Chapter 9- Waiting on ___? WHO?!

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I drifted down the stairs, my stomach tight in a knot, and my feet felt cold against the white plush carpet that covered the houses floor.

I took the steps down carefully, afraid of what I would see before my eyes. I heard yelling, I heard glass break, and I heard doors slamming. J's dad was at work, and his mom, him, and I were all home alone. His dad kind of settled everything down, made his wife not have a temper problem. 

His dad usually stays in the kitchen though, which is awesome but awkward when you want to have some alone time with his sun while he's sitting there. A smile tugged its way up my face, but it was forced. It was forced for the sake of J.

J came out to his parents, and they accepted him, something I envyed with such a passion I thought I wanted it more that I wanted J.

Wow, scary thought.

For my parents to accept me, well that'd make me so relieved, and feel less like a burden.

I wasn't happy living here, but I knew it was the only place I could go, besides running away. Running away, - right now that doesn't really sound that bad actually...

"Asa, I see your feet! Get your ass down these stairs and let me see you!" J yelled, making a real smile form upon my face.

Okay good, he was alright.

"Okay, Okay. I'm coming, don't get you dick in a knot," I hollered back, as I slightly chuckled to myself.

"Awe well don't you look beautiful," J stated, as he walked up to me as I finished my descend from the stairs, and twirled me around. 

"Shut up, J. This shirt is ugly, and these pants are way too baggy," I said, my voice full with distaste and horror.

Never would I be seen worn in these God-awful clothes again.

"Well too bad. My mom picked them out and you have to respect what she orderes. "Anyways, you better get used to them since your wearing them tomorrow for our family get together." J said, a devilish smile playing across his face.


"You little twirp!" I yelled, my voice full with venum. "These are gross! None of this is black. I need black! Not to grant the whole emo steryotype thing but I hate white, and this shade or red!" I ravished, my voice getting higher as so did my list of complaints.

"Oh just shut up and kiss me, Asa."

"And If I don't?" I questioned, bravery flickery beating thickly in my voice.

"Boys, as much of this is hilarious, James you have to go to your da-" James's dad spoke, his voice was careless, but they held a sad tone to the words he spoke..

"-octers oppointment! Yeah, thanks for reminding me. Hey, uhm... dad can I talk with you for a sec?" James answered quickly, his tone high, and he spoke fast. Fishy.

"What? I was talking about the da-" James's dad said again, his voice full of confusion. I was confused as well.

"DAD! I need to talk with you! Now." James spoke, his voice was still high pitched, and his nostriles were flairing. What's going on?

"A-alright." His dad spoke, and he was soon gone by an ushering James.

"Odd..." I spoke to myself but it was bairly above a whisper. 

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