Chapter Sixty-Five ۞ Camp (pt. 2)

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"Come on, Amora! Let's go."

They then took off in a flash, the wind resisting against their ascend. Valeriana's hair was thrown around, lashing her cheeks and forehead but she held on the reigns tightly and firmly clasped her legs around Amora's body. With her experience from the horse issue, she was taking no chances with a dragon. Besides, she had ridden Avaro before and was fairly familiar with the flying experience. Dragons were sentient and highly intelligent creatures unlike horses, so they were a bit more considerate of their riders.

"Tell me, how did things become like this?" she asked.

'They came as silent as the air, and their presence was well-hidden,' Amora told her. 'If one of my brothers had not roared, I would have not been alerted either.'

"I did not feel anything," she muttered angrily. "How did they hide their auras?"

'Extremely powerful creatures are well-capable of this, specifically predators. They catch their prey off-guard before attacking.'

"But how do we lure them to the Empyrean Volcano? It's too far away!"

"Valeriana!" Saeed called. "Omar thought of something that just might work!"

Amora turned to Saeed as he flew with his dragon. One of the twin-tailed lions had come chasing his ride, nipping at the tail as they circled each other in the air. Valeriana, as well, was caught off-guard when one of the lions came jumping at her. However, Amora was quick to act and swung her long tail, temporarily obstructing their assaulter.

"What is it?!" she yelled back.

He flew closer so that he can talk within arm's length and whisper under his breath. "The ember crystals!"

"We don't have time!" she whispered back. "We can't harvest that many to repel them that easily!"

"That's why we need to split in two groups! You, Vallore, and Gavin will stay and help fend off the lions. We'll work the men to harvest as much as we can!"

"How long do you need?"

"Half an hour!"

"That's too long!"

"We'll aim faster! For now, you guys just do it!"

Saeed then flew back down and gathered some of the men to help with the mining. Valeriana racked her brain to think of a good plan and divert the attention of the lions to her group.

She looked out the distance and saw Gavin sweep by. Her eyes followed his line of vision and saw that some of the beasts were attempting to attack the cave. Silently, she cheered him on, unsure if she had to follow or do something else.

"Cifaro!" she yelled, taking out the citrine crystal from her pockets. "I need your guidance! Sierra vu eldon sith!"

The crystal transformed into a sword, a pure aura bursting forth. The power emanated from the blade and attracted the attention of many, especially the lions. They turned and looked at Cifaro as he glowed in the darkness, staring at him warily.

'What dost thou need of me?'

"The twin-tailed lions, we need a way to distract them." she told him.

'I see. Leave it to this one.'

The blade was bathed with blinding light that Valeriana had to look away and shut her eyes tight. Between the beams of light, the figure of Cifaro emerged, his form crouching and his neck stretching as he let out a roar. The sound reverberated throughout the entire vicinity, catching everyone's attention. When the light receded, growls erupted around her and the twin-tailed lions came charging at them.

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