Playful Spirit [4] Making Friends

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Chapter Four

Making Friends

I had only been in the town for less than an hour and I had already bought fifty dollars worth of stuff.

Granted half of it was for my house once I bought it. Speaking of buying a house, I needed to stop y the real estate office. I remembered passing by it  on my way to the home goods store. I hurried back to the hotel room so I could put my stuff down. When I turned to walk out of my, my phone went off.

I froze. Who would be messaging me? My parents didn't have phones and I had no friends. I left the room and locked the door, deciding I would look at the message after I went to eat.

I hurried back to the strip of shops, walking until I saw the sign that said "Emery Real Estate." I opened the door and walked in. There was a young looking women with short brunette hair. There was a dark blue color underneath that popped out against her tan skin, along with her stunning green eyes.

"How can I help you?" She asked, her accent sounding like the women from the hotels.

"Hi, uh. I'm looking to buy a house. Do you have any brochures or something that has the houses available? I just want to look first before I decide." The women nodded, getting up and walking into the back room. I hard a file cabinet open and close and she returned with a folder.

"Here are all the houses available. For rent and for sell. Just look through, pick out the ones you like and come back. That way I can set up a day to go out and check them out." I nodded, thanking her. But before I could leave, she stopped me, holding out a energy bar.

"Sorry, you're just really skinny. Only worried here." She said, her voice soft. At a time in my life, I would have been really offended by that, but it felt nice having people actually caring for me. I took the bar and smiled at her.

"Thanks. I haven't been able to eat lately, so I appreciate it." Her eyes widened at that and she smiled.

"Why don't you stop by the cafe down the street? I have a friend who works there, I can get you some food. Fill you up nice and get some meat on your bones."

"Oh, I don't know, that's way to ice and I just me--"

"Oh hush. I don't know where you came from, but people in this town, we look out for each other. Newcomer or not. So head on down to the cafe, I'll call them up and let them know." I opened my mouth to protest, but she was already on the phone. I sighed and turned to walk out of the shop.

I continued down the street, confused at the ladies words. I saw no cafe. I started to think she lied to me until I saw the tiny sign flashing on the window of a store. I smiled at the floral curtains hanging from the windows inside. It looked like something out of one of those cheesy romantic comedy movies based in New York or some big city. I walked in, my stomach growling right as the door closed. 

The lights hanging from the ceiling gave the place a soft yellow glow, making it look like the sun was setting even though it was far from that time. The walls were painted a light creamy brown and paired with the dark wood tables and chairs, helped give off a comforting atmosphere. The soft music playing overhead reminded me of the little cafe back home I went to everyday.

Holding onto the strap of my purse, I found a small table with two chairs by a window and quickly took it. I had this thing about sitting next to windows. It wasn't something I could really describe, but if I had to try, I'd say it was more of an instinct than habit.

There were quite a few people in here, their voices low mummers over the music and noise coming from the kitchen in the back. A family of three sat at a booth and a group of four, what seemed to be friends, sat at the the booth behind them. Only other people were the two couples sitting in tables like mine.

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