Heart Messages

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Emily's POV

After all that had done to me, im not interested on Sarah anymore. its make me feel like im wasting my time with someone who dont even understand me, never trust on me. doubt on me . well I say that im okay but totally I felt im insane . my phone rang , brandon's name flash on the light at my phone. im shocked. " hey emily, " his voice, sound like he's crying. oh crap, this is my first time guess, I heard boys crying. " hey brandon, whats wrong dude? are you okay? " im started worry about him. " babe, whats wrong with my life? mom and dad jusr had arguing just now. im totally insane, I cant handle this things. and suddenly, Sarah called me, scolded at me like hell what am I wrong. mom and Louis just leave the house let me and dad alone at home. I dont know. im not strong enough!! " he cried harder. im just felt him too. my mom and dada always argue.. and im just used too. " dress up, ill pick you up " im ended the called and ill take my hoodie and my sneakers with shortpant.. I reach my car's key..


after i've arrived. I pick him up. he wears a black t-shirt and ripped jean and white converse. messy hair with tired face.. he glances on me with poor eyes. " chill, im here to make you happy so let go " I comfort him.
he's just dreamy, looking out the window .. wind blowing hair and I could smell the perfume that I gave a few years ago .. I know he's tired, tired, worried. I cant do anything. I took him to the place that we used to hang out with.. " okay we're arrived. to lets get out and took some fresh air " I tell him. he silent and calm. not to talk to. like he dreaming.. " so yeah, now you can tell me everything. whats happen?" he doesnt replied anything. but then I got an idea. " well if you dont want to talk to, let do something awesome?" I reached my backpack , and take out a small glass jar, pen and sticky notes. " so doesnt have rules on this game, we both just have to write what we felt now. write and put it on this small jar ?" I said, brandon just glances on me and nodded. so I gave him pen, jar and sticky notes. so we're start.

notes 1 : today, youre in uncomfortable situation. exhausted, painful, I saw all of this on your poor eyes, ill be here foe you when you need me
notes 2 : you never realize my absence, im in love with you
notes 3 : felt comfort with im with you. your messt hair, your smell, everthing about you
notes 4 : sometimes, you pretending like you like me, like you need me otherwise I just to much expectation.
notes 5 : its hurt when I saw you with her. Its broken my heart into a pieces
notes 6 : everything about you is my masterpiece
notes 7 : " Every time she laughs
she hopes he's watching
hoping that he will
fall for her smile
just as hard
as she fell
for his "
notes 8 : I wonder what hurts more? saying something and then regretting it the second you say it, or not saying anything at all and wishing you had.
notes 9 : I wish you love me back
notes 10 : can I turn back time
notes 11 : im the one who the saddest person that never you're appreciate
notes 12 : wait, I saw you're crying! oh crap, what should I do..
notes 13 : may I know what are you writen about?
notes 14 : its hurt when I see you heart
notes 15 :you all in my mind. so what your? sarah?
notes 16 : no one can stop the feeling
notes 17 : should I or nah ?
notes 18 : ilove everything about you no doubt and forever
notes 19 : its hurt but nevermind.. I love you forever and ever
notes 20 : ilove you brandon.. Always..

After im done writen, while im waiting brandon done his. I glance on him. like were used to be together. then I saw him stop writen and close his pen. I know that he done. " so youre done ?" I asked. and he said " yeah, im feel better now. just like wow " " so now we should chill our mind and stare at the sky. looking for the star " I said. then brandon lay down his body on my thighs . " oh crap, my heart beats " I said silently.. " you know what, sometimes, I just felt like im not good enough for people around me. I wish I could be the better one. its just like I need to be strong to face all of this. mom and louis just walked away from our house. and Sarah, babe I love her. but I dont understand about my feeling tbh. I dont know either I love her or not.. im confuse " im nodded and im sad either when he said about Sarah. God please give me a strength

Okay, its totally awkward chapter but you should stay waiting for the next chapter, its gonna more exciting after this.. stay with me

A xx

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