The Mexican Adventures of Rudy Man Issue #10: Jorge and the Butcher

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"Okay Jorge I'll be back in a few days, I'm so excited to get to finally go to the Soccer cup convention, I can't believe I won a ticket in a sweepstakes I don't remember taking" Rudy man said. "Well anyway, take care, there food in the back and don't buy anything on the internet again! Bye!" He said walking off. Jorge was asleep the whole time and only heard "excited, bye and food". He woke up a few moments later and shook his feathers up before going to eat. He saw his chicken feed and then smiled as he turned and went to the kitchen.
He flew up to the counter and brought a small pan over to the flame. He then opened the fridge and begin carefully deciding on what egg to use. He then grabbed it delicately and cracked it on the pan. He then picked up the pieces of the shell and began making a sunny side up egg. After cooking it he put a small plastic cup on the ground and pecked at the fridge until the orange juice spilled. Jorge quickly flew up and lifted it back up when the cup was full. After letting the egg cool he took the egg to the ground and began eating the egg and drinking his juice. As he ate a man snuck in the window carrying an axe. "Dinners up!" He said slashing at Jorge. Jorge quickly flew back leaving his egg and juice to get slashed. "Come here and get in my stomach!!!" The man said swinging like crazy. Jorge quickly jumped out the window and down the sidewalk. He ran as far as he could before hiding in a box. "Surprise!" The man yelled cutting the box in half. "I have a job to do and that means you have to die!" He yelled. Earlier that week
Darkheart had planned an idea to send Rudy man to a convention and ruin him. "Sir what about his sidekick?" A goon asked. "Hmm good point.... I don't want any interference, hire a butcher to deal with him". "I'll be payed big for this!" He said cornering Jorge. Jorge quickly dodged the attack and began pecking with all his might at the man's face until the man fell down. Jorge then ran back to the sidewalk and into a group of people. The man soon followed, angry and frustrated. He looked around for Jorge before spotting a white blur go into a restaurant. Jorge snuck passed a few chiefs and found himself hidden in a dark room. He took this time to not only take a breather but also think up a plan. Before he could finish the door began to open. Jorge quickly ran under the legs of the man entering who was just a worker who got startled and fell to the floor. The man who was in the restaurant saw him fall and saw as Jorge escaped through the ducts. Jorge tried to find a way out but was getting lost. As he continued to look for the exit a knife pierced the duct. Jorge began to speed up as more and more knifes were thrown to the duct. "Come on out bird!" He yelled as he threw his hatchet ahead of Jorge making the whole duct fall. Jorge jumped out and ran to the door and flew off across the street while more and more knifes were flung at him. As he made it across he felt a pain on his wing and noticed it was cut. He continued to run until he heard a noise that he thought may be helpful. The Butcher made his way and saw Jorge standing by a fence. He threw a knife at him but found out it was a fake. The real Jorge then jumped on his head from behind and went into his shirt. He began pecking and clawing all around until the man ripped his shirt off to reveal his rather buff build. "Your dead now!" He said grabbing Jorge by the neck. "Time to cut off that smart head of your" He said. Jorge bit his thumb and he escaped to put his newly thought up plan into motion. Jorge made his way into a construction site where he took the elevator up. The butcher followed and grabbed two knifes and began climbing with them. Jorge was at the site of a skyscraper being built and went all the way to the top to finish this. Jorge looked around and saw a pile of giant iron rods, a few pencils and screw drivers lying around and finally some boxes full of nuts and bolts. The building just had the structure done so it was just all bars and no floors. The butcher wasted no time and Jorge bearly had the time he needed to get his plan ready. He saw Jorge on the other side of the rod and began making his way over. The wind was getting stronger up here and the humidity made the bars wet and slippery. The floor had 4 bars running left to right and three running up and down. The iron rods were in the left corner blocking it and everything else was open. Jorge began his plan by throwing a near by pencil to a box of nuts and bolts he positioned to fall with the slightest force. The bolts fell off over the 3rd bar leading up and down and forced the man to take the second way. But Jorge had already threw another pencil and dropped another bucket of bolts on that one. "You foolish bird! All you've done is trapped yourself" he said walking down the final bar way. Jorge ran at the man and the man threw a knife but Jorge jumped on the knife and used it to go over the man. He then ran down the bar until he reached the other side. The man was now following, his hatchet ready. "That's far enough, just let me end this" he said. Jorge tried to make it to the iron rods but the butcher threw some knifes and blocked the way. Jorge turned to see the man slash at him. He had seconds before the impact and had to think quick. With a clank, two metals clashed. The man looked surprised as Jorge held a screw driver in his mouth and held the man back. "Come now bird, you know you can't overpower me!" He said pressing harder. With the blade inches away from Jorge's throat and him losing power he felt this was it but just then a sonic boom went off from somewhere and caused the man to lose balance and was hanging on by his hands. The knifes that blocked the way had fallen down and Jorge ran to the iron rods and watched as the man got up. "Die!" He yelled throwing his hatchet. Jorge smiled as he dodged and jumped down to the next floor. The butcher looked in horror as his hatchet hit the block holding the rods in place and they all began to roll to him. He tried to turn but the bolts were blocking his path. He turned and began to run but he slipped on the screw driver Jorge used and was hit hard by the rods, making him fall all the way down. "Damn you bird!!!" He said as he was out of sight. Jorge took a deep breath and took the elevator back down and walked home. As he got home he noticed how banged up the house was and began cleaning up. He then patched up his wing and crawled in his nest for some rest. He then heard some music playing and getting closer and closer. "I'm home!" Rudy said a few minutes later. He saw Jorge still asleep in his nest and smiled "oh your such a lazy bird".

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