The Mexican Adventures of Rudy man Issue #24: Awakening

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Both looked out there windows in shock. "What are you doing here?!" They both said. "Simple, to get you back to your home!" Jade said to Rudy while Nick and Paul said it to Logan. "Back? I can't go back" Majestic man said. "Sorry, but I have no right to go back, not now..." Rudy said. "Will this change your mind?" They both said as Leon popped out of the car to hug Majestic man and Jorge jumped out from Jade's motorcycle to hug him. "Jorge! Leon!" They said. "This changes nothing, I can't go back, you know that" Majestic man said. "I'm grateful for sure but.....I can't go back". "Things aren't as clear cut as they look" Nick said the Logan. "Oh really? And you just found that out?" Logan laughed. "I'm sure your enough to handle it" He said heading back. "What if I said Rudy man was back?" Paul said. Majestic man stopped in his tracks. "I already talked to your father, is it true? Are you blocking the memory?" Jade asked. Both stood as still as can be, before facing there friends. "What are you saying?". "I don't try to block it I swear, it just won't come back to me!" Rudy said. "Let me help you" Jade said. "Jade is telling Rudy man to come back as we speak, I'm sure he'll be expecting you" Nick said. "I don't know how you could, it's all in my mind" he said. "How about this" Jade said sitting him down. "Donald Trump isn't an honest guy, he isn't running for president for the greater good, he's planning to start world war 3!" She said. Nick and Paul had just told Majestic man the same thing. "You can't be serious?" They both said. "He plans to win the election and take over" Nick said. "How foolish, that's why we have branches of government" Logan said. "That's the problem, he has connections, he's already taken over both branches, if he wins he'll have full power over the United States. And then he'll begin the war" Nick said. "Why would he do such a thing!" Logan yelled. "He wants to end everything and be the king of the only nation left". "I was out with Jess looking around when I heard about your arrest. I hurried to the jail but that's when I saw Trump enter a building. I went to investigate why he was here and heard about his plan. I was then discovered and hunted down. Unlike you two I can't be deported because I'm American so he set up a trap for me. I escaped and made my way out of the city and that's when I got a call. It was my father. He said he was still alive in a town south of me. I forgot everyone and headed to him at blazing speeds but that was the trap. I reached the city and was captured by his men. They kept me in captivity and said I'd be free by the end of the election. I wouldn't have escaped if it wasn't for one person or should I say one chicken. He followed me all the way there and freed me the first chance he got. After escaping with Jorge and Jess I got on my bike and headed back to Pas Rico City where I relayed all news to Nick and Paul who went to go get Majestic man". "I see, I can't ignore this" Rudy said. "But, I won't be able to fight clearly until I know what happened that night" Rudy said. "So what do you say?" Paul asked. "Save the world from a phyco pathic war hunger politician or stay here and count the snow flakes? Lets go" He said. "Logan!" Drew said. Logan turned to see his whole family giving him a thumbs up "go get um!" They all said. Logan smiled as he gave them a thumbs up back "I won't let you down". "I don't think you can" they said as Majestic man headed back to America. "We don't have time to wait! the election is in 3 days" Jade said. "It will take 3 days to get there if we leave now" Rudy said. "But I don't know what happened, I need more time". "We don't have time, it's now or never" Jade said. Rudy thought of his family, all his friends and even Tony. "Fine, lets go!" He said as Jade smiled.
"Perfect lets go!" She said as she ran into Rudy's father. "Dad! do I say this". "No need" his father said heading him his fishing pole "just make sure to use this". "I love you father!" Rudy said hugging him. "I know you do". As he ran down the stairs with Jade his mother held out a bag for him "don't open it until you need to" she said winking. "Thanks mom, I owe you one!" Rudy said. "You've done enough already" she said. As they ran outside Rudy heard everyone call out to him. "Their he goes again! Hey Rudy don't forget about us! Don't be a stranger! Go Rudy man!". "Rudy!!!" A man yelled out. Rudy turned to see his old friend. "Ramon!" He said hugging his friend. "It seems I'm leaving again....." he said. Ramon looked sad "you idiot! You couldn't wait another day!" He said. Rudy looked confused. "I had $20 saying you'd leave tomorrow not today!". Rudy just laughed. "Sorry but I'm a bit pressed for time". "Well I'm not here to just say goodbye" Ramon said. "I heard what you did to Wanda" He said. "Yeah, such a shame"."she may have been a killer mower, the best we've ever made but alot has changed since then, I got more "connections" Ramon said. "Take this Rudy, it will show you what I mean" He said handing Rudy a small box that said LMZ and under that on a silver plate it said Wanda 2.0 "Ramon, what did you do?" Rudy asked. "I made her better" he said getting Rudy to Jade. "Don't use it until you need too, I better see it on TV!" he said as they peeled out. "Oh yeah and goodluck with your girlfriend!" He said making Rudy and Jade blush.
They headed out at top speeds as they made there way to America. "2 more days sir 2 more days!" A man said to Trump. "How are votes?" Trump asked. "Your votes have rocketed yet again and it seems your invincible now sir!". "So nothing new then" He said as everyone chuckled. "No sign of any.....trouble?" Trump asked. "No sir, I don't think we'll have to worry". "Sir the letter just came in, they gave a go to have the election here in Pas Rico City". "Everything is now in position, in 2 days and 10 hours we will begin world war 3!" He said as everyone cheered. "So you got a plan?" Jade asked. "My usual" Rudy said. "Which is?" "Rush him". "You can't Rush him, you'll be arrested on the spot!" Jade said. "As long as he doesn't win the election were free to do as we wish, we won't be in trouble if we derail his plans". "I guess your right but let's talk to the others about it". "So Majestic man, think we have a chance to win?" Paul asked. Logan thought back to the fight he had against Drama Queen and the fight he saw with Darkheart and Rudy. "If he has people like Darkheart with him it might be tough". "Don't forget who you got on your side" Nick said. "How could I, you keep reminding me". The next two days passed in a flash and both were a state away from there destination. "2 hours till the election sir!" A man said as Trump prepared himself. "2 hours until the election, we might not make it!" Jade said. Rudy grabbed the box from his pocket "I'll meet you there!" Rudy said as he jumped off of Jade's motorcycle and threw the box ahead of him. It exploded out of the box and formed a figure. "Woah" is the only thing Jade could say as Rudy rode a new lawn mower to the city, Jorge on his shoulder. "Fits like a glove huh?" Rudy said to Jorge as they sped up. An hour passed and Trump stood along with his two competitors, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. "I'm shock y'all showed up, but hey there can't be a winner without a loser" Trump said. Hillary ignored him as Bernie turned up his hearing aid "what did he say?". "We're live in 45 minutes!" A man said to them. Hundreds of thousands began to gather at Pas Rico City for the election and it seemed impossible to pack it any tighter. "It's going to be close!" Nick said punching it. "Rudy.....are you there yet?" Logan thought as Nick rammed through traffic. "20 minutes till we begin" a man said. "Don't look so nervous you two, I'll take good care of America" Trump said. "Your so high and mighty Trump but just so you know someone will bring you down, just you wait!" Hillary yelled. "What did he say?" Bernie asked. "Ah Hillary if you can't stop me I see no one else who can" Trump said. "10 minutes!". As Rudy got closer to the city he noticed all the traffic and knew he couldn't make it like this. "Looks like we're taking the air!" Rudy said as he increased the speed and readied himself for lift off. As Trump drank from his cup of water he saw it shake for a quick second. "5 minutes!". "Off we go!" Rudy yelled as Wanda jumped off the ground and a sonic boom through them high into the air. "3 minutes!". Rudy flew through the sky as fast as he could as he saw the election coming up. "We're going to need to do a drop off!" Rudy said as he clicked a button and Wanda turned back into a cube. Rudy flew down at top speeds getting hotter and hotter as he got closer. "1 minute!". "Go!" The man said. "Hello all!" Trump said as Rudy slammed down in front of everyone "I'm back!!!!!".

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