Interview With Monst3rs

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Author of Delinquent Camp, Farm Girl meets Bad Boy, Farm Girl loves Bad Boy, and other amazing stories.

Her profile is in the external link. ------->

1.       How did you find out about Wattpad?

I was originally on Inkpop and Worthyofpublishing but wanted something different, so I googled writing websites and found Wattpad.

2.       Did you ever think you would start writing on Wattpad?

Oh, definitely. I was writing long before Wattpad and when I found it, I couldn't wait to post on it! Of course, most of those stories are long gone now... ;)

3.       What do you do outside of Wattpad? Hobbies?

I like drawing when I have inspiration, photography and of course reading. I also like to longboard when the weather is nice and some would call me a video game addict.

4.       What are your inspirations for writing? Favorite authors outside Wattpad?

I find a lot of TV shows, movies and books inspire me. If I see a scene that really sparks in an emotion in me, I want to capture that and make my readers feel that way, too.  My favorite authors would have to be Courtney Summers, Ellen Hopkins and Susan Ee.

5.            Favorite authors on Wattpad?

GiveEmHell, not only because she's my best friend, but also an amazing writer. conscience because no matter what she writes, I'm always so intrigued and can't possibly wait for more. And also 3mmaRawrs, because her story plots are very unique and have a lot of potential.

6.            Do you get your character’s personality or life off your own? Which one is like you?

I put a little piece of myself in each one of my main characters, whether I do it intentionally or not. Katie from Pressure's demeanor is how I acted through a very hard time in my life, and I didn't even mean to put that in there. Gemma's way of being so easygoing around boys and joking around with them comes from how I act around all my guy friends. And Stevie's love for cars? That comes from me too!

7.            Do you want to make a career out of your writing?

Yes. I can't imagine doing anything else because writing is truly my passion. However, I could never have a deadline for my works. It would all have to come together when I put it together. You can't force inspiration.

8.            What is the most random or sweetest thing a fan ever said to you?

Oh wow, it is so hard to pick just one. I really think my fans are the sweetest people ever. They always give me the nicest comments and go out of their way to message me! Well, the biggest thing I would have to go with is something that's been on my mind for a while now. I got a private message from a wonderful person telling me how my writing has helped them so much, and that they truly believe I saved their life. I never dreamed that my writing would have that impact, and that's why I want to get published. I'm actually holding back tears at just thinking about what that person said.

9.            When did you start writing?

Officially, in a notebook around when I was ten years old. But ever since I could speak I would be playing with Barbie's and horse toys, making up stories that would last for days and cover my living room which would drive my mother insane. Eventually, years later, some of those stories began to be written.

10.    What would you like to say to your fans?

I would like to thank them for all their support and tell them how truly amazing and wonderful they are! They motivate me to write and honestly make my day every day! If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have completed any of the novels I have on Wattpad now. You guys are the best!

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