Shes mine!

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Beca's POV

It's been about a month since the competition. I see Chloe at our lockers and Bellas rehearsal. We've been crazy busy. I've been at the foster home for two months now and honestly it feels like home. I feel like I'm apart of the family. For once I feel loved by parents.

"James, Dylan, Beca! Come downstairs real quick!" Macy yells. We sit in the kitchen and everyone is standing around us. "Is this an intervention about my Doritos habit?" Dylan jokes and I chuckle. "Yes. The first step is admitting your addiction" Anna says and everyone laughs lightly.

"So me and Macy and the family wanted to all ask you three something. James since you'll be 18 next week I know this doesn't affect you, but we're still going to ask because we want you all apart of this family. So Dylan, Beca and James. We wanted to know if it'd be okay we adopted you into the family" Anna says. "Really?" Dylan asks. "Really" Macy smiles. Me and James look at one another and he smiles. "We know it doesn't affect you James because you'll be 18 and out of the custody of CPS, but we still would love to have you apart of this family" Macy says. "Can we?" Dylan looks at both me and James. James gives me the look that says yes. "Yes" I say. "Yes" Dylan says. "Yes" James says. Everyone cheers and we all hug.

I grab my phone and call Chloe. I get her voicemail so I leave a voicemail. "Hey! I just wanted to tell you the foster family has decided to adopt us! I don't know if you forgot about me because I haven't seen you or really talked, but I just wanted to tell you the good news! So uh bye" I hang up and go back to the kitchen.

It's the next day and I go to school. I walk to my locker and I see Chloe. Making out. With some guy. I have no words. I just walk out and go home.

"Beca why aren't you in school?" Macy asks. "Last time I checked it isn't your fucking business" I snap and go up to my room then slam the door. I hear James talking to Macy. "She has some anger issues sometimes. Something probably happened and she needs to cool off. She doesn't hate you just needs to cool off. I'll talk to her" I hear James and then he walks in my room. He shuts the door and sighs. "What the fuck Beca?" He says. "We found a family who wants us. We're lucky that we don't have to go through how many foster homes? Dylan is safe here and so are you. Don't fucking snap on mom when she tries to help" James says. "What is your issue?" He asks when I don't answer. "I saw her kissing some other guy" I say and I feel my heart ache a little. "Who?" He asks and I look at him. "Chloe Beale. I never said her name did I?" I ask and he sits on the bed. "No you didn't" he groans. "What?" I ask. "I'm texting Dylan to come home early" is all he says.

"I'm taking all precautions" he says and calls our moms in the room. "I want you guys here so Beca doesn't kill me" he says. "I was the one making out with Chloe" he says. "You bastard" I say and Dylan holds me back a bit. Me and James start yelling at one another and everyone is holding us back. "You never said who she was!" He yells. "I figured you knew!" I yell back. I go to punch him and Dylan pushes me back. "Hey! He didn't know alright!" She yells at me and then it's silent. "Yeah I didn't know!" James says. "But why would you go for a girl on the Bellas when you knew it was a redhead from the Bellas?" Dylan points out. "Who's side are you on?" He asks. "James" I say. "Sides?" Dylan asks. "Look at us" she steps back and our moms are just watching us. "You're fighting over some girl! Why don't you actually ask her instead of making me choose fucking sides!" Dylan yells. "Language" Anna says. "Instead of making me hold you back from killing each other, how about you grow up and do something smart about dating for once" she says and goes upstairs. "You two talk this out, we're going to make sure she's okay" Anna says and they go upstairs.

"I had her first. Fair in square" I say. "It's Chloe's choice. Not ours" he says and goes upstairs.

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