Author's Note

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Hi human being ! Hi bananas ! And hi toast. So this is my last chapter for this story. So well I want to finish it. Its took a few month to finish it.

Thank you for sticking around till the end of this story with me and beyond . Thank you for all your time and support.

To deaina, well thanks for support me till the end of this story. Yeah because of you, I tried my best to finished this story ! And Im so lucky to have you as my fans. Btw guess what ? I love you story tho ! Do the best because I be your fans too !

To all readers thst perhaps always sticking till the end, I just wanna say thank you again ! I love you guys !

There are still so many readers coming in and reading this book for the first time and leaving a such heartwarming comments. Thank you so much. Thank you to the past readers,to the rereaders and to the brand new readers and possible new readers as well. I really appreciate you guys reading my book and loving it. I also appreciate the fact that you it so much to share it around with your family and friends.

And the fact that in a way, the book changed the way you looked at life or inspired you or even to touched you. And every time someone tells me that, it is literally one of best things I've  ever heard.

I love you guys xx

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