The Mexican Adventures of Rudy Man Issue #16: Too much!

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"Thanks for the help!" A man said as Rudy headed off to his next lawn. "3 down, 2 to go and its not even 10:00 yet, this is turning out to be a very productive day!" He said as Jorge got on the lawn mower and they headed off. "You idiots can't do anything!!!" Darkheart yelled throwing his fist down on his new mahogany table. "We've used dog bombs, lawnmowing showdowns, robotic soccer equipment, trained assassins and even a note that kindly said give up with a gift basket but none of it works!!!" He yelled. "I've​ got cookies!" A goon said. "Not the time!" Darkheart said throwing a chair at the door. "We have to deal with him now! I don't care how just do it!!!" He yelled. "I know! What if we make another note and put pretty please instead of please?" A goon said. "Genius!" Darkheart said.

One week later.....

"It failed!!!" He yelled. "Maybe Rudy man is unstoppable" a goon said. As Darkheart struggled to think up a plan his phone rang. "What is it!?!" He yelled. His face grew pale "I'm so sorry give me one minute" he said. "Everyone out!!!" He yelled as he pushed everyone out. "I'm here" he said. "I know but he just-! well we tried but-! the goons said-! Yes,yes, I understand we will not fail this time, Sir!" He said hanging up. Darkheart charged into the break room where all the goons were drinking coffee. "I got a plan and its full proof!!!" He yelled. "That will be $20 miss clover field" Rudy said happily as Jorge dusted away the lawn clippings. "Thanks again Rudy, here have a glass of tea!" She said. "Why thank you!" He said as he shared it with Jorge. "I'd love to chat but I can't keep the others waiting" he said taking off. "Have a good day" she said. "Only one more stop" Rudy said just as his phone began ringing. "Rudy's lawn mowing service" he answered. "Mhm, 3458 penny road, on it". He said hanging up. "Guess that means two more" he said as his phone rang "another lawn?" He said. His phone began to ring over and over until he was swamped with work. He quickly went from house to house at lightning speeds, each house as perfect as the last. The sun began getting brighter and brighter, pounding Rudy with the hot heat of summer. "It's 12:15, still have 10 houses to go!" He said increasing speed. He continued giving it his all while more calls came in. The day went by slower and slower for Rudy as the sun began taking what little energy he had left. Rudy finished his last house and fell hard on the grass. "It's......5:00, good time" he said out of breath. He slowly made his way home, running on fumes as the sun was going down. "35 lawns, that's a new record" He said sluggishly as he opened his door and fell hard on his bed. "And on the hottest day of the summer" he said laughing lowing before crashing. "Now's the time! Go and do your worse!" Darkheart said as all his goons and fellow criminals began causing havoc all over the city. The criminals began breaking into houses, stores, restaurants, and taking whatever they wanted. Jorge tried to wake up Rudy but he was out cold. Jorge turned on the T.V. to see the damage. "This is truly Armageddon folks, no one is safe, stay at home and lock your doors, this is one of the darkest days for our city, more details as they ah-!" She said as she was cut off. Out in the streets SRRPD was doing what they could to stop the crime but were having trouble. "Where the hell is Rudy man!?" Majestic man said as he caught a few crooks. "No clue, but we can't worry about that now!" Nick said. "The plans going perfect sir" a goon said to Darkheart. "Excellent, have you located Rudy man?" He asked. "No sir were on his tracks though". "Very well but hurry we don't want an interference" he said. "At once sir!" The goon said taking off.
Jorge continued to peck at Rudy but he was far too tire to even push him away. "We have closed in on Rudy man, we'll find his house in a few minutes. "Paul call in backup its getting crazy!" Nick called. "Everyone's already dispatched!" Paul said. The goons closed in on a house and broke in through all the entrances they could find but it was the wrong one. They went to house to house hunting down Rudy. "What a genius plan, exhausting Rudy man to the point of collapsing and then going all out destroying the city, amazing!" Darkheart said on the phone. "Enough praise, get the job done" the voice said on the other side of the phone. "Yes sir!" Darkheart said. "Not this house!" A goon said into an ear piece. "Same over here, that leaves only one block left" another said. They reached the final block and began busting down the door inside. As Jorge desperately tried to wake up Rudy he heard a knock at the door. The knock grew louder and louder until it was a bang. Jorge prepared himself for the worse as the door threatened to break. With a mighty crash the door slammed to the ground and a group of goons ran in "freeze!!". The goons looked in but only saw a man and his wife eating soup. At Rudy's house the door was busted down and Majestic man ran in "Rudy man you here?!". Jorge jumped on his face and began pecking with all his might. "Ah stop! It's Majestic man! Stop!!!" He yelled. Jorge jumped off and looked relieved. "I feel animals just don't like me" Majestic man said. Jorge laughed it off but then called Majestic man over to Rudy man. "What's wrong with him?" Majestic man asked. Jorge began acting out what happened the best he could. "Um okay......he got into a lawnmowing race?" Majestic man guessed. Jorge nodded no as he did the act again. "Um.....oh! He got bite by a snake or something right?" Majestic man said confidently. Jorge pecked at his foot and did it again, slower. "Hmmm....of he overworked himself?!" Majestic man said half sure but half not. Jorge nodded and flew onto his shoulder. "Well not much I can do here so lets get him to SRRPD HQ for now" Majestic man said grabbing him. Majestic man then heard a bark out front "their here lets head out the back!" He said as his hair fetched Leon who was standing guard. They exited the window as the goons made their way inside. "We were too late sir, he's been taken" a goon said. "Taken?! By who?" Darkheart yelled. "I believe that new hero, what's his lad? No no it was Mighty locks, no it was full volume" the goons said arguing. "I don't care just find them!" Darkheart yelled. "Yes sir!" They said heading off. "How long does it take to find a man and his chicken!" Nick yelled as they shocked some more criminals into commission. "Excuse me for taking in the scenery" Majestic man said flying in. "Did you find Rudy man?!" Nick asked. "Hello to you to, don't worry I'm fine" Majestic man said. "Nick I need a hand!" Paul said getting out numbered fast. "Hang on!" Nick said as Majestic man showed him Rudy. "He overworked himself" He said. "Great just great!" Nick said. "That's not good Nick we need him!" Paul said. "It's sarcasm!" Nick said. "He's useless like this, go and find a way to get him up!" Nick said. "What about y'all?" Majestic man said. "We're the SRRPD, we run this town" Nick said giving a thumbs up. Majestic man smiled as he headed off to see what he could do. Paul was cornered and trying to reload but he had no time. "Paul jump!" Nick said as he threw a shock grenade at them. "Hey it really worked!" Nick said. "What's that suppose to mean!?" Paul yelled. "No time for that, we got company" Nick said. "Ah, I wanted to say that...". "Okay okay first thing he needs is.... sugar! And um...caffeine! Yeah yeah so lets try a gas station" Majestic man said. Both Jorge and Leon pointed to one near by that was being rodded. "Gives us the money!" One thug said to the cashier. "Can I get a chewy bar?" Another asked. "I don't care just find the safe!" He snapped. "Okay, you want a tea or something?" "I want you to find the safe!!!". Just then Majestic man crashed in through the window "Stop right there!". The man pointed his gun at Majestic man while the other dropped his tea "your right that brand has to much sugar anyway" he said pulling out his gun. Leon jumped and bit the man in the ear and made him fire all around while Majestic man punched him out. Jorge then jumped off and headed to the guy in the back. "Is that a chicken?!" The guy said firing. Jorge dodged each attack and then jumped, kicking the man into the freezer and closing it. The cashier ran off while Majestic man placed Rudy on the counter. "Okay lets see....soda.....cookies....candy...." Majestic man said grabbing a bunch of junk. "He's in a pretty bad sleep so he will need alot more then this". That's when Majestic man got a plan. He quickly grabbed whatever he could and placed it on the counter next to Rudy. "Lets begin!" He said as he grabbed three sugar glazed donut's forced them together, dumped sugar on top along with crushed candy and cookies on top. He did this a few times while Jorge finished making a "drink". He then stuffed it into the nacho cheese machine that we changed out for frosting and cinnamon. He then took it out. It quickly hardened into a giant sugar glazed mess the size of a small loaf of bread. He then bathed it in chocolate and put it to the side. Jorge came by with the drink in his beak. "Okay this has, soda, creamer, energy drinks, slushies, frosting, syrup, and sugar?" he said to Jorge who nodded. "Enjoy" Majestic man said to Rudy as he gave him the food and helped him wash it down with the drink. Rudy stood motionless. "Did it fail?". Back at the fight for the city Nick and Paul were running low on ammo and ideas. "Come in all units! Is everyone okay?!" Nick yelled. "Worry about yourself!" A thug said as they surround Nick and Paul. "You know I had a dream like this once, but we were rabbits and they were squirrels bully us and there was a dog King with a afro and, never mind this is nothing like that" Paul said. "Paul.....shut up" Nick said as they two ran guns blazing. As the two ran out of ammo they accepted their end until a soccer ball hit a guy in the ribs, knocking him out. Everyone turned to see Rudy man and Jorge. Majestic man snuck up from behind and saved Nick and Paul. "Thought you could use this" he said giving them ammo. "Now were talking!" They said loading up. "I see Rudy is up and at'em" Paul said. Back at the gas station it took a while so Majestic man checked his vitals and such but with a rush Rudy slammed him with a head butt. "Oh Majestic man, long time no see" he said. "Yeah" he said holding his head. "Um what happened to your face?" Rudy man asked as he had a bunch of bandaids on it "ask your partner". Jorge clucked happily at Rudy. "So what's up? Where are we?" Rudy asked. "Well let me try to explain, I'm shocked your not bouncing off the walls right now". "Why would I do that?" He said laughing as the sugar kicked in hard. "It wasn't hard" Majestic man said to Paul. "All units to the center, we have located Rudy man" a goon said. "All units to the center, we have Rudy man! Nick said. Rudy man was so hyper he couldn't keep still, he began pounding baddy after baddy. "He's speed is incredible!" Paul said. "You can thank the sugar for that, he only has a few more minutes though" Majestic man said. As all the goons were heading to the center, everyone got ready to go all out. Suddenly they all stopped and began running off. Rudy and the others looked in confusion. "I'll go after them!" Rudy said as he fell over and blacked out. "He's done" Majestic man said. "Looks like we are to" Nick said. It was a little over midnight and the city was in ruins but most of the civilians were unharmed. "Sir I'm aware we failed but give me one more chance" Darkheart said. "Enough! Your a failure that I care not to deal with, I'll be there with in the week, you have one chance to impress me before I arrive, don't screw up!" The voice said hanging up. Darkheart look a deep gulp "Hey! I'm going to need some cookies!".

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