Chapter 12

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Aaron in the pic ^

Zinnia's P.O.V

" I'm gonna fall" I pout.

"No you won't. I'll be next to you the whole time" Aaron says looking at me. holding his hand out for me to hold.

I sigh, giving in."Fine. But I'm trusting you." I say looking at him and grabbing his hand. Guilt flashes through his eyes but quickly goes away.

Ok if your confused the other part of the date was ice skating and right now we're sitting on the bench next to the ice arena.

We waddle to the ice, walking funny because of the ice skates. Where on the ice and I wiggle a little bit but Aaron grabs both of my sides and butterflies erupt in my stomach. Shocked I pull out of his grasp and start to glide on the ice.

"Your actually doing it" Aaron says smiling at me. I go a little faster starting to get used to it but then some guy comes my way going fast and runs right into me. Just my luck. We both fall and I fell on my butt...

"Oh god... Im um, so sorry" the guy stutters and picks me up from the ground.

"It's fine" I reply to his apology. "that was cool how fast you were going" I tell him trying to lighten up the mood.

He smiles showing off his dimples. "Thanks I can teach you if you want". Before I can even reply Aaron comes up from behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder. Again here comes the butterflies.

"She's fine! I can teach her!" Aaron replies harshly, basically growling at the dude.

The guys eyes widen and he nods then skates off.

"Thanks though" I shout, he turns his head around and nods with a smile. I feel Aaron's arms squeeze tighter and I can feel him breathing harder.

"Aaron?" I ask, rolling my eyes at him.

"yea?" He replies and I could feel his breath fanning on my neck and I shiver involuntarily.

"um... do you want to let me go so we can skate" I say blushing, I hate when I blush it annoys me!

"No" he replies simply. I just know he's smirking even though I can't see him.

Aaron starts to skate slowly and I don't move but since he's basically pushing me I eventually start to skate too and we moved in sync, I'm surprised we didn't fall...
Just kidding it was an epic fail. But it was cute in the moment. 


We skated around 20 more minutes but eventually we got tired and decided to leave. We're now driving home.

We pull up to his drive ways and he stops the car and turns it off.

"I had fun with you" Aaron says to me.

I smile,"yea me too I'm glad I decided to come......" I say and a minute passes by in silence and I decide to talk again " I was afraid to come tonight because at my old school I was taken advantaged of a lot." i tell him fiddling with my hands nervously.

"What do you mean?" Aaron ask curiously waiting for me to answer.

I sigh "Well I guess you can say I'm naive or just too nice and people noticed that and they took advantage of me. It was always something.... Like girls would pretend to be friends with me to get my brother or people would always ask me for things because they new my dad had money and I was too shy to do anything so they just used me.

Also things like people would have me do them favors for them or ask to give them answers to homework or actually just do the homework for them. I was a total push over. Even random guys thought if they asked me nicely I would have sex with them, Im not that nice." I roll my eyes at the thought.

"But it sucked not knowing who was really your friends or not. It wasn't until eleventh grade I changed because I was sick of all the fake, lying people. I hate when people are fake. I hate how people just can't be honest". I exclaim starting to think of the lies of people.

I go on "So that's why I was scared to come tonight because I didn't know if you were just using me or not" I tell him, looking at him.

He looks at me and sighs. "Those people are assholes for using someone as nice, caring and great as you and they're just to selfish to notice. I wouldn't do that to you" he says with pained eyes. Why is he pained?

I smile and nod, not really knowing what to say. He gets out of the drivers seat and walks to my side and opens my door. I mutter a thank you and he walks me to my door.

I shuffle my feet nervously looking at him "So bye" I say opening my door.

He stares at me for a little but then says "Bye." Then he gives a smile and close the door.


Aaron's P.O.V

I watch Zinnia close the door. I wait for a couple seconds by her door then rush to my house. I slam the door open and run up to my room. I close the door behind me and pace back and forth.

What do I do?! What do I do?

I continuously pace back and forth while holding my head.

I had a good time with Zinnia and the problem!  I'm really starting to feel bad for what I'm doing but there is no way out of this bet. It's out of my hands now.

She confided in me and told me that people always use her and that's exactly what I'm doing. If she was to find out what I did and is still doing she would be so crushed. What the hell am I supposed to do?

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A/N Thank you for continuing to read my story!

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