Chapter 8

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I don't understand the exact reason behind why I got so angry with Harry, to say I felt bad about my actions would be an understatement. In a way though, it helped me release him from my troubles. The minute he told me about my cat, Poppy, I knew this was getting even more out of hand. Obviously cats and people were two completely different species; some people may say that animals are less important than humans, but knowing that Jack could so easily disembowel her was just a small indication of what he would be willing to do with Harry and Co.

Coming to the decision the moment those words left Harry's lips, I thought it would be easier to use my anger towards him so that he would let me go. However, when I saw how battered he looked just before I left, I couldn't help but soften up and give him the speech about how much I appreciated him and what he did for me. Leaving behind a bittersweet moment.

Quickly walking from his apartment, I reached the bus stop a few hundred yards down the street and waited, checking the times for the bus I would need to get home. Luckily I only had to wait ten minutes before it arrived. I silently broke down on the trip. How is it possible to feel so attached to someone you only met a few days ago? I missed him already.

Thirty minutes later, I entered my building and paused outside of my flat's door, preparing myself for what was waiting for me. Taking a deep breath, I entered my keys into the lock but they didn't fit. I growled in frustration realising that a member of Carlos' team must of had the locks changed. Sliding down the door, I placed my head between my knees and tried to think of something I could do. The first thought that came to mind was to go to one of my friends house, but I knew I couldn't put them at risk, if they had forgiven me about abandoning them in the first place. The second thought was to take the bus all the way back to Harry's apartment and find Carlos to get the keys. But I decided against that too, knowing with no doubt that I would be persuaded to stay. So, my only other option was to break the door down myself.

I stood and walked to the other end of the landing, leaving my belongings and shoes beside the door. Closing my eyes, I counted to three before making a beeline for the door, slamming my arm against it, willing it to budge. Of course it didn't. The action only resulting in me crying out in pain from the impact. I wasn't aware how sturdy my door really was, but it gave a strange sense of comfort. Rubbing my arm, I backed up getting ready to repeat the action once more, only with more force. However, I was jolted from my position when I collided with a warm but very solid object. Spinning around, I was faced with, what can only be described as, a very large human muscle. His eyes were a smokey grey and his head was shaven. My mouth went dry. What if this was one of Jack's goons? I knew he had them.

"Miss Harris?" Asked the walking bulldozer. I felt a little relieved now. If he's calling me 'Miss Harris' he must be working for Harry. Right? I nodded. He reached into his trouser pocket and retrieved a shiny new set of keys, dangling them in front of me. Hesitantly, I reached out and took them, examining them. Once I lifted my head, the tower of a man was already making his way down the stairs.

"Wait!" I called out, which made him stop and turn immediately.

"Is there something you need, miss?"

"Who are you?" I asked, wondering whether he was Scott or John, coming to the conclusion that he most definitely worked for Harry.

"Names Scott. I work under Lieutenant Rodriguez." My mouth fell to the floor. Carlos is a lieutenant? I assumed it was Carlos he was referring to. Regaining my composure, I thanked him then walked to my door, once again pausing for what was about to come.

Once I opened the door, I was startled to see that my flat was completely void of any devastation, the strong scent of bleach overwhelming my senses. Clearly it had been cleaned, but a disturbing part of me wanted to see the mess that Jack had left in his wake. I wanted to see what Harry had.

To the unknowing eye of others, everything would seem normal. However, I noticed all the slight differences when surveying my surroundings. Missing pillows, ornaments, plates, clothes. Just the little things. I stared at my bed, remembering what had happened the last time I was here. For the past two weeks I had been on the run, sleeping in hotel rooms and B&B's. So for the first time, I came back to the scene of the crime. The place where everything had changed. My own home.

I ran my fingers over the laundered sheets, trying to come up with a plan. Coming up blank, I decided to make myself something to eat. A seemingly mundane task, but at that moment it made me feel normal again. I knew I couldn't stay here long, not until I had a plan. Another hotel room seemed to be the best option. After much deliberation and filling my stomache, I decided to book myself into a cheap B&B above a pub called 'The Lion's Den' under a pseudo name, Laura Smith.

Not wanting to be without clothes, I dug my tattered suitcase from deep within my wardrobe and threw several different items of clothing into it, including a brush, a warm jacket and flat sand shoes. Once I was happy with everything I had packed I searched for my trusty pen knife. If someone was to find me, I at least wanted to know that I could protect myself in some small way. I located it in the back of my dresser and smiled to myself. This would do.

I took one last look at my home, that was now tainted with a memory I could never forget, before heading to the bus stop. Even though I felt a strange sort of calm wash over me, my spine still tingled. Some one was following me.

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