The Mexican adventures of Rudy man Issue #8: Day in the life of Nick and Paul

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"Okay you worthless, sorry excuses for cops! This city is crawling with crime and I want you to go out there and stop it! We are the SRRPD god Damnit! I won't let you pieces of trash tarnish are good name! Now go!!!" The commissioner yelled as everyone left the board room.

"Why do we even go to these meetings?" Nick mumbled.

"Don't you like being yelled at by The commissioner?" Paul asked.

"We don't even have to be at a meeting for that!" Nick complained.

"Not like it matters anyway, Rudy man does all the work around here anyway" Nick scoffed as both got in their cop car.

"Rudy mans just one person, he can't do it all" Paul commented.

"Yeah, guess your right" Nick sighed ,driving off to a donut shop.

While waiting for Paul to come back with the donuts Nick heard the cop radio go off.

"Attention all units, there's a robbery at 2832 South Cross Lane, need backup ASAP!"

"We're close!" Nick said to himself.

"Don't you find it weird that we only eat donuts in the morning, I don't even like them" Paul wondered.

Nick quickly grabbed his donut and coffee and slapped the rest out of Paul's hands "we don't have time to eat! there's a robbery!!!"

"My donut...." Paul whispered, teary eyed before being yanked into the car.

"Hang on tight we're going full speed!!!" Nick warned as he began to grind the tires and gain speed before letting go of the brakes.

In a flash they took off but Nick hit the brakes at the next building.

"We're here Paul!" He said as he looked to his side but Paul flew out the window and landed on a man.

"Ah sorry sir. are you okay?!?!" Paul gasped, helping him up.

"Yes I'm fine thanks you" He said, opening his eyes.

"Ah!" He blurted as he fell down with a bag that seemed to have alot of metal in it.

"What's wrong?" Paul asked.

For a minute the man looked scared, then confused and then he got up.

"Nothing, I thought I saw something" He coughed.

"Oh....okay" Paul smiled.

"Well I'll be off now see you" He snickered to himself as he walked away.

Suddenly Nick jumped out of the car on full alert "hold it!!!"

The man looked over to Nick and cursed under his breath "guess I have no choice".

His heart began beating faster and faster the closer he got to the item inside his jacket.

"Here sir" Nick offered, giving the man $10.

The man looked confused.

"It's hush money, you know for hitting you, our boss would kill is if he knew" Nick confessed.

"Ah of course, it's no problem see you around" he said walking off.

"I'm sorry for your lost sweety, hope they catch the perp" An old lady assured her neighbor, walking out of the house.

"Got you!" Nick claimed, tackling her to the ground.

"What's going on?!" She yelled.

"It had to be the sweet old lady" Paul teared up.

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