You werent kidding

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Beca's POV

I'm not even staying here today. I know Chloe is spending the weekend here and I'm not spending it around her. I do my hair and get dressed. I then do my makeup and see someone in my doorway from the mirror. "Where are you going?" Chloe asks. "Anywhere but here" I say and don't bother looking at her. "I was gonna spend today with you. James has football practice" she says. "That sucks. Go do something else" I say coldly. "Fine" she says and plops on the other bed. "I might move in" she says. "What?" I chuckle as I do my eyeliner. "My parents are moving to New York and your moms offered me to stay here" she says. "You're not going to move in right?" I say and look over at her. "Why wouldn't you want me to?" She asks. "I hate you" I say. "You don't" she smiles. "I don't" I mumble as I throw the eyeliner back into my bag. "So you have to be my roommate?" I ask and she nods. "Yeah" she smiles.

James walks in and they cuddle on her bed before he leaves. "I'm gonna puke" I mutter. I look over and now they're making out. I can't deal with this.

I burst into Dylan's room and she jumps. "Jesus fucking Christ Beca!" She jumps. "You love me right?" I ask. "What do you need?" She sighs. "Chloe is moving in to my room" I say. "Let me live in here with you" I plead. "I don't know I mean, my music gets loud and my video games are annoying and I'm annoying" she says and I cut her off. "I'm aware of those things but we're alike" I point out. "Please?" I beg and pull the puppy eyes. "Okay how's this, each time she mentions James or he's in there you can come here" she offers. "Deal!" I say. "This is why you're my favorite sibling" I hug her tightly. "Why aren't you leaving?" She asked. "He's in there" I say and she nods. "Wanna watch funny cats on YouTube?" She asks. "Yes" I say and we lay on the bed and watch videos.

Days go by and today Chloe moves in. "Sorry I can't help you babe I have practice" he says and kisses her. I roll my eyes and keep reading my magazine. She kept unboxing shit and putting clothes away. "Wanna help?" She asked. "Not really" I say as I turn the page. "Some friend you are" she sighs. "Me?" I say and get up. I close the door and walk over to her. "I'm a bad friend? Me? You're the one who lead me on and then decided I'm shit so hey I'll have your brother!" I say. "Listen okay? Your brother was there for me when you weren't!" She says. I feel my heart being ripped out a little. "You ignored me that whole month! How was I expected to be there?" I ask and no response.

It's about 2 am and I feel my alarm go off. "Beca what the hell? It's 2 am" Chloe whines. "Yep it is" I say and rush out of my bed. Just on time, Dylan with her panic attack. This happens around this time a lot so I'll have an alarm set to wake her up and calm her down. About 45 minutes later she's asleep and okay.

I open my bedroom door and noticed lights turned on. "Wow" she says. "What?" I say annoyed. "You weren't kidding" she chuckles. "Why would I be kidding on that?" I ask as I sit at my desk. "What are you doing?" She asks as she gets up. She only has t shirt and underwear on. Her voice is a little raspy and her hair is messy. So fucking beautiful. "Shit" I mutter. "So the shit you always say you have to do?" She chuckles. "I don't lie" I look at her. "What is it you do?" she asks. "I document everytime this happens with her and I put it against my parents lawsuit case. Whatever keeps they locked away longer is the better. Also I'm a lesbian drug dealer" I say. "That's very good of you and for that ending nice reference" she winks at the Orange is the new black reference. "So this is what you do right?" I ask. "What?" She asks. "Lead me on and then go to my brother?" I ask and she sighs. "I just, I'm confused alright?" She sighs. "I'm confused because my ex girlfriend was to get back at my parents, but with you it's different. I just I can't explain it" she sighs and lays on my bed. "So we will never be together huh?" I ask and feel my voice break a little asking that. "As of right now I don't know" she says. I don't respond I just do my work and then shut my computer down. It's about 5 am when I'm done.

"Hey babygirl why are you up?" I hear Anna stand in the door way and ask. "Uh couldn't sleep" I shrug. "Well wanna come downstairs and talk as I make breakfast?" She asks and I nod.

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