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030. | ❛ nerdist podcast.

CHRIS HARDWICK: Hello, I'm Chris Hardwick for Nerdist and on today's podcast, we have one of my favorite actress known for her role as Kiara Kingsley aka Casualty in the MCU, it's Isabella DiCaprio!

ISABELLA: Thank you so much for having me! It's always been a dream of mine to come onto your show here or Talking Dead.

HARDWICK: You're always welcomed back here and maybe you'll take up the offer of coming on Talking Dead?

ISABELLA: Oh my god, yes! I'd love for you to have me, if you know I Instagram almost every time it's on.

HARDWICK: Trust me, I see them. Something that's really getting people buzzing is that you disabled your comments. Why is that?

ISABELLA: When you've been in the industry for a long time, you kind of are programmed to block out the haters and not look at the mean comments. And it's something that I don't ever think I'm going to get used to. I've grown up in the public eye for as long as I can remember, and I've never really now the word normal sometimes. Right now, I'm going through a stage in my life where I don't need to see the comments on what's happening with me. All I could ask for anybody is to just support me.

HARDWICK: Well said, Isabella. It definitely does get hard sometimes so what do you do to get your mind off of it?

ISABELLA: There really isn't a way to get my mind off of it. I mean there are probably people outside waiting for us and paparazzi. Like it doesn't escape my mind so much. Although yesterday was one day where it was my peaceful day. I dyed my hair pink and that was honestly something that I didn't expect to go through with in life, and it took my mind away from everything.

HARDWICK: We know you're a very family girl. You love to be around them.

ISABELLA: They're one of the reasons that I've stayed in California opposed to New York. They kind of are all here in a sense, beside Natalia whose always back and forwards. But my sister Jenna is here and she's doing a ton of stuff here and then she tours, and I accompany her sometimes. At the same time, my godparents are here and I love them with all my heart.

HARDWICK: Can you see yourself having a big family in the future?

ISABELLA: I can, when everything settles down for me. Right now, it's too hectic at the moment with work.

HARDWICK: Are there new projects that you're working on?

ISABELLA: Just wrapped up Captain America: Civil War a couple of months ago, and currently taking a break before we do press and then go to shoot Infinity War.

HARDWICK: How many more movies are left in your contract?

ISABELLA: Just the two left. But if Marvel hears this, I'm willing to do more.

HARDWICK: Would you do more? Are you not ready to give up the mantle yet?

ISABELLA: I don't think none of us are ready to give it up just yet. You build a bond with these characters and their every decisions that they make. Kiara is somebody that kicks ass but is very damaged at the same time. I don't think her story is finished yet, but we'll see. If Marvel would have me play her for eternity than, I'd be eternally grateful.

HARDWICK: Fans want to know the dying question, would you participate on Dancing With The Stars?

ISABELLA: I think I would. Just because I've been in that world of dance before but never ballroom. It would be cool to go against my sister. Not to mention that the male pros are super sexy.

HARDWICK: Speaking of men, are you currently dating anyone?

ISABELLA: It's a funny story, because I actually am. It's new and fun. And I'm very excited, still keeping it on the DL but don't worry, he treats me right.

HARDWICK: Has he met your father yet?

ISABELLA: Never. If he met my father, he would run so far in the other direction. No, I'm just kidding. My dad is very cool when he needs to be.

HARDWICK: There you have it ladies and gentlemen, Miss Isabella DiCaprio. Don't forget to watch her in Captain America: Civil War, May 6th 2016, and keep an eye out for her because she is certainly a wild card.

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