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Brandon's POV

Today, emily going to checkout from hospital. I take my car and pick up emily at hospital's lobby. Now, its about 11 p.m.

" So now, you wanna enjoy your day? " I asked her.

She ignored me, with no words, no glance. She seeing like thinking about something. She look at her fingers and she totally not wearing that ring.

I hold her hand but suddenly avoiding her hand from me. Im speechless, what am I do wrong ?

" Stop the car " she said.

" But why ? " I asked while I stop the car slowly.

" Okay look brandon, you know what, I cant accepted your demand. And I think you should keep this ring im sorry " she said and left the ring. she open the door. I grab her hand.

" emily. I love you, and I know, you love me too " she avoiding and she left me with no reasons.

Its broke my heart into a pieces. I wonder, why she'll be like this? something happens.

This ring.

Should on you finger now emily,

you should be mine today,

and you bless me with the best gift.

My phone rang, but I ignored it

I need to rest my mind now .

I drive while im still shocked about what happened just now. I went up to my room and lay my body while staring at emily's jar of her feelings on me. Based on what am I read, like she really like and loves me. Still can't accept this.

My door open suddenly,

And I clearly thinks that my dad open it.

" Dad, what do you want ?" I said


Its not my dad,

Its louis.

Oh lord, my brother and only

" Brado, I miss you dude " he said while he ran and give me a hug.

" How did you came here louis, I miss you so much! " I wipe loius's tears while he wipe mine.

" I came here with mum, mum miss you so much damn ! you should met mum now, she with dad now " louis said.

Oh lord, I miss my mum so much.

I went down stairs, I saw mum. My little mum, my sweetheart, the woman that I loved the most, the person that I need in my life,

She with dad now. I know that they regret, I know how much dad loves mum and mum loves dad.

" mum ? " I called .

" Brandon? " she said. I see tears flow on her cheek.

She came, And give me a hug that i've never feel like this. I know, she miss me.

" I never leave you like this, I make mistakes, I am sorry son. Please forgive me. You know what, you're look skinnier than before. Oh lord, only god know how much I miss you brandon " she said and keep giving me tight hugged.

Oh lord, Im so blessed that I still have m beside me and Im thinking about Emily right now.

How she face all of this, How can she be like missing her mum.

She such a strong girl.


" Brandon ! Breakfast is served ! you should wake up now, perhaps you'll late to school " mum screaming and its make me wakeup suddenly.

Oh, I miss her voice.

My day start with so completely happiness beside my happy family.

I took a shower and I wore my blue oceon T and riped jean and I spray my perfume on my neck. I wore a pair of white convos. I went down,

" morning mum " I give morning greeting.

" morning sweetheart " she replien and give a kisses on my forehead.

" wheres dad ? holy crap, pancakes, you should how miss your pancakes ! " I said

" Im here, sorry im late " dad came and have a sat beside louis.

" I know you miss my pancakes that why I cooked it today because of you " mum said while she had a hug with dad.

" by the way brandon, how emily, when did her father come back ? you should take care of her. such a poor girl. " dad asked.

" emily, Mrs elson's daughter ? long time not see Mrs elson so how did she ? Emily, oh my, I miss her, you shouls bring her here today. " mum asked

" by the way mum, actually Mrs Elson just passed away because she had and excident. And now, I've takecare of emily because her father need to take something at Canada. " I said while I glances on my mum. I thinks she became so shock because Mrs Elson such a someone for her.

Tears start flow on her red cheeks, my father give her a hand.

" stay strong honey, I know you're hurt " dad said.

" Brandon, you should take emily here, stay with us while her father not coming back yet " mum said while she wipe her tears.

" okay mum, as you wish " I said.


I got message,

Sarah ; brandon, you should stay with me, or I hurt myself then,

I got a picture that she cutting her hand, they so many blood.

Sarah ; I still need you brandon.

Its my fault, I need to explain to her slowly, I think I should before she doing something more reckless.

Hi bananas, im having a cliché mood. So this chapter ia kinda cliché to. Oh lord I need to end this quickly.
A xx

Wish You Were Mine Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ