The Mexican Adventures of Rudy Man Issue #23: Where it all began

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Rudy slept soundly as he felt a hand grab him. He woke up with a jolt to see a young mother in front of him. "Woah there! you okay?" She asked. Rudy was confused but nodded to his mother. "Well then come on, your father need you down by the pier". Rudy got up and noticed he was young again, like in his teens. He had no clue how to deal with this situation other then play along. He got dressed and headed to the pier. On the way there he was shocked to see all the young faces of his friends and relatives. "Morning Rudy! Hey Rudy! Go get um Rudy! Helping your pops again huh?" All these people began greeting Rudy as he made it the pier. "Hey there son your late, you know we start at 5:00am sharp" his father said. "Yes, I'm sorry...I over slept" Rudy said. Rudy's father handed him a fishing pole with his name on it "no worries Rudy, lets just fish". Rudy whipped his pole out to sea but in seconds he was at the dinner table with his family eating fish. "I can't believe Rudy caught such a big fish!" His mother praised. "Yes its amazing! He'll make a great fishermen one day" Rudy's father said. Rudy silently look at the fish on his plate. Before he could say anything he was in his bed, his mother talking to his father downstairs. Rudy got out of bed to hear his parents. "We're running low on funds again, I don't think we can make it to the end of the month this way" His mother said. "Don't worry about food we'll just get enough fish to feed us it will be fine". "But it won't! I don't even have enough to pay rent anymore!". She snapped. "If we don't get what we have the land Lord will kick us out and well have nothing" she said tearing up. "We'll think of something dear....I promise". Rudy went back to his bed to sleep. He closed his eyes and when he opened them he was once again on the pier with his dad. "Son I'm not sure if you know what's happening but were low on money and I'm not sure if I can get enough". "I know your young and I know you don't need to mature yet but I need you" His father said tearing up. "I'm not man enough to do this alone! I need you!" He said grabbing Rudy. Rudy looked at him confused and scared. His father let go as he turned back around. "I'm sorry......I didn't mean to scare you" He said. Rudy whipped his pole out "I'll help" he said. "Rudy......thank you" his father said. Rudy still had no clue what was happening but knew his father needed him. As he got a bite on his hook and rilled it in he found himself at the market with his father getting paid. "Excellent work, keep it up and you can expect more of this" The worker said. "Thank you sir I'll make sure to make you proud" he said. "I don't need you to make me proud, I want you to make me money" the worker said. Rudy then found himself at home eating fish again. "Amazing just amazing, you two really pulled through today, if we continue like this everything will be fine" his mother said. That night as everyone was asleep Rudy went down to see how much money they got and was shocked. "Ten dollars? This will barely last tomorrow! We gave that man 30 pounds of fish that's at least $3 a pound!" Rudy said. Before he could do anything he was back on the boat with his father. "Anything?" He asked. " not yet" Rudy said. In a fury of rage Rudy's father threw his pole into the ocean before he began to cry. "5's been 5 days since our last catch, we have no money, no food, and soon no home". "Why have you done this to us god? Why?!?" Rudy's father yelled. Rudy then found himself at home with his mother at the dinner table but there was no food. "I'm sorry Rudy but it seems we're going to eat light tonight" his mother said. Just then Rudy's father came in with a single fish. "Honey! Where did you get that?" She asked. "A gift, from a friend" he said. They cooked it and as soon as he was about to take a bite he was in bed again. He heard his parents yelling from their room. "How could you?!" His mother yelled. "It was the only way! It was for him!". "For him? You think he wants to eat a fish you stole!?". "There are no more fish in that ocean! I've been trying for days!" His father yelled. "I can't let him starve, I won't let him starve! If that means stealing I'll gladly steal". Rudy headed back to bed and by the time he blinked he heard a storm outside his house. He looked at the window to see the waves getting closer and closer. He father ran in as he yelled at Rudy to get out. Rudy saw the lighting strike as he was outside the house after the storm. "All of it ruined in water damage!" his mother cried. "We can't pay for these repairs, it's over" she said. "Good lord...." Rudy's father said heading to the back. "Where are you going?! Did you hear me?!" She yelled. "Honey....god has blessed us, he's finally blessed us!" He said as his mom took him to see what his father was talking about. "Nothing could possibly!" She was in shock. The whole yard was full of nothing but fish, all kinds left and right. "The tide must have washed them all up" his mother said speechless. "Come Rudy come! We have alot of bagging to do!" Rudy father said excited.
They bagged fish after fish until they had every last one. "300" his father said. "874 pounds of fish". "874 pounds of fish?! That could make us rich!" His mother said crying. Rudy was then in his bed as his mom and dad laughed happily. He smiled in his bed as he dozed off. "Can't you do anything officer?!" Rudy's father said. "I'm sorry sir there no leads or witnesses, this done" the officer said. Just then everything clicked in Rudy's mind. "I remember" he said as he sat down. "The storm, the fish, the robbery" he said. "This was my past, this is why I'm who I am" he said as he awoke in real time. Rudy got up slowly and remembered all that happened after that. "Father couldn't get the money back, we had nothing once again. Without money or food things were over. So Rudy's father began to rob house after house. Just enough to supply us. Mother was against it all but knew it was the only way. When I was old enough I knew I was worthless here so I set out to become a successful business man, but that's not all, I went to make sure the people of this world were safe". "That's why your Rudy man" his father said entering his room. "Father, did you hear all that?" Rudy asked. "Of course, and it hurts me to remember those times". "I still remember that day, your 20th birthday, you said that you couldn't live with us anymore, that we couldn't afford to. You said that you be leaving to America and become a successful business man and send us money. We didn't believe you, we thought it was a foolish young ambition but you proved us wrong". "No I didn't, look at me, I got deported and convinced for murder". "Do you think you did it?" He asked. "I don't know" Rudy said. "But you do". "I don't father I can't remember!" He yelled. "Can't you? Are you sure your not blocking it out?". Rudy said nothing. "I know your a good person, the best I know, you wouldn't kill, I hope you know that too" his father said leaving. As Rudy looked out the window he saw a small flash of that night. "Who did it?" He said to himself as he continued to remember. "How was your day at collage Logan?" Caren asked. "As normal as ever" he said depressed. Caren looked uneasy. "Hey honey?" She called to her husband. "Yes?" Drew responded. " do I say this....Logan is about to be 20 and he seems to be the same as in high school and middle school, I know you said it was just a phase but I fear he has a problem". "I'll talk to him". Later that night after Logan refused to eat Drew went up to his room to talk to him. "You feeling okay?" He asked. Logan didn't respond. "I think I know what your going through" Drew said. "No you don't, your far different then I am" Logan said. "Son, please, let me help". "All my life has been so plain, so worthless, won't anything ever change, ever be different?" He asked. "Why change, its quiet here, it's calm, and you even have a solid job with me at the bank, why would you want to change anything?". "Because I don't want to live that way! I want action! Adventure! I don't want to be an accountant!" Logan yelled. "Oh.... I see....well I won't stop you, you can do what you wish" Drew said leaving. His two siblings came in after to see there brother. "I'm fine it was just a little fight" he said. A few weeks later Rudy appeared in the news. "Man what a fool! Going around in a costume fighting crime? That's what the cops are for!" A man said. Drew and Caren both saw Rudy man in the paper and knew what Logan would think. "All the way from Mexico, he made his way to the states and made himself such a big deal that he appeared in Canadian news!" Logan said. "I can only imagine the kind of life he has, so full of thrills and life threatening experiences" Logan said. "But why would you want that? Here there are no chances of anything bad ever happening. The only deaths around here are from natural causes, this is a heavenly place" Drew said. "Heavenly?" Logan laughed. "Maybe to you and mom but I don't want to live a quiet life in this place, die without anything to show for it". "I want to be known, live a full life, I go to America". His parents didn't know what to say. "N-now lets think this over" Drew said. "I'm sorry dad, but I made up my mind as soon as I saw Rudy man on the paper, I'm going to America in one weeks time, I'll make sure to stay in touch". Drew knew that Logan was serious, he knew his son was about to leave him but he didn't fight it. The week passed by in a flash and Logan was packed and ready to go. "Goodbye, everyone" He said hugging his family. "We'll miss you" Caren said. "Be safe!" Drew said. "I'll miss you big brother!" His brothers said hugging him. "I'll stay in touch don't worry". "But that's our job" Caren said tearing up. "I hope you make it big" Drew said. "Me too" Logan said as his taxi pulled up. "Oh yeah, my names not Logan anymore, it's Majestic man" he said taking off. Logan looked back down to the kitchen and saw his family up bright and early making breakfast. "Ah Logan up and atem I see" his mother said. "Wish I could stay and chat but I got to get to work" Drew said hugging Caren. "Want some breakfast?" Caren said serving him. As Logan took a bite of his pancake he heard a familiar sound outside. "It can't be!" He said rushing out. Rudy continued looking outside until he heard something as well "no way!".

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