Chapter 25

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Zinnias bikini^

Zinnias P.O.V

Why? Why did I have to come back and see Aaron? Who does he think he is telling me I have I answer his damn questions! I don't have to do anything I don't want!

Ugh! That guy infuriates me. He just knows how to push my buttons! Sometimes I just want to go up to him and slap him and that smirk he's had permanently on his face since we were teens. But at the same time I couldn't help but noticed how time has been so kind to him. He looks even better then he did when we where young.

His face has matured, he looks the same just more of an older look now. But god his body, I can't see it threw his suit but you can practically see the muscles bulging out. When he trapped me between the wall it felt like I was in a flashback, smelling his amazing scented cologne, his minty breath and his hypnotizing warm brown eyes...

God Zinnia stop it! I shouldn't be thinking of him like that! What's wrong with me?

I'm not gonna lie, I'm still attracted to Aaron and he will always be my first love so there will always be feelings, no matter who I'm with. But that doesn't mean I'm going to break up with Dylan because I find Aaron hot.

I mean Dylan is reliable and stable. With him I don't have to worry about him breaking my heart. Sure he's not as exciting and passionate as Aaron but I can live with that... Right?

I approach Dylan, he smiles and moves my chair so I could sit. I just left Aaron in my room and I'm hoping he doesn't do anything stupid. I know he doesn't think correctly when he's angry.

"Hey babe what took so long?" He ask and I mentally cringe at the word babe. I've always hated when couples call each other babe and when he started calling me that I didn't have the heart to tell him I hate it. But it's so common literally every couple calls each other 'babe'.

I sigh "um well I ran into my ex..." I tell him awkwardly.

He stops drinking his champaign and turns to face me. "What?" He ask calmly.

"Well I walked to my room and apparently he followed me and he was asking me questions so I just left." I tell him and he stays quiet for a minute.

He nods slowly. "Ok if that's what happen then it's fine" he says and he goes back to normal with his happy, calm attitude.

I furrow my eyebrows and my mouth turned into a frown. "Seriously that's it? You don't care?" I ask dumb founded. How does he not care?

He shrugs "Well he just asked a few questions it's not like you guys made out. So it's just not that big of a deal. I trust you" He smiles and I frown.

When I was with Aaron he would kill a guy just for staring at me to long and it made me feel wanted by him. I know he only did it because, one he has possessive issues and two he was scared to lose me. Then there's Dylan an he's just like whatever nothing will happen since I'm here.

Maybe I'm being dumb. I shouldn't be comparing my relationship with Aaron to Dylan. But all those questions that Aaron asked me still rang in my mind.

"Really Zinnia does he treat you better than me?" Well that could be up for debate.

"Does he give you the same sparks that I do". No he doesn't but I can deal with it.

"Does he give you nicknames like I do, doll face?" He calls me 'babe' and once in a while princess which is cute... But most of the time it always 'babe'

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