chapter 5

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I glare at the side of Zinnia's face but she wasn't even looking. I clench my fist. Me? Just ok looking? Who does she think she is?

I can't believe she had the audacity to say I'm just 'Ok' looking. Is she serious?! Has she seen me? I'm fucking gorgeous.

Did they think I couldn't hear them? I was only two tables away and they where being loud. I kept hearing her friend yell and Zinnia try to shut her up. Is she blind or something?

"Aaron, what's wrong with you? You look like you're about to murder someone." Asher chuckles.

I take my eyes away from their table and shrug. "Nothing. The new girl just annoyed me. Apparently she thinks I'm just ok looking." I scoff and shake my head.

Asher laughs. "About time! One girl who's not in love with you!" He grins and Luke joins his laughter.

I scoff and glare at them. "That's bullshit and you know it. Every girl is into me. She's just playing hard to get."

Asher raises his eyebrows and chuckles. "You honestly think you can get her?"

I roll my eyes. Is he dumb? I can obviously get her. Probably in hour if I tried.

"Of course I could, you dumbass. What the hell do you think this is? A search for a damn unicorn? You act as if it's a hard task."

He crosses his arms. "I'm not so sure. I mean you said it yourself she's only thinks you're okay. That means she's not into you."

I scoffs. "Oh god. That's just an act. I can definitely pull her. I might have to put a little more effort in but she will fall in love with me like the rest. She probably already is as we speak."

He shrugs. "I don't know about that."

"Get a hold of yourself, Asher. Because you're obviously off your meds if you think that girl is any different from all the girls here."

"Fine if you're so confident about this let's make a bet."

I laugh at him. Does he actually think he will win against me? I always win. In everything. Games are my field. I love them. Mind games, video games, sport games, all games. Asher knows how competitive I am, so I can't understand why he would put himself in this situation.

"You have to get the new girl to fall for you. But we need proof. She has to say yes to being your girlfriend and if you get into her pants that's bonus points. And to top it off you only have six weeks." He smirks.

I chuckle. Six weeks? That's more than enough time. I can probably do this in one week.

I nod in agreement. "Ok. What happens when I win?"

He rolls his eyes. "If you win I'll give you my black muscle car that I got for my sixteenth birthday. But if you loose then you have to give me your precious motorcycle you worked on for so long." He smirks and I pause.

He knows how much I love that motorcycle. It took so long to make that motorcycle the badasss bike it is now. My dad gave it to me when I was only fourteen years old but I couldn't drive it at the time. The motorcycle had been his but he decided to give it to me as a gift.

When I turned fifteen I started to work on it and got all the parts I needed which has made it the amazing piece it is today. I can't actually risk it for a bet. That bike is very important, it's the last thing my dad gave to me. If I lose that bike I will never forgive myself.

But it's so unlikely that I'll lose the bet. I never lose.

"Don't do it, Aaron! That motorcycle is amazing! Do you really want to lose it Asher?!" Luke yells dramatically.

I roll my eyes. "I won't have to give it away, Luke. I'm going to win."

"Alright if you're so confident you won't lose, is it a deal?" Asher holds our his hand.

I hesitate for a few seconds. Is this really right decision? I really hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass. But I mean how unlikely is that? It's just a bet. I'll win and everything will go back to normal. I'll have Asher's car and everything will be fine.

I shake his hand. "It's a Deal."

He smirks and I chuckle. "You just made a big mistake, my friend. But it's ok I'll have fun with your car." I smile and get up from my seat.

I walk to the gym and go straight to the the lockers room to go change. I take my shirt off and I hear the doors open. A few guys come in.

"Hey did you see the new girl?"

"Yea she's hot"

"I'd definitely have some fun with her." I hear them all comment on Zinnia and laugh. I glare at them.

They're ruining my chance of winning the bet. If she has guys all around her it's going to be harder to get her attention.

"HEY!" I shout and my voice echoes through the room. They all stop talking and turn their attention to me.

I stand in front of them. "All of you back off the new girl! She's mine! If I see one of you guy's around her I'll personally kick each and every one of your asses." I shout.

They all just stare at me in shock. "Am I clear?!" I shout louder.

They nod their head and mutter incoherent words while rushing out of the room.

I shake my head. I've never claimed a girl before. I usually don't care enough to actually get jealous. If a guy wants to hook up with someone I'm hooking up I never care. I'll actually encourage them too. This was definitely a weird situation.

I change into my gym clothes and walk out. I look around the gym and I spot Zinnia in her little uniform. It's a loose school t-shirt with black spandex shorts. Her shorts shows a generous amount of her legs. She looks hot. I smirk and walk over to her.

"Hey doll face nice uniform." I look her up and down slowly with no shame, knowing damn well she can see me looking.

She glares at me and rolls her eyes. "You're disgusting."

I chuckle. "Ooh is someones feeling extra feisty today?"

She rolls her eyes "What do you want?"

I smirk "I just came to see your pretty face. Is that such a crime?" I ask. I probably just made her more annoyed than she already was but it's kinda amusing. She's like a little kitten trying attack.

She groans in annoyance. "You're so annoying! Did you come here just to mess with me? If so leave."

Maybe I'm going to have to work a little harder than I originally thought. Maybe she doesn't like the whole 'bad boy' thing? Maybe if I play it nice she'll fall for that?

I sigh. "Ok how about we start over. Do you want to hang out after school" I ask.

I need to make sure we spend as much time together as possible. The more time we spend together the more she'll get attached to me.

She stares blankly at me. "No."

Well I'm glad she was subtle to show her distaste in me.

I put my hands up in defense. "Ok. Ok. No need to get snappy. I guess I'll just have to take matters into my own hands."

She scrunches her eyebrows and squints her eyes in confusion. "What does that even mean, weirdo?"

I shrug "Nothing I'll see you at home, doll face."

I walk away leaving her confused and annoyed. I sigh only six weeks. I can do this.

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