Q&A/ New book!

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A/N: Hello, my lovely readers! So I just wanted to answer some questions and some facts about the book! ;)

Fact 1:
My original plan for the story was Aaron and Zinnia were never going to get back together. I wanted to be realistic about it and show that when you do something bad like Aaron did the girl didn't alway just forgive you like I see in most plots. I was going to end it the day she left back to Brazil but I ended up getting some comments that made me second think my decision and I got more attached to the story and characters then I thought I would so I ended up changing my mind. I guess I'm just too romantic and cliche at heart.

Fact 2: I gave Zinnia the nickname 'Doll face' because a lot of the guys at my school call me a lot of nicknames one of them being 'doll' so I went with doll and that's how 'doll face' happened.

Fact 3: The idea for Aaron to make a bet on Zinnia came from someone close to me. A guy she was in love with and dating had secretly made a bet on her with his friends and she didn't find out until way later. But they actually did end up having a good ending. They're still together.

Fact 4: Aaron's characteristics come from someone very close to me. He's a good guy but when it comes to girls he plays them all and leaves them heartbroken. His life mentality is kinda just like 'fuck it' so he doesn't care about the girls he messes with. He's a good looking guy and a athlete so girls automatically just love him and he's very smooth with his words so he usually gets any girl he wants. From Eighth Grade all the way through high school too even now in his twenties he was like the biggest player. So I took his personality and made Aaron except unlike Aaron the guy I'm  talking about didn't change for love or anything and he hasn't settled down.

Fact 5: I made Dylan after one of my guy best friends. He's pretty shy and super nice. He was totally infatuated with a girl who was also one of my best friends at the time. Anyways he would try so hard to talk to her and make her happy but she would just lead him on, acting like she was interested but she really wasn't, sadly. She only wanted for him to like her because she liked the attention from him. She always treated him so badly. It always made me feel so bad for him because he would come to me to talk and ask for advice, it would make him so sad.

So I wrote him after Dylan because a lot of the times nice guys are taken advantage of. And my friend ended up changing after constantly being hurt by her just like Dylan. He's no longer the guy I knew and these things happen all the time and it's sad. Nice guys don't always get the happy ending and my friend is no longer the sweet shy guy I once knew. He was one of the rare ones and she changed him just so she can have attention. So please be nice and don't take advantage of a person just because you can because you can completely change a person.

Question time!

Aaron do you think you and zinnia are soulmates?
Well I've never believed in soulmates until I met her. So yes I do think we are soulmates. She mine and nothing can ever change that. She was made for me as I was for her. The love I feel for her is too intense for us not to be.

Zinnia why did you get another boyfriend through the time you and Aaron were broken up? Aaron loves you!
Uh... Sorry? I wanted to move on and not think about Aaron. Dylan was always around courting me and over time I started to like him. To be honest I was just very hurt from what Aaron did to me and I wanted distractions.

Dylan why did you become such a jerk?
Because the girl I was in love with chose another guy after we've been together for three years. So it fucking hurt. I've always treated her so good and I was always nice and understanding yet she still chose the guy who broke her heart! You would be the same way.

Aaron, why are you so possessive and jealous?
Hold up. I'm only possessive over my doll face, nothing else. The reason is, I don't want her to be taken away from me. I can't bear it. So when other guys look or flirt with her it enrages me because she belongs to me! And only me! She's mine forever! Everything about her is mine and it will alway stay like that! You see what you did? You got me all angry and possessive!

Zinnia, do you think you made the right choice forgiving Aaron?
Yes, I do because he's the love of my life. I would be miserable not to have in my life. He brightens up my day. He's my first love and it's hard to get over that. I just couldn't. I never really got over it and if I didn't forgive him and stayed with Dylan I would've regretted it for the rest of my life. He made a mistake and he was just a young teen at the time so I had to forgive him because being with him is more important. Aaron is the only one for me.

Author is this really the end of the story? Is there going to be any sequels with Zinnia and Aaron?
I'm sorry but no. Their story is over. They had a good life together and they still are.

Author, are you making a sequel from Aaron's and Zinnias kids?
I've thought about this topic and I'm not sure yet. In the last chapter I kinda left an open door just in case I do. I'm still thinking about it. If I do make there kids story it will either be about Zeke or Violet. But this is not a for sure thing. Another option is Dylan's story after Zinnia... Comment which one you'd prefer?

But guess what guys I've made another book! It's called "His Affection" it's a romance book! Go check it out. ;)

That's all the questions for today. Hope you enjoyed my book. Thank you for the votes, reads and comments. They always brighten up my day.

I'm going to do some major editing to this story because there's a lot of mistakes in the beginning chapters. So if you ever re-read this story and it has some new scenes or anything different don't be surprised.

Also check out my new book
"His Affection."

I love you all. Thank you!

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