Im sorry you got hurt

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Beca's POV

Me and Emily bring the Bellas back together in the gym. Emily does a whole speech of why we should stick together and all of us agree. I mean we do kickass. "Also I'd like to ask a question" Amy says. "Yeah?" We all ask. "So Aubrey and Chloe can't be on the team or our friends right?" She asks. "Why?" Both girls ask. "You're head cheerleaders yo!" Cynthia says. "Yeah you know the code, you can't talk to us" Stacie says. "We're nobodies" flo says. "We're actually going to quit for the Bellas" Aubrey explains.

All of the sudden the door bursts open. In comes the cheerleaders and football players with cake and balloons all saying "we'll miss Aubrey and Chloe!". The girls squeal and I notice James. I'm not sitting here for this, but I am. "This cake is for the girls only sorry" one guy says to Stacie. "Yo lets get out of here" Cynthia says and they all leave.

I sit there lost in my thoughts. I watch as they all celebrate and Chloe looks so happy. She looks up and notices me sitting on the top bleacher.

From Chloe:
Where are the others?

To Chloe:
Oh didn't you hear? The cake and celebration is only here for you and Aubrey!

From Chloe:

To Chloe:
Sorry I'm still here. Don't wanna interrupt you and your boyfriends party

I sent that text and then rush out of the gym. Feet follow behind me and I hope it's just my imagination because right now I'm crying. I feel a hand grip my wrist and turn me around. "Beca!" She yells. "Beca?" Her voice softens and she sighs. I haven't cried in front of her about this. "I don't think you understand how much it fucking hurts Chloe. I get you're happy and I'm happy your happy, but it fucking hurts. I don't know how much more I can do this pain because it's making me insane" I cry. She's stays with a surprised look on her face. "Like you care" I mutter and leave.

Hours later I sit in my room and play on my computer. It's about 3 am and I hear my door swing open and then shut. Someone turns my chair around and bends close to my face. "Why?" He asks. "Why do you take the one thing I love away?" James yells. "I didn't-" he cuts me off. "I've done so much for you that I can't have this little thing?" He yells. "Dude your drunk" I chuckle. He grabs my shirt and then pulls me out of the chair. "You leave her alone you understand?" He asks. "I didn't do anything" I sigh. He grips my shirt harder and hits my against the wall. "you fucking piece of shit listen to me! You don't deserve anyone alright?" He says. "James stop" I start to cry a bit. "YOU STOP!" He screams and throws me to the ground. Repeated kicks and punches are thrown against my body. The door swings open. "Hey hey hey! Put her down" Anna yells and rips him off me. I fall to ground and hold my head in my hands. "You alright babygirl?" Macy rushes over. She checks my head sense when he hit me against the wall, it smacked against it. "N-No" I stutter. "I'm sorry, I'll pack my stuff" Chloe walks in the room. "No honey, you being here isn't affecting anything. James got drunk" Anna explains. Anna brings him downstairs to take care of him as Macy examines my body for any sign of bad injury. "If anything feels bone bruised or whatever let me know okay?" She asks. "Where's Dylan?" I ask and sniffle. "She's at a friends house" she reassures me and I nod. I get onto my bed and curl up under the covers. I just cry. I didn't know what else to do but cry. I feel the other side of the covers being lift up and then a body joins the bed. "I'm so sorry" Chloe whispers and hugs me tightly. "I broke up with him and told him why" she cries. "It isn't your fault" I say. "It is, if I never broke up with him you'd be okay" she sniffles. "Why did you break up with him?" I ask and look up to her. "Because there's this girl I like a lot and she likes me to" I say. "Your ex huh?" I ask. "No" she says and kisses my lips softly. "You" she says. We kept kissing and I started to laugh. "Why are you laughing?" She giggles. "Our other kiss was way more hot and passionate, this one is so cute and tear snotty" I laugh. She begins laughing to and smiles softly. "I'm sorry but I don't wanna hurt you, if you weren't hurting you'd be pinned against the wall" she smirks. "But I guess you want me to stop kissing you" she sighs. "You're insane then" I say and I pull her back by her shirt. We both laugh and roll her so I'm over her a bit. That night, hopefully wasn't a dream.

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