughing darkly he lunged towards me and I screamed.

I woke with my heart pounding and sweat streaming down every part of my body. Searching my surroundings I tried to gather my whits, telling myself it was only a nightmare. Every nightmare was different, but this one really scared me. Why did Harry turn into the man that took away my life?

Standing from the bed, I stretched out feeling sore, the effects of sleeping on the battered mattress for two nights taking full effect. I was still staying at The Lion's Den, which was not as bad as I expected. Other than the mattress being hard, the wallpaper so old it hangs from the corners and the commuting shower and toilet in the hallway, it was actually pretty clean. That's all I was hoping for.

Glancing at the clock, it was just past ten am, so I decided to brave the showers for the first time to clean my clammy body. I grabbed a towel that I had packed when I left my flat and headed for the showers, knocking lightly before stepping into the small room. Stripping off, I entered the tiny shower that I noticed was a fraction of the size of Harry's. The water ran cold but in some way it was pleasant.

A few minutes later, my spine went rigid as I felt eyes on me, searing hot through the back of my head.

"God, have I missed you're arse." Jack's croaky voice froze me in place.

"Now turn around and reacquaint me with..." The glass door to the shower opened behind me.

"...your tits." He finished once he practically joined me in the shower. My fight or flight instinct kicked in almost immediately, as I spun around and took perfect aim when kneeing him in his groin. I pushed him back once he creased in pain then ran for the door. It gave a whole new meaning to naked and afraid.

Managing to reach my room, I tried to slam the door behind me before Jack appeared in view and stopped the door just as it was about to close. He barged through, slamming the door behind him, managing to knock me back a few paces in the process. I attempted to scream, but his hand had reached my mouth just before sound left me.

"Fucking bitch." Hissed Jack, spinning me around so his front was pressed against my back. It couldn't go unnoticed that he was aroused by our tangle. The dirty bastard, I thought as I sunk my teeth into his sweaty palm. He removed his hand briefly before replacing it, this time covering both my mouth and nose, suffocating me.

"You've been a very naughty little girl, running from me. Didn't you realise I would find you? I think it's only fair I punish you, don't you think Rosey?" Bile rose to my throat as his pet name for me and his threat registered in my oxygen deprived brain. Jack's free hand moved to my neck; down across my breasts, my stomach then finally landing on my inner thigh, squeezing it so painfully that I let out a muffled cry. My vision began to blur and I knew I was about to faint, when suddenly Jack's body was thrown from mine, leaving me gasping for much needed air.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as I turned to see the scene that was playing out. Jack had been thrown to the floor by one of Harry's guards, Scott.

All of a sudden, there was a loud bang then I screamed as Scott hit the floor, blood seeping from his stomach. Jack ran past my vision, saying something that I didn't hear through the buzzing in my ears. Pulling myself out of my haze, I yanked the sheet off the bed and wrapped it around myself speedily; rushing to pull a top from my suitcase then kneeling beside Scott to press it firmly against his wound. His face was impassive, but his fidgeting suggested he was in pain. Obviously, I chastised myself.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked me with a near unnoticeable wince.

"Yeah, are you?" I asked as tears started to spill from my eyes and 'it's your fault' playing like a mantra inside my pounding head. The corner of his mouth lifted.

"Just a flesh wound." Was he trying to joke about this? As I was about to humour him, two very large men walked into the room. One crouched beside Scott opposite me, while the other placed his hand gently on my shoulder.

"Would you come with me miss?" The stranger, who's eyes were kind, asked. I looked to Scott, who gave a single nod towards me. Placing my hand in the man's outstretched palm, I followed him through the door on shaky legs, words of apology passing through my lips in a whisper.

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