Stolen Car and Talk

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Beca's POV

After the party we all go to the kitchen to help with dishes. "So Beca" Anna says. "It's kind of a tradition around here when you turn 18" Macy says and they link arms on each side of me with my arms and walk me outside. "It's not new, it's used but it's a great" I cut Anna off. "Car?!" I nearly yell and she hands me the keys. "Seriously?!" I ask. "You'll have rules obviously but it's yours" Macy smiles. "Can I take it for a drive?" I ask and they nod. Me and Dylan get in the car and I drive off to test it. "How are they?" I ask. "Back in prison" she chuckles. "What happened?" I ask and she sighs. "The normal really. I went back to school and they ignored me basically. I could do anything I wanted" she says as she has a cigarette. "When did you pick up smoking?" I ask pissed off she smokes. "Couple months ago" she shrugs. "How's you and Chloe?" She asks. "Great! I mean we've had ups and downs, but we're still staying together" I say. She nods and the music filled up the silence. I started to become a bit depressed. Usually there was no silence between us, now....there is. She's changed so much and so have I.

We pull back into the driveway and I tell my moms in runs amazing and thank you. I rush up to my room to see Chloe laying in bed. "Well?" She asks. "Runs great" I smirk and get changed. "You know you're birthday isn't over yet" she smirks and gets up to lock the door. I giggle a little and she pushes me down on the bed. (Figured you guys don't want smut again so yeah lmao)

Next morning and I wake up to red hair in my face. My head is snuggled into Chloes neck, our bodies are against one another naked, legs are entangled, and hands are in suggestive places. She giggles a bit as I stir a wake. "Good morning beautiful" she says and kisses my head. "Come on girls! Beach day!" Macy yells. "Come on" she drags me out of bed to pack our stuff and get dressed.

I pack my bikini and other things as well as Chloe. "Surprised you can walk" she smirks a bit. I look up from look down to blush. "Shut up" I say. "Come on!" My brother yells. "Still wanna kill him" I mumble and throw my bag over my shoulder. I throw my shoes on and grab my SnapBack. "Ready?" I ask and she nods. I open the door walking out and she grabs my hand. I smile and look down at our hands that are now entangled as we walk.

We all pack into the car, everyone yelling at one another, people rushing back in to get stuff they missed, it's a very complicated thing to get our family on a day out. This was just a preview what our family vacation will be like to Hawaii in 2 weeks. "Alright let's go!" Anna starts to drive.

We all get to the beach and pick our place. "You're doing it wrong" she says as I try to set up the umbrella. "No I'm not!" I fight back and get smacked in the face by the end of the umbrella. "Shit!" I curse out and hear her giggle. She gets up and sets up the umbrella then kisses my nose. "Maybe you should let me do the setting up shit" she giggles and I shrug.

I lay down on the towel and listen to music. "Come on!" Chloe yells. "We're going swimming" she says. She grabs my hand and pulls me up. "Take off your shirt" she says. "Babe were in public" I blush. "I meant to have your bikini, your shirt is covering it ass" she says. "Oh ok" I mumble and think of my latest self harm cuts on my stomach. "I have to pee first though" I say and rush away.

What am I gonna do? I can't go out there. She already knows something is up because I've been in here for 10 minutes?

"Hello? Beca" I hear Dylan. "Why are you hiding in a changing room stall?" She asks. It's silent. "Chloe said you rushed off after she told you to take your shirt off. I mean we are in public I get-" I cut her off. "My shirt is covering my bikini!" I laugh. "Oh okay, well just take it off and go swimming" she says. "I can't" I look her in the eyes. It takes her a minute. "Oh okay" she sighs. "Just go with your shirt on" she suggests. "She probably won't let me" I sigh. "Won't let you what?" Chloe asks. "Before I leave you two alone I need your bag" Dylan says. "Here" I sigh knowing what she needs. She walks out and Chloe looks at her as she walks. "Why did she?" "Cigarette" I sigh. "We need a family meeting or some shit were all fucking up" she giggles. "Why can't you-" we get cut off by Anna saying we have to leave.

We all get in the car and go home. "You didn't think moms heard us about the family meeting right?" I ask. "I swear if they did" Dylan mumbles. "I will kill you" my foster brother says. "We did" both moms say. "At dinner were all talking" Macy says. We all groan and walk into the house.

Everyone showers and gets changed, then we go down for dinner. Everyone is dreading this because nobody likes family meetings. We all glare at Chloe who is hiding her face.

"So uh first things first. Let's address sex" Macy says causing everyone to snicker. I feel Chloe grabbing my hand other the table and I smile a bit. We tangle our hands together as she addresses sex. "So just use protection" she says. "Couldn't you have said that in the beginning and minus that 10 minute talk?" Max asks causing us to laugh. "We have 7 teens in the house, we're gonna talk it all out" Amy says. "Next is cigarettes" Amy says. "It's a rule that nobody smokes" Amy says. "I've been quitting" I say. "Well we're gonna need everyone's packs of cigarettes if you smoke" Amy says. I go into my bag and give her mine, max gives her his, and James gives her his. "Dylan" Amy says. "Dyl" I say. "I uh don't smoke" she lies and picks at her food. "We know you do, Beca and Chloe told us" Amy says. "Well if they tell you something you gotta believe it huh?" She chuckles. "Just give us your pack and lighter" Macy sighs. "She doesn't have any she was using mine" I sigh and Chloe squeezes my hand tighter for support.

I've felt bad for awhile now. It feels that it's my fault she smokes. I mean she was getting them from me. Shit.

"Another thing is self harm" Macy addresses. "If you have thoughts, please talk to us" Macy says. "We want to help" Anna says. The conversation goes on until the cigarette issue. "Jesus fucking Christ! You always go back to that! I just, fucking hell!" Dylan yells. She storms out and steals my car.

"She just took my fucking car!" I yell. "How can she even drive?" I add. "If she's not back in 24 hours, you can file a report of a stolen car" Anna sighs. "Okay" I say and Chloe calms me down.

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