Interview with IndieFreak

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I did an interview with IndieFreak author of Take One For the Team and other novels.

1)              How did you find out about Wattpad?

I had an app on my old phone called Funny Jokes, and it had a story section. Lots of the writers kept talking about Wattpad so I checked it out!

2)              Did you ever think you would start writing on Wattpad?

I'd been writing a story (which was rubbish) in the story section of that app, so when I found Wattpad I decided to make a profile and carry on writing on here. Although I never expected to write another story and then get so many reads!

3)              What do you do outside of Wattpad? Hobbies?

I love sports, bike riding and photography. I play bass guitar in a band, music is my passion. I just like to chill with my friends mostly :)

4)              What are your inspirations for writing? Favorite authors outside Wattpad?

Ever since I was little I've always had a crazy imagination; I imagine story lines in my head and then if I fall in love with one (like I did with Take One For The Team) then I try and write it down. My favourite authors would have to be Meg Cabot, Rick Riordan (I love Percy Jackson), Eoin Colfer, Philip Reeve, and loads more.

5)              Favorite authors on Wattpad?

I'm not really on Wattpad enough to read lots of stories, but I love Reekles, smile024 and thefreakoffreaks

6)              Do you get your character’s personality or life off your own? Which one is like you?

I think I'm a bit like Alex. I used to play soccer/football too and like her I'm quite sarcastic and mischievous. Although I'm not as pretty as her! When I create characters I think of people I know and also celebrities, so lots of my characters, like Kirsty and Becca, are a lot like my friends in real life. I wish Zack existed in real life, but he's too good to be true! I also like to incorporate my music taste and stuff into my characters, so I can relate to them whilst I write.

7)              Do you want to make a career out of your writing?

I've never really thought about that, to be honest. I haven't told anyone I write; my followers and readers are the only ones who know! I think I will eventually tell my friends and family, but I can't see myself being a published author, I don't think my writing is at a high enough standard.

8)              What is the most random or sweetest thing a fan ever said to you?

I can't choose, they all say such lovely things. This one time someone messaged me like "you're awesome, okay? AWESOME. Just thought you should know." and that made me smile so much :')

9)              When did you start writing?

Last year I think. I only got the hang of it a few months ago though, when I started Take One For The Team.

10)            What would you like to say to your fans?

I love you all more than Doritos (which is a lot, trust me), you're my little Freaks and every last one of you is FABULOUS <3>

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