Interview with millie_

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Interview with millie_ author of various stories including The Anderson Boys and her most recent project, Saving Sawyer. You can check out her profile and stories in the external link.

1.       How did you find out about Wattpad?

Well, in early 2012, I got a new phone and I was searching through the App Store for some apps to download. I was like, scrolling through the chart for the most popular apps and down at like, #127, Wattpad was there and it looked pretty cool, so I clicked on it and found out that you could like, get free books and write your own stories and everything and I thought that that was pretty nifty, so I downloaded it.

2.       Did you ever think you would start writing on Wattpad?

I didn't know that Wattpad existed up until two years ago, so not before then, no. Like, before I found Wattpad, I read a lot and wrote a few stories that were really awful and atrocious, looking back. Once I found Wattpad though, I knew that I'd eventually start posting stuff.

3.       What do you do outside of Wattpad? Hobbies?

Literally nothing. I just go to school and home and that's it. I don't really have that many hobbies that don't circulate around the internet though. Watching Netflix, reblogging on Tumblr, writing, reading and listening to music- that's basically all I ever do.

4.       What are your inspirations for writing? Favorite authors outside Wattpad?

I don't know if I have an inspiration to do it other than the fact that I really love it and (most of) my fans are pretty lovely and they give me a lot of inspiration to write. But yeah, it's mostly because I love doing it. My favorite writers outside of Wattpad are definitely Sarah Dessen, John Green and Lauren Myracle, if I'm picking top three and if I'm picking top five, Jenny Han and Sarah Ockler would be in that.

5.            Favorite authors on Wattpad?

I've been super busy since like, August when school started, so I haven't really had the time to read on Wattpad lately. I mostly read just writerbug44's stories but I've also read a couple by knightsrachel and they're both really great authors, so yeah, them.

6.            Do you get your character’s personality or life off your own? Which one is like you?

I think that the mistake that a lot of people on Wattpad make is thinking that I am my character. Like, that's not how it works for me. They're completely different from me, I think. Some of my female protagonists have a few traits that I do but no, their personalities aren't based upon mine, haha. Sydney from Serendipity and Give Me Love is very sarcastic and somewhat sensitive, which could be said for me too, so there's something that I got from myself. Then Sawyer from Saving Sawyer is a bit shy and reserved and I'm definitely pretty reserved, so that comes from me too but yeah, their personalities as a whole are definitely different from mine.

7.            Do you want to make a career out of your writing?

As much as I love writing, no, I don't want to make a career out of it. At least, not a full time career. The thing with writing is, it's not that hard to get stumped by writer's block. So, if I wrote for a living and I got hit by writer's block, I wouldn't be writing, so I wouldn't be working and if I weren't working, I wouldn't be making money and you kinda need money to survive, haha. So, no, I don't want to make a career out of it. In case you're wondering though, I want to be a clinical psychologist. (:

8.            What is the most random or sweetest thing a fan ever said to you?

That's really hard because I've gotten a bunch of super lovely and sweet comments from people over the past two years. I've also gotten a lot of really weird and random ones though. I have a really awful memory though, so I can't recall anything specific.

9.            When did you start writing?

Maybe like, mid-2011? That's before I started posting on Wattpad and it was basically all garbage. So, I've been like, seriously writing since I joined Wattpad two years ago (:

10.  What would you like to say to your fans?

Well, I have a couple of fans who literally just criticize my stories and that's it, so I don't know they're fans of mine. Aside from them though, I'd just like to tell all of my fans that they're super amazing and wonderful and perfect and I love you all bunches!

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