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Beca's POV

24 hours go by. I'm at home with Chloe debating if I should report or not. "She would hate me forever if I get her arrested" I say. "Once you report and they get her though, you can drop the charges and bring her home" Chloe points out. "I don't know" I sigh. "I'd do it" James says. "She literally takes advantage of you" he leans against the doorframe eating an apple. "I really don't want to talk to you still" I say. "I know just, do it Bec. We will have her back by dinner if you do" he says and takes a bite of the Apple eyeing Chloe. "Okay I will! Just fucking hell I'll murder you if you keep eyeing her" I say and slam the door in his face causing Chloe to giggle. "You get so protective" she giggles. "Shut up" I mumble.

I go to my moms and we file a report. Hours later we get the call she's under arrest and at the station.

The whole family decides to go down to get her back. I already dropped the charges so she's free to go.

She's standing outside the police station not surprisingly having a cigarette. "Chloe" I say and she grabs my hand. "It's going to be okay" she whispers. "Your car is over there" she mutters and walks off to the car to go home.

Once we get home it's awkward between everyone. I'm waiting for a fight to break out any second. Chloe cuddles me closer into her as we watch Family Guy. "Baby it's fine" she says and kisses me slowly to calm me down.

2 weeks later and we are all packing for Hawaii. Me and Chloe pack our stuff into bags and she sighs. "You packed all my clothes into your bag Becs" "oops?" We both laugh a bit as she repacks my stuff.

"You got it?" I ask Dylan. She completely ignores me and slams the door shut in my face. "Okay" I say and James laughs. "You can't just think she's not going to hate you, you called the cops on her" he laughs as he follows me into my bedroom. "You encouraged me to do it!" I fight back. He chuckles and smirks. "You stole my girlfriend do you really think you should be listening to me right now?" He laughs. "Nice job fucking up your life more" he laughs and walks out. I look at Chloe and she smiles sadly. "If it helps I'll never go back to that jackass" she smirks and kisses my cheek.

Next day and it's 4 am. We all pack into the car and head to the airport. Everyone is arguing and trying to get us all on a plane. Chloe grabs my hand and we get on to the plane. She sits with me and I sit in the middle of her and Dylan. The plane lifts off and were in the sky. Chloe has her head on my shoulder asleep. "Chicken" I say. "What?" Dylan asks annoyed. "The answer to that question game thing is chicken" I say. "Oh" she mutters and types it in. "Thanks" she says.

We land and get to our hotel. Me and Chloe have our room shared with James sadly. Luckily there's two twin sized beds so me and Chloe just need one. I look out on the balcony and see her standing there. I wrap my arms around her waist from behind and she smiles. "I forgot to tell you something" she says. "What?" I ask. "Come on we're all in this room!" Aubrey yells. "are you fucking with me?" I ask. "Nope" she sighs. "Oi nice view!" Amy joins us on the balcony followed by others. "Come on girls we gotta go over the routine!" Aubrey yells. "I really hate you" I mutter to Chloe. "I promise we will have our time later" she giggles and we walk inside to go over the routine for a competition this week.

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