Chapter Twenty-Two ۞ Drawlots

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The talk went underway without any seconds wasted. The Twelve missed no beat and discussed the topic regarding the fights. Despite this, Corvan and Charles seemed to be looking at the girl quite too frequently as though she was some sort of creature they haven't seen before. The fourth-ranker had that look in his eyes while Corvan got his trademark wrinkle between the brows.

Genevieve and Zevlin still seemed to haven't resolved their sibling feud. The usual display of affection between the two was absent and they did not seem to have plans on speaking to one another.

"We have come to a decision."

"It wasn't really anything that needed much thinking." Zander muttered loudly from where he was.

Valeriana frowned. For goodness's sake! This guy never learns!

For some reason, she had a feeling Lord Lienhard did not lecture the guy. It was that or he was just plain stubborn.

"Oh, shut it." Tamara glared at him. "No one here needs you talking. Just for a moment, I need to get this out of the way. From now on, everybody shut your mouths if you don't have anything useful to say. Get it? If not, I'll shove down your foot down your throat. The festival be damned."

Always count on Tamara to say exactly what they all have been meaning to say.

The DevDept shook in fear of the third-ranker's glower and manner of speaking she used. Even so, they were courageous lads that they did not let it show.

"Your suggestion has been considered worthy." Charles spoke with formality and pride befitting of the Twelve.

The DevDept seemed happy with their answer that relieved smiles and sighs popped simultaneously.

"But before that is finalized, how do you plan on pursuing this matter? Since this was your ultimate suggestion, the Twelve must know what sort of system shall be used." Rowe leaned forward, his face blank but his eyes wary.

"We will not allow ourselves to be toyed like some sort of . . ." Corvan felt lost at the search for the forgotten word.

"Roman gladiators!" Valeriana quipped, finishing for him.

They all looked her way questioningly.

"Never mind." She shook her head. "Let's watch Hercules later. Was that even the right movie?"

Darcius cleared his throat and stepped forward to take the initiative. In his hands he had a roll of paper that he placed on the coffee table where everybody sat around.

"Alrighty then . . ." He took a deep breath and rolled out the paper. "The concept will be like this. The fights will take place in the dueling arena like the usual, but unlike what we all have gotten used to, you won't be fighting alone. We'll also be making a little bit of renovation to the venue, since we expect the show to be somewhat . . . explosive."

Looks of skepticism were thrown across the room, jaws flapping open at the statement. Even so, Darcius was not finished.

"Without direct interference, you will be assisted by a partner, a full-fledged member of the Zenith, which, if you don't already know, is made up of the students excelling in both academics and development or invention from our part."

"You made an organization that is like your version of the Twelve?" Elfre was dumbfounded.

"The Zeniths are, of course, different. Unlike you guys only having twelve ranks, ours extend to a hundred." Darcius smiled at the expressions he was receiving.

Needless to say, how majority of them was unaware of the existence of such system was amusing. A few of them paid no mind to it, as though the news had long since arrived.

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