The Mexican Adventures of Rudy Man Issue #19: Attack on SRRPD!

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"Keep moving everyone! Keep moving!" Nick said guiding people away from the fight. "Pay no attention to the life threatening battle behind you all of its fake just keep moving!" Paul said. "That doesn't help!" Nick yelled to Paul. The two began to argue but were stopped when all the ground began to shake and the windows were shattered all around them. A gust of wind fellowed from behind and knocked everyone down. Afterwards the city was silent. "Have they stopped?" Paul asked. "Nick! Paul! Go and see what happened!" Eric yelled. "Yes commissioner!" They said heading off. As they arrived closer they noticed alot of the buildings were cracked and missing parts. Not a single window was left and alot of rubble was scattered around. "What were those two thinking?!" Nick said. "Don't know but it must have been serious" Paul said. They arrived at the battlefield and saw the giant crater that was left. Nick and Paul stood in shock. "They have this much power?!" Nick yelled. "They must have been really mad" Paul said. "What could push them this far???" Nick said thinking. "Hey Nick there's no body" Paul said breaking his concentration. "No body? Neither of them?" Nick asked. "No, there's plenty of hair and broken parts around, but no body". "We have to tell The commissioner about this!" Nick said as they headed back. On a near by roof top of a building Majestic man and Rudy man looked in awe as Jade stood before them. "H-how" Majestic man said. "Did you escape?!" Rudy asked. Moments later Jess flew to them with Jorge in her talons and Leon on her back. After getting with there partners Jade gave them a concerned look. "What's wrong? Are they still after you?" Rudy asked. "Who's after you?" Majestic man asked. They began bombarding her with questions. Jade put her hand out for them to stop as she was tearing up "I'm sorry". "For what?" They both asked. "This was all a trap, I told you both a story, but only part of it is real" Jade said. "My mother is dead and I did become a cop but my father didn't die, he is just sick....cancer to be exact. A docter said a new treatment has been made and that it has an 80% to cure him. I was ecstatic and told them to go for it but I came no where close to being able to pay for the treatment. That's when a man told me there was a way. My father was alive but when my mother died I wanted to become a hero when I saw Rudy man on the TV. My father didn't approve and when he got sick I had no choice. I took the man's job" She confessed. "What job was that?" Majestic man asked. Jade didn't respond. "Jade?" Rudy asked. "To have you two kill each other. I was suppose to get close to you and frame y'all for killing me, I sent you a video of me kidnapped by M AKA Majestic man and I send you a pic that was Photo shopped to look like I was killed by Rudy. It was going according to plan until I got a message from the hospital. They informed me of my father's death and I knew I had to stop you two, even before they called I knew it was wrong but couldn't let my father die" she said crying. Rudy walked into her and hugged her "you were in more pain then I could ever imagine, both of you were, I was worried about you but if I knew you were dead.... I don't know how I would have responded" Rudy said.
Majestic man tighten his fist "who's the one that gave you this job?". "The man behind this is unknown but I'm sure he works for one man" Jade said. "Lord Darkheart" Rudy said. "The guy that's after you?" Majestic man said. "I never expected him to go this I have to finish things, once and for all!" Rudy said. "Got any idea where his base is?" Jade asked. Rudy looked at her. "I got to redeem myself, please allow me to join you!" She said kneeling. "Please stand up, you can help, but don't do something like that, I don't deserve it" Rudy said. "You wait here" Majestic man said as he grabbed Rudy and took him to the station, leaving Jade with the animals. "What's this about?" Rudy asked. "I think I know where his base is" Majestic man said. Majestic man entered the room where Nick had taken him to access the villain database. Majestic man began looking through files for something. "What are you looking for?" Rudy asked. "You'll see". As he continued to type, he stopped for a minute "hey about what happened....". Rudy thought back about the fight they just had. He noticed the bruise on Majestic man's face from his kick. Majestic man waited for a response, an insult, anything. Rudy put his hand on his shoulder making him jump a bit "lets just forget about it". Majestic man never turned his head as he looked through more files "Logan" he said. "Excuse me?" Rudy said. "Logan Tremblay, that's my name". Rudy didn't know how to respond. "Just don't go use it okay" He said as he popped up one more file. "This is the place" Majestic man said showing Rudy a picture of an old house built into a mountain. "Hey I know where that is, it's about 150 miles outside of the city" Rudy said. "Then lets get moving". The three met at the station and thought up a plan. "It will take a good 3 hours to get there, give or take so we better hurry" Majestic man said. "But I don't have Wanda anymore" Rudy said remember what happened. "I got room on Ramon for you" Jade said. "Who?" They both said. "What, I can name my vehicle to" She said. The two got on her motorcycle and Majestic man put some hair around it and grabbed on the back. Jorge,Leon and Jess sat in the bag area of the motorcycle. "Lets go!" Jade said as they peeled out. A few hours later the SRRPD was having a meeting over what happened. "So after causing a mass panic and causing serious damage to multiple buildings and making a crater right next to the station you've lost them?!?!?!?!?!" The commissioner yelled. "There was no body sir, but I don't think they ran" Nick said. "Are you saying there still in the city?" The commissioner said. "....yes sir, I believe they haven't left!" Nick said. After taking a moment to think Eric thought about what to say "If we assume that's true then I'm calling a search for them, both of them, hunt them down and get them here, use any source nessicary!" The commissioner said as all the SRRPD went to work. "Ah commissioner Eric, can you truly control this city with out your precious Heros?" A man said looking from afar. "So what do you want us to do?!" Paul said. The same as everyone else, your nothing special" he said sitting at his desk. "Eric.....what are you going to do to them?" Paul asked. Eric stopped what he was doing and looked down at his hands ".... I don't know, but I will follow the rules of justice!". Just then an alarm went off telling Paul and Eric an intruder has busted down the door. "Now what?!?!" Eric yelled as he grabbed his stun gun. A man snuck around the station looking for anyone. "Looks clear" He said as Eric tased him from behind. "Rule #1 of a building search, your gun looks where your eyes do" Eric said handcuffing him. "He said clear but I heard something after that and now I can't get a hold of him" A goon said. Just then the mic came back on. "Hello? Did it malfunction?" The goon asked. "The only thing that's malfunctioning is your brains if you think you can take on the SRRPD!!!" Eric yelled into the mic. The goon was going to say something but a figure grabbed the mic. "Ah such a nice feeling to hear your voice again officer, oops I mean commissioner". Eric stood there for a minute, "Its been far too long". "It sure has, but don't worry....I'll see you very soon" The voice said as a bomb went off at the station. Eric opened his eyes and saw he was on the floor and part of the station was in rubble. Nick and Paul were helping him up as he saw a big group of men running to them. "Were under attack!!!" Paul said as Eric snapped out of it and grabbed his gun. "No lethal force" He said. "What?!" Nick said "sir you must have hit your head! Do you see all those men?!?!" Paul said. "I know what I'm saying do it or your fired!!!" Eric yelled. "Call in all other officers to report back immediately, I'll be back soon" Eric said walking off. Nick and Paul gave him a salute as they did as they were told. Nick and Paul began dropping man after man as they ran at them. The men began pulling out real guns and firing back. Nick and Paul quickly took cover. "We can't fight like this!" Nick said pulling out his real gun. "You can't the commissioner said-" "The commissioner left us! He is no longer in charge!" Nick yelled. "You can do what you want....but I will believe Eric knows what he's doing" Paul said. "This is squad 8, were 5 minutes away what's the status on the station?" Nick's walkie talkie sounded. "We can't hold them back much longer hurry!" Nick said. "And no lethal force! Commissioners orders!" Paul said. "No lethal force?! What's the commissioner thinking?!" The officer yelled. Paul was going to say something but Nick cut him off "It's the commissioners order don't you dare disobey them!....We have to trust the commissioner knows what he's doing" Nick said. ".....Roger that, I'll relay it to the other squads" he said hanging up. Paul gave him a big smile. "Stop looking at me like that we got a job to do!" Nick said throwing a stun grenade getting a group of men "man I love these grenades!". "Everything is going well sir" A goon said. "Send the next wave, wait 10 minutes and send all the rest" the boss said. "All of them sir?" He asked. "Every last one". "You two, go and keep the officers busy" the boss said pointing to two figures. "At once!" They said revealing themselves to be The Drama queen and The Multiplier "Lord Darkheart!". "Where the hell is the backup!" Nick yelled. "I think I hear a siren?" Paul said as from behind then a cop car rammed through the wall and into a bunch of men before hitting another wall "Is that coming out of my paycheck?" The officer they were talking on the phone with said. "Most likely, but don't worry, I'm sure were getting payed double" Nick said. Moments later more cop cars began to pull up. "Wouldn't that be lethal force?" Another officer said. "Naw there fine" the officer said. The numbers began to turn for the better as more and more cops began to take back there station. "It's been 10" Darkheart said. A few minutes passed before the ground began to shake and screams could be heard getting closer to the station. Over the horizon a herd, triple the size of the first group was charging at them. "We're still missing squads!" Nick yelled. "were a little held up!" An officer said as he was dealing with The Drama Queen along with another squad. "We can't push back that many" An officer said. "We have to try! Right Nick?" Paul said. Nick didn't respond, he didn't know how. He wanted to stay and believe the commissioner but knew the most logical option was to retreat and save as many offices as possible. As he struggled to pick a side. An air horn went off. Everyone looked up at the roof to see Eric geared up and ready. "This is your last chance to leave now!" He said to the men. They didn't listen. "Men! No lethal force......go beyond and make there souls die here as well!!!!!" Eric yelled ripping his suit off to show his tank top and camo shorts. He fired a small chip down to the ground. It spread through the floor and went to each car within the area. " Justice!" He yelled as each car exploded into a fiery ball of flames. He then clicked a button on these gloves and boots he was wearing. They began to glow sky blue as he jumped from the roof and slammed hard onto the ground. He began grabbing men and beating them up with each other while they tried to hold him down. "He's going straight up "Doom" up in here!" Paul said as everyone else joined the fight. "We are the law!, we are Justice! We are THE SRRPD!!!!" Everyone said together. Things were beginning to look good once more until the final card was unleashed. Lord Darkheart stood at the back of the war as he slowly got closer to Eric. "I was saving this for Rudy man but time is of the essence, I have no more time, he'll be here soon" Darkheart said as he pulled out his special weapon from a bag. "Once a month, that's as offend as I can use it, any more and I risk permanent body damage, but I've been saying it for 8 months to finally finish Rudy man but main you Eric Stevens!!!!!" Lord Darkheart yelled as he ripped the bag opened to reveal a full fried chicken and a gallon of grape soda. He ate it all in one bite and charged at Eric, getting stronger and stronger per step. "The shadows clan rules once more!!!!!" Lord Darkheart yelled as he striked Eric on the side.

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